Package pylal :: Module skylocutils
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Module skylocutils

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Date: 2017-12-05 15:29:36 +0000

Author: Larry Price <> and Patrick Brady <>

Classes [hide private]
class for storing pdfs
useful class for doing sky localization.
simple container for the information needed to run the sky localization code
takes input in either the form of coire files or coinc tables (xml format) and produces a list of CoincData objects
Helpful parent class for row objects.
Helpful parent class for row objects.
Helpful parent class for row objects.
Functions [hide private]
get_delta_t_rss(pt, coinc, reference_frequency=None)
returns the rss timing error for a particular location in the sky (longitude,latitude)
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get_signal_duration(ifo, coinc, frequency)
determine the amount by which the coalescence time must be translated to get the reference time
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get_delta_D_rss(pt, coinc)
compute the rms difference in the ratio of the difference of the squares of Deff to the sum of the squares of Deff between the measured values and a "marginalized" effective distance this is just the squared Deff integrated over inclination and polarization which is proportional to (F+^2 + Fx^2)^(-1)
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gridsky(resolution, shifted=False)
grid the sky up into roughly square regions resolution is the length of a side the points get placed at the center of the squares and to first order each square has an area of resolution^2 if shifted is true, the grids are reported with latitudes in (0,pi).
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map_grids(coarsegrid, finegrid, coarseres=4.0)
takes the two grids (lists of lat/lon tuples) and returns a dictionary where the points in the coarse grid are the keys and lists of tuples of points in the fine grid are the values
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gaussian_kde(data, x, w)
kernel density estimate of the pdf represented by data at point x with bandwidth w
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_gauss_kern(x, xn, w)
gaussian kernel for kernel density estimator
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percentile(p, dat)
compute p%-tile of data in dat
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computes the interquartile range of data useful for determing widths of bins in histograms or bandwidths in kdes
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lonlat2polaz(lon, lat)
Convert (longitude, latitude) in radians to (polar, azimuthal) angles in radians.
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sbin(bins, pt, res=0.4)
bin points on the sky returns the index of the point in bin that is closest to pt
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populate_SkyLocTable(skyloctable, coinc, grid, A, grid_fname, skymap_fname=None, galmap_fname=None)
populate a row in a skyloctable
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populate_SkyLocInjTable(skylocinjtable, coinc, rank, area, dtrss_inj, dDrss_inj, grid_fname, gal_grid)
record injection data in a skylocinjtable
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populate_GalaxyTable(galaxytable, coinc, galaxy)
record galaxy data in a galaxytable
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Variables [hide private]
  detector_locations = {}
  detector_responses = {}
Function Details [hide private]

gridsky(resolution, shifted=False)

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grid the sky up into roughly square regions resolution is the length of a side the points get placed at the center of the squares and to first order each square has an area of resolution^2 if shifted is true, the grids are reported with latitudes in (0,pi). otherwise (default) they lie in (-pi/2,pi/2)