Package pylal :: Module ligolw_sstinca :: Class InspiralEventList
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Class InspiralEventList

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snglcoinc.EventList --+

A customization of the EventList class for use with the inspiral search.

Instance Methods [hide private]
Sort events by end time so that a bisection search can retrieve them.
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set_dt(self, dt)
If an event's end time differs by more than this many seconds from the end time of another event then it is *impossible* for them to be coincident.
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get_coincs(self, event_a, offset_a, light_travel_time, threshold, comparefunc)
The parameter 'threshold' holds the ethinca parameter (for metric-based coincidence tests) or the time window (for exact match with a fixed time uncertainty window)
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Method Details [hide private]


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Sort events by end time so that a bisection search can retrieve them. Note that the bisection search relies on the __cmp__() method of the SnglInspiral row class having previously been set to compare the event's end time to a LIGOTimeGPS.