Package pylal :: Module ligolw_sstinca
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Module ligolw_sstinca

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Date: 2017-12-05 15:29:36 +0000

Author: Kipp Cannon <>

Classes [hide private]
A customization of the EventList class for use with the inspiral search.
Dictionary-like device to extract XML document trees containing individual sngl_inspiral coincs from a source XML document tree containing several.
Functions [hide private]
append_process(xmldoc, **kwargs) source code
coinc_inspiral_end_time(events, offset_vector)
A custom function to compute the end_time of a coinc_inspiral trigger
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inspiral_max_dt(events, e_thinca_parameter)
Given an e-thinca parameter and a list of sngl_inspiral events, return the greatest \Delta t that can separate two events and they still be considered coincident.
source code
inspiral_max_dt_exact(events, e_thinca_parameter)
Given an e-thinca parameter and a list of sngl_inspiral events, return the greatest \Delta t that can separate two events and they still be considered coincident, *if* I am doing exact match coincidence
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inspiral_coinc_compare(a, offseta, b, offsetb, light_travel_time, e_thinca_parameter)
Returns False (a & b are coincident) if they pass the ellipsoidal thinca test.
source code
inspiral_coinc_compare_exact(a, offseta, b, offsetb, light_travel_time, e_thinca_parameter)
Returns False (a & b are coincident) if their component masses and spins are equal and they pass the ellipsoidal thinca test.
source code
inspiral_coinc_compare_exact_dt(a, offseta, b, offsetb, light_travel_time, delta_t)
Returns False (a & b are coincident) if their component masses and spins are equal and they have dt < (delta_t+light_travel_time) after offsets are considered.
source code
inspiral_compare_masses_spins(a, b)
Returns True if a and b have identical masses and spins.
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default_ntuple_comparefunc(events, offset_vector)
Default ntuple test function.
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replicate_threshold(threshold, instruments)
From a single threshold and a list of instruments, return a dictionary whose keys are every instrument pair (both orders), and whose values are all the same single threshold.
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get_vetoes(xmldoc, vetoes_name, verbose=False) source code
ligolw_thinca(xmldoc, process_id, coinc_definer_row, event_comparefunc, thresholds, ntuple_comparefunc=default_ntuple_comparefunc, magic_number=None, veto_segments=None, trigger_program=u"inspiral", likelihood_func=None, likelihood_params_func=None, verbose=False, max_dt_func=None) source code
Variables [hide private]
  InspiralCoincDef = lsctables.CoincDef(search= u"inspiral", sea...
Function Details [hide private]

inspiral_coinc_compare(a, offseta, b, offsetb, light_travel_time, e_thinca_parameter)

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Returns False (a & b are coincident) if they pass the ellipsoidal thinca test. Otherwise return True. light_travel_time if given in units of seconds.

inspiral_coinc_compare_exact(a, offseta, b, offsetb, light_travel_time, e_thinca_parameter)

source code 

Returns False (a & b are coincident) if their component masses and spins are equal and they pass the ellipsoidal thinca test. Otherwise return True. light_travel_time if given in units of seconds.

inspiral_coinc_compare_exact_dt(a, offseta, b, offsetb, light_travel_time, delta_t)

source code 

Returns False (a & b are coincident) if their component masses and spins are equal and they have dt < (delta_t+light_travel_time) after offsets are considered. Otherwise return True. light_travel_time and delta_t are given in units of seconds.

inspiral_compare_masses_spins(a, b)

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Returns True if a and b have identical masses and spins. Returns False if a and b have differing masses and spins.

default_ntuple_comparefunc(events, offset_vector)

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Default ntuple test function. Accept all ntuples.

replicate_threshold(threshold, instruments)

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From a single threshold and a list of instruments, return a dictionary whose keys are every instrument pair (both orders), and whose values are all the same single threshold.


>>> replicate_threshold(6, ["H1", "H2"])
{("H1", "H2"): 6, ("H2", "H1"): 6}

Variables Details [hide private]


lsctables.CoincDef(search= u"inspiral", search_coinc_type= 0, descript\
ion= u"sngl_inspiral<-->sngl_inspiral coincidences")