Package pylal :: Module InspiralUtils
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Module InspiralUtils

source code

Utilities for the inspiral plotting functions

Classes [hide private]
This is a class to contain all the bits of a inspiral page showing the results of a piece of code.
Content handler that only reads in the SummValue table
Functions [hide private]
Given an ifo set, returns an html color code for plotting.
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savefig_pylal(filename=None, filename_thumb=None, doThumb=True, dpi=None, dpi_thumb=50, fig=None)
@param filename: filename in which to save the figure...
source code
ErrorMessagePlotting(opts, thisplot) source code
message(opts, text) source code
set_figure_tag(plot_description, datatype_plotted='', open_box=True)
Returns a string containing a standard naming convention for the tag part of a figure name.
source code
set_figure_name(opts, figure_tag)
return a string containing a standard output name for pylal plotting functions.
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write_coinc_summ_table(tableList=[], commentList=[], stat=None, statTag=None, number=None, format=None, followup=None, followupOpts=None)
picks out loudest coincident triggers from given CoincInspiralUtils Tables and returns info about the coincidences in a html or wiki table
source code
write_html_output(opts, args, fnameList, tagLists, doThumb=True, mapList=[], comment=None, CoincSummTable=None, html_tag='', add_box_flag=False) source code
write_cache_output(opts, html_filename, fnameList)
write the output cache file of theplotting functions
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writeProcessParams(name, version, command)
Convert input parameters from the process params that the code was called with into a formatted string that can be saved within an other document (e.g., HTML)
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AddFileToCache(fname, cache)
Add the given file to the lal.Cache
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Generate a lal.Cache for the list of files
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initialise(opts, name, version=None)
Create suffix and prefix that will be used to name the output files.
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Load the markup module, and initialise the HTML document if the opts argument contains enable_ouput option.
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readHorizonDistanceFromSummValueTable(fList, verbose=False, contenthandler=SummValueContentHandler)
read in the SummValueTables from a list of files and return the horizon distance versus total mass
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Variables [hide private]
  colors = {'G1': 'k', 'H1': 'r', 'H2': 'b', 'L1': 'g', 'V1': 'm'}
  symbols = {'G1': 'Y', 'H1': 'x', 'H2': 'o', 'L1': '+', 'V1': '1'}
Function Details [hide private]

savefig_pylal(filename=None, filename_thumb=None, doThumb=True, dpi=None, dpi_thumb=50, fig=None)

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@param filename: filename in which to save the figure
@param filename_thumb: filename into which save a thumbnail of the figure
@param doThumb: save the thumbnail or not (doThumb=True by default)
@param dpi: resolution of the figure
@param dpi_thumb: resolution of the thumbnail (dpi=50 by default)
@param fig: the particular figure you wish to save (current figure by
@return filename_thumb if a thumbnail was created (computed from filename
        by default)

set_figure_tag(plot_description, datatype_plotted='', open_box=True)

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Returns a string containing a standard naming convention for the tag part of a figure name. The convention used is: ${plot_description}_${DATATYPE}_PLOTTED(_OPEN_BOX)

write_coinc_summ_table(tableList=[], commentList=[], stat=None, statTag=None, number=None, format=None, followup=None, followupOpts=None)

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picks out loudest coincident triggers from given CoincInspiralUtils Tables and returns info about the coincidences in a html or wiki table

  • tableList - a list of CoincInspiralUtils.coincInspiralTables
  • commentList - comments about each table (e.g., file name)
  • stat - any CoincInspiralUtils.coincStatistic
  • statTag - string specifying what stat used
  • number - number of triggers to list
  • format - desired output format; can be either 'html' or 'wiki'

write_html_output(opts, args, fnameList, tagLists, doThumb=True, mapList=[], comment=None, CoincSummTable=None, html_tag='', add_box_flag=False)

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  • opts - The options from the calling code
  • args - The args from the calling code
  • fnameList - A list of the filenames
  • tagLists - A list for the tags, getting added to the links
  • doThumb - Uses the _thumb file as the sourcs for the images
  • mapList - A list of dictionaries to create the image maps

writeProcessParams(name, version, command)

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Convert input parameters from the process params that the code was called with into a formatted string that can be saved within an other document (e.g., HTML)

  • name - name of the executable/script
  • version - version of the executable/script
  • command - command line arguments from a pylal script @return text

AddFileToCache(fname, cache)

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Add the given file to the lal.Cache

  • fname
  • cache


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Generate a lal.Cache for the list of files

  • fileList - a list of files @return cache

initialise(opts, name, version=None)

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Create suffix and prefix that will be used to name the output files. 'version' is outdated and not used anymore.

  • opts - the user arguments (user_tag, gps_end_time and gps_start_time are used).
  • name - name of the calling function/executable @return prefix @return suffix


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Load the markup module, and initialise the HTML document if the opts argument contains enable_ouput option.

  • opts - the user arguments @return page @return extra

readHorizonDistanceFromSummValueTable(fList, verbose=False, contenthandler=SummValueContentHandler)

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read in the SummValueTables from a list of files and return the horizon distance versus total mass

  • fList - list of input files
  • verbose - boolean (default False)