Package pylal :: Module InspiralUtils
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Source Code for Module pylal.InspiralUtils

  1  """ 
  2  Utilities for the inspiral plotting functions 
  3  """ 
  5  from glue import lal 
  6  from glue import segments 
  7  import socket, os 
  8  import sys 
  9  import copy 
 10  import math 
 12  from glue.ligolw import ligolw 
 13  from glue.ligolw import table 
 14  from glue.ligolw import lsctables 
 15  from glue.ligolw import utils 
 16  from pylal import SnglInspiralUtils 
 17  from pylal import CoincInspiralUtils 
 18  from pylal import git_version 
 19  from glue import markup 
 20  from glue.markup import oneliner as extra_oneliner 
 22  # set default color code for inspiral plotting functions 
 23  colors = {'G1':'k','H1':'r','H2':'b','L1':'g','V1':'m'} 
 24  symbols = {'G1':'Y','H1':'x','H2':'o','L1':'+','V1':'1'} 
 26  # set color codes for coincident ifo types 
27 -def get_coinc_ifo_colors( ifo_set ):
28 """ 29 Given an ifo set, returns an html color code for plotting. 30 """ 31 # check that ifo_set is set or frozenset 32 if not ( isinstance(ifo_set, set) or isinstance(ifo_set, frozenset) ): 33 raise ValueError("ifo_set must be of type set or frozenset. " 34 "Use lsctables.instrument_set_from_ifos to do this.") 35 36 if ifo_set == set(['H1', 'H2', 'L1', 'V1']): 37 return '#F88017' # dark orange 38 elif ifo_set == set(['H1', 'H2', 'L1']): 39 return '#00FFFF' # cyan 40 elif ifo_set == set(['H1', 'L1', 'V1']): 41 return '#7D1B7E' # dark orchid 42 elif ifo_set == set(['H2', 'L1', 'V1']): 43 return '#153E7E' # dodger blue4 44 elif ifo_set == set(['H1', 'L1']): 45 return '#00FF00' # green 46 elif ifo_set == set(['H1', 'V1']): 47 return '#6698FF' # sky blue 48 elif ifo_set == set(['H2', 'L1']): 49 return '#FF0000' # red 50 elif ifo_set == set(['H2', 'V1']): 51 return '#FF00FF' # magenta 52 elif ifo_set == set(['L1', 'V1']): 53 return '#254117' # dark green 54 else: # other coincs just set to black 55 return 'k'
56 57 58 ############################################################
59 -class InspiralPage(object):
60 """ 61 This is a class to contain all the bits of a inspiral page 62 showing the results of a piece of code. 63 """ 64 65 # ------------------------------------------------------ 66 # ------------------------------------------------------
67 - def __init__(self, options, ifo_times=None, ifo_tag=None, user_tag=None, 68 gps_start_time=None, gps_end_time=None):
69 """ 70 Initializes this class with the options. 71 @params options: option object from the calling function 72 """ 73 self.opts = options 74 75 # set the version of the code and the caling executable 76 self.version = git_version.verbose_msg.replace('\n','<br>') 77 = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) 78 self.arguments = sys.argv[1:] 79 80 # use the values from this option object to initialize some variables 81 self.initialize() 82 83 # overwrite the default values if needed 84 if ifo_times: self.ifo_times = ifo_times 85 if ifo_tag: self.ifo_tag = ifo_tag 86 if user_tag: self.user_tag = user_tag 87 if gps_start_time is not None: self.gps_start_time = gps_start_time 88 if gps_end_time is not None: self.gps_end_time = gps_end_time 89 90 # and NOW create the suffix and prefixes 91 self.create_affixes() 92 93 # create some empty lists 94 self.fname_list = [] 95 self.tag_list = [] 96 self.html_footer = ""
97 98 99 # ------------------------------------------------------
100 - def initialize(self):
101 """ 102 Extract information from the option structure. 103 Does NOT alter the information in the option structure 104 """ 105 106 if hasattr(self.opts, 'ifo_times'): 107 self.ifo_times = self.opts.ifo_times 108 else: 109 self.ifo_times = None 110 111 if hasattr(self.opts, 'ifo_tag'): 112 self.ifo_tag = self.opts.ifo_tag 113 else: 114 self.ifo_tag = None 115 116 if hasattr(self.opts, 'user_tag'): 117 self.user_tag = self.opts.user_tag 118 else: 119 self.user_tag = None 120 121 if hasattr(self.opts, 'gps_start_time'): 122 self.time_string = str(int(self.opts.gps_start_time))+"-" + \ 123 str(int(math.ceil(self.opts.gps_end_time))-int(self.opts.gps_start_time)) 124 else: 125 self.time_string = "unspecified-gpstime" 126 127 if hasattr(self.opts,'output_path'): 128 self.output_path = self.opts.output_path 129 if not self.output_path.endswith('/'): 130 self.output_path += '/' 131 else: 132 self.output_path = './'
133 134 # create the output directory later 135 136 # ------------------------------------------------------
137 - def create_affixes(self):
138 """ 139 Create the affixes (prefix/suffix) for the image naming 140 """ 141 self.prefix = 142 143 if self.ifo_times: 144 self.prefix = self.ifo_times + "-" + self.prefix 145 if self.ifo_tag: 146 self.prefix = self.prefix + "_" + self.ifo_tag 147 if self.user_tag: 148 self.prefix = self.prefix + "_" + self.user_tag 149 150 self.suffix = "-"+self.time_string
151 152 153 # ------------------------------------------------------
154 - def add_plot(self, plot_fig, fig_description, output_dir = None):
155 """ 156 Add a plot to the page. 157 @param plot_fig: handle of the figure 158 @param fig_description: descriptive figure text for the filename 159 @param output_dir: alternate output directory [optional] 160 """ 161 162 fname = "Images/" + self.prefix + "_"+ fig_description + self.suffix 163 164 if output_dir: 165 fname = output_dir + '/' + fname 166 else: 167 fname = self.output_path + fname 168 169 filename, filename_thumb = self.savefig(fname, plot_fig) 170 171 self.fname_list.append(filename) 172 self.tag_list.append(filename)
173 174 # ------------------------------------------------------
175 - def savefig(self, filename_base, fig, doThumb=True, dpi = None, dpi_thumb=50):
176 """ 177 Function to create the image file. 178 @param filename_base: basename of the filename (without the .png ending) 179 @param fig: handle to the figure to save 180 @param doThumb: save the thumbnail or not (doThumb=True by default) 181 @param dpi: resolution of the figure 182 @param dpi_thumb: resolution of the thumbnail (dpi=50 by default) 183 """ 184 185 savefig_kwargs = {} 186 if dpi is not None: 187 savefig_kwargs["dpi"] = dpi 188 189 # create the image file 190 filename = filename_base + '.png' 191 fig.savefig(filename, **savefig_kwargs) 192 193 if doThumb: 194 filename_thumb = filename_base + '_thumb.png' 195 fig.savefig(filename_thumb, dpi=dpi_thumb) 196 else: 197 filename_thumb = None 198 199 return filename, filename_thumb
200 201 # ------------------------------------------------------
202 - def write_page(self, infix = None, doThumb = True, 203 map_list = [], coinc_summ_table = None ):
204 """ 205 Create the pages if output is enabled 206 """ 207 if self.opts.enable_output: 208 html_filename = self.create_htmlname(infix) 209 self.write_html_output(html_filename, doThumb = doThumb, 210 map_list = map_list, coinc_summ_table = coinc_summ_table, 211 comment=self.html_footer or None) 212 self.write_cache_output(html_filename) 213 return html_filename
214 215 # ------------------------------------------------------
216 - def write(self, text):
217 """ 218 Write some text to the standard output AND 219 to the page. 220 """ 221 print text 222 self.html_footer+=text+'<br>'
223 224 # ------------------------------------------------------
225 - def create_htmlname(self, infix):
226 """ 227 Create the html filename 228 """ 229 230 # Any infix to use? 231 if infix: 232 html_filename = self.prefix + '_' + infix + self.suffix 233 else: 234 html_filename = self.prefix + self.suffix 235 236 html_filename += ".html" 237 238 if self.output_path: 239 html_filename = self.output_path + html_filename 240 241 return html_filename
242 243 # ------------------------------------------------------
244 - def write_html_output(self, html_filename, doThumb=True, map_list=[], 245 comment=None, coinc_summ_table=None ):
246 """ 247 @param doThumb: Uses the thumbnail file as the sourcs for the images 248 @param map_list: A list of dictionaries to create the image maps 249 @param comment: A comment that can be added to the page 250 @param coinc_summ_table: A CoincSummTable that can be added to the page 251 """ 252 253 # Initialise the html output file 254 page = 255 try: 256 page.init(title=__title__) 257 except: 258 page.init() 259 260 page.h1( + " results") 261 262 page.p(self.prefix + self.suffix) 263 264 265 # open the output file 266 html_file = file(html_filename, "w") 267 268 # loop over the contents 269 for tag,filename in zip(self.tag_list, self.fname_list): 270 271 # set the correct name for linking (two '//' does not bother) 272 fname = "Images/" + os.path.basename(filename) 273 274 # set the thumbnail pictures if required 275 if doThumb: 276 fname_thumb = fname[:-4] + "_thumb.png" 277 else: 278 fname_thumb = fname 279 280 # add the image to the page 281 page.a(extra_oneliner.img(src=[fname_thumb], width=400, 282 alt=tag, border="2"), title=tag, href=[ fname]) 283 284 page.add("<hr/>") 285 286 # add maps to this page 287 m=0 288 for map_dict in map_list: 289 m+=1 290 page.add( map_dict['text']+'<br>' ) 291 page.add( '<IMG src="%s" width=800px ' 292 'usemap="#map%d">' % ( map_dict['object'], m) ) 293 page.add( '<MAP name="map%d"> <P>' % m ) 294 n=0 295 for px, py, link in zip( map_dict['xCoords'], 296 map_dict['yCoords'], 297 map_dict['links'] ): 298 n+=1 299 page.add( '<area href="%s" shape="circle" ' 300 'coords="%d, %d, 5"> Point%d</a>' % 301 ( link, px, py, n) ) 302 page.add('</P></MAP></OBJECT><br>') 303 page.add("<hr/>") 304 305 # add some extra stuff if needed 306 if comment: 307 page.add("<div> "+comment+"</div>") 308 309 310 if coinc_summ_table: 311 page.add(coinc_summ_table) 312 313 314 text = self.write_process_params() 315 page.add(text) 316 html_file.write(page(False)) 317 html_file.close()
318 319 320 # ------------------------------------------------------
321 - def write_cache_output(self, html_filename):
322 """ 323 Write the output cache file of the plotting functions. 324 @param: html_filename: the name of the html file 325 """ 326 327 output_cache_name = self.prefix + self.suffix +'.cache' 328 if self.output_path: 329 output_cache_name = self.output_path + output_cache_name 330 331 # open the cachefile 332 cachefile = open(output_cache_name, 'w') 333 cachefile.write(os.path.basename(html_filename) + '\n') 334 335 # loop over each entry in fname_list 336 for filename in self.fname_list: 337 if filename.endswith('.png'): 338 fname = "Images/"+os.path.basename(filename) # set the correct name for linking 339 elif filename.endswith('.html'): 340 fname = os.path.basename(str(filename)) # set the correct name for linking 341 342 # add the name to the cache file 343 cachefile.write(fname + '\n') 344 345 # and close the file 346 cachefile.close()
347 348 # ------------------------------------------------------
349 - def write_process_params(self):
350 """ 351 Returns the version and the full command run 352 """ 353 text = "Figure(s) produced with '" + + "' with version: <br>" \ 354 + self.version \ 355 + '<br>\n<p style="width:80%; color:blue">' + 356 for arg in self.arguments: 357 text += " " + arg 358 text += '</p>' 359 360 return text
362 -def savefig_pylal(filename=None, filename_thumb=None, doThumb=True, dpi=None, 363 dpi_thumb=50, fig=None):
364 """ 365 @param filename: filename in which to save the figure 366 @param filename_thumb: filename into which save a thumbnail of the figure 367 @param doThumb: save the thumbnail or not (doThumb=True by default) 368 @param dpi: resolution of the figure 369 @param dpi_thumb: resolution of the thumbnail (dpi=50 by default) 370 @param fig: the particular figure you wish to save (current figure by 371 default) 372 @return filename_thumb if a thumbnail was created (computed from filename 373 by default) 374 375 """ 376 import pylab 377 378 # fill in non-trivial defaults 379 if fig is None: 380 fig = pylab.gcf() 381 if dpi is None: 382 dpi = pylab.rcParams["savefig.dpi"] 383 if doThumb and (filename_thumb is None): 384 if filename is None: 385 raise ValueError("must provide filename_thumb or filename if doThumb " 386 "is True") 387 index = filename.rindex('.') 388 filename_thumb = filename[0:index] + '_thumb' + filename[index:] 389 390 # save picture into a file 391 if filename is not None: 392 fig.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi) 393 394 # save thumbnail into a file if requested 395 if doThumb: 396 fig.savefig(filename_thumb, dpi=dpi_thumb) 397 398 return filename_thumb
399 400
401 -def ErrorMessagePlotting(opts, thisplot):
402 """ 403 404 """ 405 text = "---Error in ""in plotting functions "+thisplot 406 if "chi" in thisplot: 407 text += "\n---possible reasons related to chi-square (are you reading first stage triggers ?)" 408 print >> sys.stderr, text
409 410
411 -def message(opts, text):
412 """ 413 414 """ 415 if opts.verbose: 416 print text 417 return text+'<br>\n'
419 -def set_figure_tag( plot_description, datatype_plotted = '', open_box = True ):
420 """ 421 Returns a string containing a standard naming convention for the tag part of a figure name. 422 The convention used is: 423 ${plot_description}_${DATATYPE}_PLOTTED(_OPEN_BOX) 424 425 @plot_description: a description of the plot 426 @datatype_plotted: datatype that appears in the plot. If specified, '_PLOTTED' will be 427 added after the datatype 428 @open_box: whether or not looking at the plot constitutes opening the box 429 If set to True, _OPEN_BOX will be added to the file name. If set False, no flag 430 will be added. 431 """ 432 if datatype_plotted != '': 433 datatype_plotted = '_'.join([ '', datatype_plotted, 'PLOTTED' ]) 434 if open_box is True: 435 box_flag = '_OPEN_BOX' 436 else: 437 box_flag = '' 438 439 return ''.join([ plot_description, datatype_plotted, box_flag ])
441 -def set_figure_name(opts, figure_tag):
442 """ 443 return a string containing a standard output name for pylal 444 plotting functions. 445 """ 446 fname = ''.join([ "Images/", opts.prefix, "_", figure_tag, opts.suffix, ".png" ]) 447 448 if opts.output_path is not None: 449 fname = opts.output_path + fname 450 451 return fname
453 -def write_coinc_summ_table(tableList = [], commentList = [], stat=None, statTag=None, number=None, format=None,followup = None, followupOpts = None):
454 """ 455 picks out loudest coincident triggers from given CoincInspiralUtils Tables 456 and returns info about the coincidences in a html or wiki table 457 458 @param tableList: a list of CoincInspiralUtils.coincInspiralTables 459 @param commentList: comments about each table (e.g., file name) 460 @param stat: any CoincInspiralUtils.coincStatistic 461 @param statTag: string specifying what stat used 462 @param number: number of triggers to list 463 @param format: desired output format; can be either 'html' or 'wiki' 464 """ 465 # set format 466 if format == 'html': 467 tx = '<table border = "1">' 468 xt = '</table>' 469 thx = '<tr><td colspan=14>' 470 rx = '<tr><td>' 471 xr = '</td></tr>' 472 xccx = '</td><td>' 473 elif format == 'wiki': 474 tx = '' 475 xt = '' 476 thx = '||<-14>' 477 rx = '||' 478 xr = '||\n' 479 xccx = '||' 480 else: 481 raise ValueError, 'unrecognized format; must be either html or wiki' 482 483 # set statTag if not specified 484 if statTag is None: statTag = 485 486 CoincSummTable = '' 487 488 # populate table 489 for coincTable, coincComment in zip(tableList,commentList): 490 if == 'far': 491 coincTable.sort(descending=False) 492 else: 493 coincTable.sort() 494 rank = 1 495 # set table header 496 CoincSummTable = CoincSummTable + tx + thx + coincComment + xr 497 CoincSummTable = CoincSummTable + \ 498 rx + ' Rank ' + xccx + ' followup ' + xccx + 'Coinc IFOs' + xccx + \ 499 statTag + xccx + 'False Alarm Probability' + xccx + ' end_time ' + \ 500 xccx + ' end_time_ns ' + xccx + ' mass1 ' + xccx + ' mass2 ' + xccx + ' mchirp ' + \ 501 xccx + ' eta ' + xccx + ' snr ' + xccx + ' chisq ' + xccx + ' effective_snr ' + xr 502 for coinc in coincTable: 503 if format == 'html': 504 CoincSummTable = CoincSummTable + '<tr><td rowspan=' + str(coinc.numifos) + '>' + str(rank) + '</td>' 505 elif format == 'wiki': 506 CoincSummTable = CoincSummTable + rx + '<|' + str(coinc.numifos) + '>' + str(rank) + xccx 507 followupLink = 'None' 508 if followup: 509 followup.from_coinc( coinc, coinc.get_ifos()[1][0] ) 510 coinc.get_ifos()[1][0] 511 followupFile = followupOpts.prefix \ 512 + '_followup_' + str(followup.number) + followupOpts.suffix \ 513 + '.html' 514 followupLink = '<a href="./' + followupFile +'"> here </a>' 515 if format == 'html': 516 CoincSummTable = CoincSummTable + '<td rowspan=' + str(coinc.numifos) + '>' + followupLink + xccx 517 elif format == 'wiki': 518 CoincSummTable = CoincSummTable + rx + '<|' + str(coinc.numifos) + '>' + followupLink + xccx 519 # cycle through info 520 for trig in coinc: 521 CoincSummTable = CoincSummTable + trig.ifo + xccx + str(coinc.stat) + xccx + str(coinc.fap) + xccx + str(trig.end_time) + \ 522 xccx + str(trig.end_time_ns) + xccx + str(trig.mass1) + xccx + str(trig.mass2) + xccx + str(trig.mchirp) + \ 523 xccx + str(trig.eta) + xccx + str(trig.snr) + xccx + str(trig.chisq) + xccx + str(trig.get_effective_snr()) + xr + \ 524 rx 525 CoincSummTable = CoincSummTable + xr 526 rank = rank + 1 527 if rank > number: break 528 CoincSummTable = CoincSummTable + xt 529 530 return CoincSummTable
532 -def write_html_output(opts, args, fnameList, tagLists, 533 doThumb=True, mapList = [], 534 comment=None, CoincSummTable=None, 535 html_tag = '', add_box_flag=False):
536 """ 537 @param opts: The options from the calling code 538 @param args: The args from the calling code 539 @param fnameList: A list of the filenames 540 @param tagLists: A list for the tags, getting added to the links 541 @param doThumb: Uses the _thumb file as the sourcs for the images 542 @param mapList: A list of dictionaries to create the image maps 543 @html_tag: tag to add to html filename 544 @add_box_flag: Adds _OPEN_BOX to the html file name if any 545 of the files in filelist have "_OPEN_BOX" in their name. Otherwise, 546 will add "_CLOSED_BOX" to the file name. These flags go between 547 opts.prefix and opts.suffix 548 """ 549 550 prefix = opts.prefix 551 # add the html_tag if desired 552 if html_tag != '': 553 prefix += '_' + html_tag 554 # add the box-flag to the prefix if desired 555 if add_box_flag: 556 box_flag = '' 557 if any(fname for fname in fnameList if 'OPEN_BOX' in fname): 558 box_flag ='_OPEN_BOX' 559 else: 560 box_flag = '_CLOSED_BOX' 561 # add the box flag to the prefix 562 prefix += box_flag 563 564 # -- the HTML document and output cache file 565 # -- initialise the web page calling init_page 566 page, extra = init_markup_page(opts) 567 page.h1( + " results") 568 569 page.p(prefix + opts.suffix) 570 571 572 # -- filename 573 html_filename = prefix + opts.suffix +".html" 574 if opts.output_path: 575 html_filename = opts.output_path + html_filename 576 html_file = file(html_filename, "w") 577 578 # loop over the contents 579 for tag,filename in zip(tagLists,fnameList): 580 581 # set the correct name for linking (two '//' does not bother) 582 fname = "Images/" + os.path.basename(filename) 583 584 # set the thumbnail pictures if required 585 if doThumb: 586 fname_thumb = fname[:-4] + "_thumb.png" 587 else: 588 fname_thumb =fname 589 590 # add the image to tge page 591 page.a(extra.img(src=[fname_thumb], width=400, 592 alt=tag, border="2"), title=tag, href=[ fname]) 593 594 page.add("<hr/>") 595 596 # add maps to this page 597 if len(mapList)>0: 598 m=0 599 for mapDict in mapList: 600 m+=1 601 page.add( mapDict['text']+'<br>' ) 602 page.add( '<IMG src="%s" width=800px ' 603 'usemap="#map%d">' % ( mapDict['object'], m) ) 604 page.add( '<MAP name="map%d"> <P>' % m ) 605 n=0 606 for px, py, link in zip( mapDict['xCoords'], 607 mapDict['yCoords'], 608 mapDict['links'] ): 609 n+=1 610 page.add( '<area href="%s" shape="circle" ' 611 'coords="%d, %d, 5"> Point%d</a>' % 612 ( link, px, py, n) ) 613 page.add('</P></MAP></OBJECT><br>') 614 page.add("<hr/>") 615 616 if opts.enable_output: 617 if comment is not None: 618 page.add("<div> "+comment+"</div>") 619 620 if CoincSummTable is not None: 621 page.add(CoincSummTable) 622 623 text = writeProcessParams(, opts.version, args) 624 page.add(text) 625 html_file.write(page(False)) 626 html_file.close() 627 628 return html_filename
629 630
631 -def write_cache_output(opts, html_filename,fnameList):
632 """ 633 write the output cache file of theplotting functions 634 """ 635 636 output_cache_name = '.'.join([html_filename.rstrip('.html'), 'cache']) 637 this = open(output_cache_name, 'w') 638 if opts.enable_output: 639 this.write(os.path.basename(html_filename) + '\n') 640 for filename in fnameList: 641 if str(filename).endswith('.png'): 642 fname = "Images/"+os.path.basename(filename) # set the correct name for linking 643 elif str(filename).endswith('.html'): 644 fname = os.path.basename(str(filename)) # set the correct name for linking 645 this.write(fname + '\n') 646 this.close()
647 648
649 -def writeProcessParams(name, version, command):
650 """ 651 Convert input parameters from the process params that the code was called 652 with into a formatted string that can be saved within an other document 653 (e.g., HTML) 654 655 @param name: name of the executable/script 656 @param version:version of the executable/script 657 @param command: command line arguments from a pylal script 658 @return text 659 """ 660 text = "Figure(s) produced with '" + name + "' with version: <br>" \ 661 + version \ 662 + '<br>\n<p style="width:80%; color:blue">'+ name 663 for arg in command: 664 text += " " + arg 665 text+='</p>' 666 667 return text
669 -def AddFileToCache(fname, cache):
670 """ 671 Add the given file to the lal.Cache 672 673 @param fname: 674 @param cache: 675 """ 676 file_name = fname.split('.')[0].split('-') 677 cache.append(lal.CacheEntry( file_name[0], file_name[1], 678 segments.segment(int(file_name[2]), 679 int(file_name[2]) + int(file_name[3])), 680 'file://' + socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0] + \ 681 os.getcwd() + '/' + fname))
683 -def GenerateCache(fileList):
684 """ 685 Generate a lal.Cache for the list of files 686 687 @param fileList : a list of files 688 @return cache 689 """ 690 cache = lal.Cache() 691 for file in fileList: 692 AddFileToCache(file, cache) 693 return(cache)
694 695
696 -class SummValueContentHandler(ligolw.PartialLIGOLWContentHandler):
697 """ 698 Content handler that only reads in the SummValue table 699 """
700 - def __init__(self, xmldoc):
701 ligolw.PartialLIGOLWContentHandler.__init__(self, xmldoc, lambda name, attrs: lsctables.IsTableProperties(lsctables.SummValueTable, name, attrs))
702 703 try: 704 lsctables.use_in(SummValueContentHandler) 705 except AttributeError: 706 # old glue did not allow .use_in(). 707 # FIXME: remove when we can require the latest version of glue 708 pass 709 710
711 -def initialise(opts, name, version = None):
712 """ 713 Create suffix and prefix that will be used to name the output files. 714 'version' is outdated and not used anymore. 715 716 @param opts : the user arguments (user_tag, gps_end_time and 717 gps_start_time are used). 718 @param name: name of the calling function/executable 719 @return prefix 720 @return suffix 721 """ 722 723 724 # compose prefix 725 prefix = name 726 try: 727 if opts.ifo_times: 728 prefix = opts.ifo_times +"-"+ prefix 729 except: 730 print >> sys.stderr, "--ifo-times option not implemented in the "+name +" executable. skipping..." 731 pass 732 try: 733 if opts.ifo_tag: 734 prefix = prefix + "_" + opts.ifo_tag 735 except: 736 print >> sys.stderr, "--ifo-tag option not implemented in the "+name +" executable. skipping..." 737 pass 738 try: 739 if opts.user_tag: 740 prefix = prefix + "_" + opts.user_tag 741 except: 742 print >> sys.stderr, "--user-tag option not implemented in the "+name +" executable. skipping..." 743 pass 744 745 # compose suffix 746 try: 747 if opts.gps_start_time is not None and opts.gps_end_time is not None: 748 suffix = "-"+str(int(opts.gps_start_time))+"-"+str(int(math.ceil(opts.gps_end_time))-int(opts.gps_start_time)) 749 else: 750 suffix = "-unspecified-gpstime" 751 except: 752 suffix = "-unspecified-gpstime" 753 print >> sys.stderr, "--gps-start-time and/or --gps-end-time option not implemented in the " + \ 754 name + " executable. skipping..." 755 pass 756 757 opts.prefix = prefix 758 opts.suffix = suffix 759 = name 760 opts.version = git_version.verbose_msg.replace("\n","<br>") 761 762 # make sure output_path is set correctly 763 if opts.output_path is not None: 764 if not opts.output_path.endswith("/"): 765 opts.output_path += "/" 766 767 # create output file if required 768 if not os.path.exists(opts.output_path): 769 os.mkdir(opts.output_path) 770 771 if not os.path.exists(opts.output_path+"Images"): 772 os.mkdir(opts.output_path+"Images") 773 774 else: 775 if not os.path.exists("Images"): 776 os.mkdir("Images") 777 778 return opts
779 780
781 -def init_markup_page( opts):
782 """ 783 Load the markup module, and initialise the HTML document if the opts 784 argument contains enable_ouput option. 785 786 @param opts : the user arguments 787 @return page 788 @return extra 789 """ 790 # Initialise the html output file 791 if opts.enable_output: 792 try: 793 from glue import markup 794 from glue.markup import oneliner as extra_oneliner 795 except: 796 raise ImportError("Require to generate the html page") 797 798 page = 799 try: 800 page.init(title=__title__) 801 except: 802 page.init() 803 804 return page, extra_oneliner
805 806
807 -def readHorizonDistanceFromSummValueTable(fList, verbose=False, contenthandler=SummValueContentHandler):
808 """ 809 read in the SummValueTables from a list of files and return the 810 horizon distance versus total mass 811 812 @param fList: list of input files 813 @param verbose: boolean (default False) 814 """ 815 816 output = {} 817 massOutput = {} 818 count = 0 819 if len(fList) == 0: 820 return output 821 822 # for each file in the list 823 for thisFile in fList: 824 if verbose: 825 print str(count+1)+"/"+str(len(fList))+" " + thisFile 826 count = count+1 827 massNum = 0 828 829 doc = utils.load_filename(thisFile, contenthandler = contenthandler) 830 try: 831 summ_value_table = lsctables.SummValueTable.get_table(doc) 832 except ValueError: 833 print "ValueError in readHorizonDistanceFromSummValueTable while reading summvalue table from file ", thisFile 834 return output,massOutput 835 836 # if not summ_value table was filled , then simply returns 837 if summ_value_table is None: 838 return output,massOutput 839 840 # else 841 for row in summ_value_table: 842 # we should find a name "inspiral_effective_distance" 843 if == 'inspiral_effective_distance': 844 # it may be that the file read is an inspiral file containing only the BNS infomration 845 if (row.comment == '1.40_1.40_8.00') or (row.comment == '1.4_1.4_8'): 846 if not output.has_key(row.ifo): 847 output[row.ifo] = lsctables.New(lsctables.SummValueTable) 848 output[row.ifo].append(row) 849 # or a template bank containing a whole list of inspiral_effective_distance 850 else: 851 if not massOutput.has_key(row.ifo): 852 massOutput[row.ifo] = [lsctables.New(lsctables.SummValueTable)] 853 if len(massOutput[row.ifo]) < massNum + 1: 854 massOutput[row.ifo].append(lsctables.New(lsctables.SummValueTable)) 855 massOutput[row.ifo][massNum].append(row) 856 massNum += 1 857 return output,massOutput