Package pylal :: Module spawaveform
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Module spawaveform

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This module is a wrapper of the _spawaveform module, supplementing the C code in that module with additional features that are more easily implemented in Python. It is recommended that you import this module rather than importing _spawaveform directly.

Date: 2017-12-05 15:29:36 +0000

Author: Kipp Cannon <>

Functions [hide private]
imrchirptime(m1, m2, fLower, chi, a_hat=0.98, e_folds=10)
An approximate IMR chirptime in seconds.
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eta(m1, m2)
Compute the symmetric mass ratio, eta.
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chirpmass(m1, m2)
Compute the chirp mass in seconds.
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ms2taus(m1, m2, f0=40.0)
Solve for tau_0 and tau_3 from m1 and m2.
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taus2ms(tau0, tau3, f0=40.0)
Solve for m1 and m2 from tau_0 and tau_3.
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Function Details [hide private]

imrchirptime(m1, m2, fLower, chi, a_hat=0.98, e_folds=10)

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An approximate IMR chirptime in seconds.

FIXME this should be replaced by something better

1) compute the SPA chirptime up to ringdown frequency at 3.5 PN, verify that it is nonnegative 2) then add efolds worth of ringdown time

Ringdown decay time forumla in solar masses is:

tau = 2 * (m1+m2) * 5e-6 * (0.7 + 1.4187 * (1-a_hat)**-0.4990) / (1.5251 - 1.1568 * (1-a_hat)**0.1292)

from (7-9) of LIGO-P1300156.

@param m1 Mass 1 @param m2 Mass 2 @param fLower the starting frequency @param chi the effective spin parameter from computechi() @param e_folds The number of efolds to use in the ringdown signal duration, default 10 @param a_hat The dimensionless spin of the final black hole, default 0.98