Package pylal :: Module sky
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Module sky

source code

Author: Duncan M. Macleod <>

Classes [hide private]
glue.ligolw.table.Table holding SkyPosition objects.
Functions [hide private]
ConvertSkyPosition(skyPoint, system, zenith=None, gpstime=None)
Convert the SkyPosition object skyPoint from it's current system to the new system.
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HorizonToSystem(input, zenith)
Convert the SkyPosition object input from 'horizon' to the inherited system using the SkyPosition zenith
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SystemToHorizon(input, zenith)
Convert the SkyPosition object input from the inherited system to 'horizon' using the SkyPosition zenith
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GeographicToEquatorial(input, gpstime)
Convert the SkyPosition object input from the inherited 'geographical' system to to 'equatorial'.
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Convert the SkyPosition object input from the inherited 'equatorial' system to to 'ecliptic'.
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Convert the SkyPosition object input from the inherited 'equatorial' system to to 'galactic'.
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EquatorialToGeographic(input, gpstime)
Convert the SkyPosition object input from the inherited 'equatorial' system to to 'geographic'.
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Convert the SkyPosition object input from the inherited 'eliptic' system to to 'equatorial'.
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fromfile(fobj, loncol=0, latcol=1, probcol=None, angcol=None, system=None, degrees=False)
Returns a SkyPositionTable as read from the file object fobj.
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tofile(fobj, grid, delimiter=" ", degrees=False)
Writes the SkyPositionTable object grid to the file object fobj
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SkyPatch(ifos, ra, dec, radius, gpstime, dt=0.0005, sigma=1.65, grid='circular')
Returns a SkyPositionTable of circular rings emanating from a given central ra and dec.
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CircularGrid(resolution, radius)
Generates a SkyPositionTable of circular grids around the North Pole with given angular resolution and a maximal radius.
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TwoSiteSkyGrid(ifos, gpstime, dt=0.0005, sky='half', point=None)
Generates a SkyPositionTable for a two-site all-sky grid, covering either a hemisphere (sky='half') or full sphere (sky='full').
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ThreeSiteSkyGrid(ifos, gpstime, dt=0.0005, tiling='square', sky='half')
Generates a SkyPositionTable for a three-site all-sky grid, covering either a hemisphere (sky='half') or full sphere (sky='full'), using either 'square' or 'hexagonal tiling.
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ISOTimeDelayLine(ifos, ra, dec, gpstime=None, n=3)
Returns the n-point SkyPositionTable describing a line of constant time delay through the given ra and dec.
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MaxTimeDelayLine(ifos, ra, dec, gpstime=None, n=3)
Return the n-point SkyPositionTable describing the line perpendicular to the line of constant time delay through the given ra and dec for the 2-tuple ifos.
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MaxTimeDelayLine3(ifo1, ifo2, ra, dec, gpstime=None, n=3)
Alternative implementation of MaxTimeDelayLine.
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Convert SkyPosition object into Cartesian 3-vector
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CartesianToSpherical(x, system='equatorial')
Convert 3-tuple Cartesian sky position x to SkyPosition object in the given system
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_rotation(axis, angle)
Form 3x3 rotation matrix to rotate about a given 3-tuple axis by a given angle
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_rotation_euler(alpha, beta, gamma)
Form rotation matrix from Euler angles.
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Returns a new list of interferometers containing one only per site.
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Variables [hide private]
  _comment_regex = re.compile(r"\s*([#;].*)?\Z", re.DOTALL)
  _delim_regex = re.compile('[,\s]')
Function Details [hide private]

ConvertSkyPosition(skyPoint, system, zenith=None, gpstime=None)

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Convert the SkyPosition object skyPoint from it's current system to the new system.

Valid systems are : 'horizon', 'geographic', 'equatorial', 'ecliptic', 'galactic'

SkyPosition zenith and gpstime should be given as appropriate for 'horizon' and 'geographic' conversions respectively.

SkyPatch(ifos, ra, dec, radius, gpstime, dt=0.0005, sigma=1.65, grid='circular')

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Returns a SkyPositionTable of circular rings emanating from a given central ra and dec. out to the maximal radius.

TwoSiteSkyGrid(ifos, gpstime, dt=0.0005, sky='half', point=None)

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Generates a SkyPositionTable for a two-site all-sky grid, covering either a hemisphere (sky='half') or full sphere (sky='full').

The grid can be forced to pass through the given SkyPosition point if required.

ISOTimeDelayLine(ifos, ra, dec, gpstime=None, n=3)

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Returns the n-point SkyPositionTable describing a line of constant time delay through the given ra and dec. for the given 2-tuple ifos.


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Returns a new list of interferometers containing one only per site. I.e. this removes H2 if included.