Package pylal :: Module seriesutils
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Module seriesutils

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This module provides a bunch of user-friendly wrappers to the SWIG-bound REAL8TimeSeries and REAL8FrequencySeries objects and their associated functions.

Functions [hide private]
fromarray(array, name="", epoch=lal.LIGOTimeGPS(), f0=0, deltaT=1, sampleUnits=lal.DimensionlessUnit, frequencyseries=False)
Convert numpy.array to REAL8TimeSeries.
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fromNDS(chname, start, duration, server="", port=31200)
Read data from NDS into a REAL?TimeSeries
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fromframefile(framefile, chname, start=-1, duration=1, datatype=-1, verbose=False)
Read data from the GWF format framefile into a REAL?TimeSeries.
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fromlalcache(cache, chname, start=-1, duration=1, datatype=-1, verbose=False)
Read data from a cache object into a REAL?TimeSeries.
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fromFrStream(stream, chname, start=-1, duration=1, datatype=-1, verbose=False)
Read data from the lalframe.LALFrStream object stream into a REAL?TimeSeries.
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resample(series, rate, inplace=True)
Resample a REAL?TimeSeries to the new rate (Hertz).
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highpass(series, frequency, amplitude=0.9, filtorder=8, inplace=True)
Apply Butterworth high pass filter to REAL?TimeSeries.
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lowpass(series, frequency, amplitude=0.9, filtorder=8, inplace=True)
Apply Butterworth low pass filter to REAL?TimeSeries.
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bandpass(series, fmin, fmax, amplitude=0.9, filtorder=8, inplace=True)
Apply Butterworth band pass filter to REAL?TimeSeries.
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Duplicate a TimeSeries or FrequencySeries.
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compute_average_spectrum(series, seglen, stride, window=None, plan=None, average='medianmean', unit=lal.StrainUnit)
Calculate the average (power) spectrum of the given REAL?TimeSeries
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compute_average_spectrogram(series, step, seglen, stride, window=None, plan=None, average='medianmean', unit=lal.StrainUnit)
Compute the average (power) spectrogram of the given REAL?TimeSeries by stacking together average spectra for each timestep.
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Return LAL type code for this type string.
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Convert a glue.lal.Cache object to a lalframe.FrCache object.
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Variables [hide private]
  _typestr = {lal.I2_TYPE_CODE: 'INT2', lal.I4_TYPE_CODE: 'INT4'...
Function Details [hide private]

fromarray(array, name="", epoch=lal.LIGOTimeGPS(), f0=0, deltaT=1, sampleUnits=lal.DimensionlessUnit, frequencyseries=False)

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Convert numpy.array to REAL8TimeSeries. Use frequencyseries to return


    array : numpy.array
        input data array

Keyword arguments:

    name : str
        name of data source
    epoch : lal.LIGOTimeGPS
        GPS start time for array
    deltaT : float
        sampling time for data (or frequency spacing for FrequencySeries)
    f0 : float
        lower frequency limit for data
    sampleUnits : lal.Unit
        amplitude unit for array

fromframefile(framefile, chname, start=-1, duration=1, datatype=-1, verbose=False)

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Read data from the GWF format framefile into a REAL?TimeSeries.
Restrict data with the gpsstart and duration parameters.


    framefile : str
        path to input frame file
    chname : str
        name of channel to read

Keyword arguments:

    start : lal.LIGOTimeGPS
        GPS start time of requested data
    duration : float
        length of requested data series in seconds
    datatype : int
        LAL enum for requested datatype, -1 == read from frame metadata
    verbose : [ True | False ]
        verbose output

fromlalcache(cache, chname, start=-1, duration=1, datatype=-1, verbose=False)

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Read data from a cache object into a REAL?TimeSeries.
Restrict data with the gpsstart and duration parameters.


    cache : [ filepath | file | glue.lal.Cache | lalframe.FrCache ]
        object to be read to lalframe.FrCache
    chname : str
        name of channel to read

Keyword arguments:

    start : lal.LIGOTimeGPS
        GPS start time of requested data
    duration : float
        length of requested data series in seconds
    datatype : int
        LAL enum for requested datatype, -1 == read from frame metadata
    verbose : [ True | False ]
        verbose output

fromFrStream(stream, chname, start=-1, duration=1, datatype=-1, verbose=False)

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Read data from the lalframe.LALFrStream object stream into a REAL?TimeSeries.
Restrict data with the gpsstart and duration parameters.


    stream : lalframe.FrStream
        frame stream to read
    chname : str
        name of channel to read

Keyword arguments:

    start : lal.LIGOTimeGPS
        GPS start time of requested data
    duration : float
        length of requested data series in seconds
    datatype : int
        LAL enum for requested datatype, -1 == read from frame metadata
    verbose : [ True | False ]
        verbose output

resample(series, rate, inplace=True)

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Resample a REAL?TimeSeries to the new rate (Hertz). By default resampling
is done in-place and a copy of the series is returned, but if requested
the original series is duplicated before resampling and so is unaffected.


    series : swiglal.REAL?TimeSeries
        input timeseries to resample
    rate : float
        sampling rate (Hertz) to resample to

Keyword arguments:

    inplace : [ True | False ]
        perform resampling inplace on input series, default: True.
        If False, input series is duplicated and so is left in the original

highpass(series, frequency, amplitude=0.9, filtorder=8, inplace=True)

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Apply Butterworth high pass filter to REAL?TimeSeries.


    series : swiglal.REAL?TimeSeries
        input series to highpass
    frequency : float
        frequency below which to attenuate

Keyword arguments:

    amplitude : float
        desired amplitude response of filter
    filtorder : int
        desired order of filter
    inplace : [ True | False ]
        perform resampling inplace on input series, default: True.
        If False, input series is duplicated and so is left in the original

lowpass(series, frequency, amplitude=0.9, filtorder=8, inplace=True)

source code 

Apply Butterworth low pass filter to REAL?TimeSeries.


    series : swiglal.REAL?TimeSeries
        input series to lowpass
    frequency : float
        frequency above which to attenuate

Keyword arguments:

    amplitude : float
        desired amplitude response of filter
    filtorder : int
        desired order of filter
    inplace : [ True | False ]
        perform resampling inplace on input series, default: True.
        If False, input series is duplicated and so is left in the original

bandpass(series, fmin, fmax, amplitude=0.9, filtorder=8, inplace=True)

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Apply Butterworth band pass filter to REAL?TimeSeries.


    series : swiglal.REAL?TimeSeries
        input series to lowpass
    fmin : float
        frequency below which to attenuate
    fmax : float
        frequency above which to attenuate

Keyword arguments:

    amplitude : float
      desired amplitude response of filter
    filtorder : int
       desired order of filter


source code 

Duplicate a TimeSeries or FrequencySeries.


    series : [ TimeSeries | FrequencySeries ]
        input series to duplicate

compute_average_spectrum(series, seglen, stride, window=None, plan=None, average='medianmean', unit=lal.StrainUnit)

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Calculate the average (power) spectrum of the given REAL?TimeSeries


    seglen : int
        length of FFT (in samples)
    stride : int
        gap between FFTs (in samples)

Keyword arguments:

    window : lal.REAL8Window
        swiglal window
    plan : lal.REAL8FFTPlan
        plan for FFT
    spectrum : [ 'median' | 'medianmean' | 'welch' ]
        averaging method for spectrum, default: 'medianmean'
    unit : lal.Unit
        LAL unit for data

compute_average_spectrogram(series, step, seglen, stride, window=None, plan=None, average='medianmean', unit=lal.StrainUnit)

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Compute the average (power) spectrogram of the given REAL?TimeSeries by
stacking together average spectra for each timestep.


    series : REAL8TimeSeries
        input data
    step : int
        length of single average spectrum (in samples)
    seglen : int
        length of FFT (in samples)
    stride : int
        gap between FFTs (in samples)

Keyword arguments:

    window : lal.REAL8Window
        swiglal window
    plan : lal.REAL8FFTPlan
        plan for FFT
    spectrum : [ 'median' | 'medianmean' | 'welch' ]
        averaging method for spectrum, default: 'medianmean'
    unit : lal.Unit
        LAL unit for data


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Convert a glue.lal.Cache object to a lalframe.FrCache object.
Writes cache to temporary file and reads to FrCache.


    cache : glue.lal.Cache
        LAL cache object from GLUE to convert

Variables Details [hide private]


{lal.I2_TYPE_CODE: 'INT2', lal.I4_TYPE_CODE: 'INT4', lal.I8_TYPE_CODE:\
 'INT8', lal.U2_TYPE_CODE: 'UINT2', lal.U4_TYPE_CODE: 'UINT4', lal.U8_\