Package pylal :: Module ligolw_cwb_to_coinc
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Module ligolw_cwb_to_coinc

source code

Convert a ROOT file produced by cWB into a ligolw document.

Date: 2017-12-05 15:29:36 +0000

Author: Chris Pankow <>

Classes [hide private]
Class to convert a set of rootfiles to a ligolw_document.
Class to transparently emit data as if the input were a ROOT file.
Functions [hide private]
branch_array_to_list(branch, len)
Turn a ROOT TBranch into a python list
source code
Index map copied from detector definitions in WaveBurst.
source code
Function Details [hide private]


source code 

Index map copied from detector definitions in WaveBurst. Constructs a string with all relevant detector strings from a set of indexes given.