Package pylal :: Module ligolw_cbc_plotvt_utils
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Module ligolw_cbc_plotvt_utils

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Collection of functions to compute the efficiency and effective 4-volume

Functions [hide private]
chirp_dist(distance, mchirp) source code
decisive_dist(h_dist, l_dist, v_dist, mchirp, weight_dist, ifos) source code
end_time_with_ns(end_time, end_time_ns) source code
get_livetime(connection, veto_cat, on_ifos, datatype) source code
inj_dist_range(dist_bounds, dist_scale="linear", step=4.0) source code
successful_injections(connection, tag, on_ifos, veto_cat, dist_type="distance", weight_dist=False, verbose=False)
My attempt to get a list of the simulations that actually made it into some level of coincident time
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found_injections(connection, tag, on_ifos, dist_type="distance", weight_dist=False, verbose=False) source code
binomial_confidence(K, N, eff_bin_edges, confidence)
Calculate the optimal Bayesian credible interval for p(eff|k,n) Posterior generated with binomial p(k|eff,n) and a uniform p(eff) is the beta function: Beta(eff|k+1,n-k+1) where n is the number of injected signals and k is the number of found signals.
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detection_efficiency(successful_inj, found_inj, found_fars, far_list, r, confidence)
This function determines the peak efficiency for a given bin and associated 'highest density' confidence interval.
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rescale_dist(on_ifos, dist_type, weight_dist, phys_dist=None, param_dist=None) source code
eff_vs_dist(measured_eff, prob_dc_d)
This function creates a weighted average efficiency as a function of distance by computing eff_wavg(D) = \sum_dc eff_mode(dc)p(dc|d).
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volume_efficiency(measured_eff, V_shell, prob_dc_d)
This function creates a weighted average efficiency within a given volume by computing eff_wavg(D) = \sum_dc eff_mode(dc)p(dc|D).
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Function Details [hide private]

detection_efficiency(successful_inj, found_inj, found_fars, far_list, r, confidence)

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This function determines the peak efficiency for a given bin and associated 'highest density' confidence interval. The calculation is done for results from each false-alarm-rate threshold

eff_vs_dist(measured_eff, prob_dc_d)

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This function creates a weighted average efficiency as a function of distance by computing eff_wavg(D) = \sum_dc eff_mode(dc)p(dc|d). p(dc|d) is the probability a signal has a parameterized distance dc if its physical distance is d.

The confidence interval for eff_wavg(d) is constructed from the quadrature sum of the difference between the modes and the bounds, with each term again weighted by p(dc|d).

This operation is done for each false-alarm-rate threshold.

volume_efficiency(measured_eff, V_shell, prob_dc_d)

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This function creates a weighted average efficiency within a given volume by computing eff_wavg(D) = \sum_dc eff_mode(dc)p(dc|D). p(dc|D) is the probability a signal has a parameterized distance dc if it falls within physical distance D.

The confidence interval for eff_wavg(D) is constructed from the quadrature sum of the difference between the modes and the bounds, with each term again weighted by p(dc|D).

This operation is done for each false-alarm-rate threshold.