Package pylal :: Module lalapps_cbc_injfind
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Module lalapps_cbc_injfind

source code

Inspiral injection identification library. Contains code providing the capacity to search a list of sngl_inspiral candidates for events matching entries in a sim_inspiral list of software injections, recording the matches as inspiral <--> injection coincidences using the standard coincidence infrastructure. Also, any pre-recorded inspiral <--> inspiral coincidences are checked for cases where all the inspiral events in a coincidence match an injection, and these are recorded as coinc <--> injection coincidences, again using the standard coincidence infrastructure.

Date: 2017-12-05 15:29:36 +0000

Author: Kipp Cannon <>

Classes [hide private]
A wrapper interface to the XML document.
Functions [hide private]
sngl_inspiral___cmp__(self, other) source code
sngl_ringdown___cmp__(self, other) source code
append_process(xmldoc, match_algorithm, comment)
Convenience wrapper for adding process metadata to the document.
source code
InspiralSnglCompare(sim, inspiral)
Return False if the peak time of the sim is within 9 seconds of the inspiral event.
source code
InspiralNearCoincCompare(sim, inspiral)
Return False if the peak time of the sim is within 9 seconds of the inspiral event.
source code
cmp_sngl_sim(sim, sngl, get_sim_time, get_sngl_time, twindow=lsctables.LIGOTimeGPS(9)) source code
find_sngl_type_matches(contents, sim, comparefunc, get_sim_time, get_sngl_time)
Scan the type table for triggers matching sim.
source code
add_sim_type_coinc(contents, sim, types)
Create a coinc_event in the coinc table, and add arcs in the coinc_event_map table linking the sim_type row and the list of sngl_type rows to the new coinc_event row.
source code
find_coinc_matches(coincs, sim, comparefunc)
Return a list of the coinc_event_ids of the inspiral<-->inspiral coincs in which all inspiral events match sim.
source code
find_near_coinc_matches(coincs, sim, comparefunc, get_sim_time, get_sngl_time)
Return a list of the coinc_event_ids of the type<-->type coincs in which at least one type event matches sim.
source code
add_sim_coinc_coinc(contents, sim, coinc_event_ids, coinc_def_id)
Create a coinc_event in the coinc table, and add arcs in the coinc_event_map table linking the sim_type row and the list of coinc_event rows to the new coinc_event row.
source code
lalapps_cbc_injfind(xmldoc, process, search, snglcomparefunc, nearcoinccomparefunc, verbose=False) source code
Variables [hide private]
  InspiralSICoincDef = lsctables.CoincDef(search= u"inspiral", s...
  InspiralSCNearCoincDef = lsctables.CoincDef(search= u"inspiral...
  RingdownSICoincDef = lsctables.CoincDef(search= u"ringdown", s...
  RingdownSCNearCoincDef = lsctables.CoincDef(search= u"ringdown...
  process_program_name = "lalapps_cbc_injfind"
Variables Details [hide private]


lsctables.CoincDef(search= u"inspiral", search_coinc_type= 1, descript\
ion= u"sim_inspiral<-->sngl_inspiral coincidences")


lsctables.CoincDef(search= u"inspiral", search_coinc_type= 2, descript\
ion= u"sim_inspiral<-->coinc_event coincidences (nearby)")


lsctables.CoincDef(search= u"ringdown", search_coinc_type= 1, descript\
ion= u"sim_ringdown<-->sngl_ringdown coincidences")


lsctables.CoincDef(search= u"ringdown", search_coinc_type= 2, descript\
ion= u"sim_ringdown<-->coinc_event coincidences (nearby)")