Package pylal :: Module KW_veto_getKW
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Module KW_veto_getKW

source code

%prog --channel_name=channel_name [--segment_file=File | --gps_start_time=GPSTime --gps_end_time=GPSTime] [options]

Tomoki Isogai (

This program gets all the KW triggers that fall into a specified segment list above a certain threshold for the channels specified. Supported ifos are H1, H2, L1, and V1. If you are running at the right cluster specified below, the code will use the following path as KW daily dump directory as default.

For S5 LIGO triggers: /archive/home/lindy/public_html/triggers/s5/ at CIT

For post S5, trigger locations are: H1: /archive/home/lindy/public_html/triggers/s6/ at LHO H2: /archive/home/lindy/public_html/triggers/s6/ at LLO V1: /archive/home/mabizoua/public_html/KW/ at CIT

If you want to use triggers at other location, you can specify --KW_location.

For post S5 triggers, channel name must follow the notation: (ifo)_(channel name)_(min freq)_(max freq) in capital letters. For example, H1_LSC-DARM_ERR_64_1024 V1_Pr_B1_ACp_40_1250

For S5 LIGO triggers, channel name follows the notation: s5_(ifo)_(channel name) in small letters. For example, s5_l1_pobi

You can omit the frequency part if there is no ambiguity, but the code will give you an error if there are several possibilities. "ls" the above directory to see channel names and max/min frequency available.

If --out_format is given, a file will be created for each channel with the name (channel)-(start_time)-(duration)_KWtrigs.(specified extention) If --name_tag is given, (name_tag)_ will be added to the name as prefix. If --out_format is not given, the code prints out the result in stdout. You can specify --order_by to sort the output. Supported options are 'GPSTime asc' for ascending time, 'GPSTime desc' for descending time, 'KWSignificance asc' for ascending KW Significance, and 'KWSignificance desc' for descending KW Significance. Default is 'GPSTime asc'.

Version: 2.0

Date: 7/10/2009

Author: Tomoki Isogai <>

Functions [hide private]
Parse the options given on the command-line.
source code
find_file_from_channel(channel, daily_dir)
From the files in daily_dir, find the file that contains KW triggers for the channel, and return the full channels name and the file path.
source code
get_trigs(channel, segs, min_thresh, trigs_loc=None, name_tag=None, scratch_dir=".", verbose=True)
Get time and KW significance of KW triggers for a particular channel that occured in the specified segments and above specified KW significance threshold.
source code
main() source code
Function Details [hide private]

get_trigs(channel, segs, min_thresh, trigs_loc=None, name_tag=None, scratch_dir=".", verbose=True)

source code 

Get time and KW significance of KW triggers for a particular channel that occured in the specified segments and above specified KW significance threshold. ifo has to be one of H1, H2, L1, V1.