Package pylal :: Module webCondor
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Source Code for Module pylal.webCondor

  1  """ 
  2  This module contains condor jobs / node classes for the followup dag 
  4  This program creates cache files for the output of inspiral hipe 
  5  """ 
  7  __author__ = 'Chad Hanna <>' 
  9  ############################################################################## 
 10  # import standard modules and append the lalapps prefix to the python path 
 11  import sys, os, copy, math 
 12  from subprocess import * 
 13  import socket, time 
 14  import re, string 
 15  from optparse import * 
 16  import tempfile 
 17  import ConfigParser  
 18  import urlparse 
 19  from UserDict import UserDict 
 20  sys.path.append('@PYTHONLIBDIR@') 
 22  ############################################################################## 
 23  # import the modules we need to build the pipeline 
 24  from glue import pipeline 
 25  from glue import lal 
 26  from glue import segments 
 27  from glue import segmentsUtils 
 28  from pylal.webUtils import * 
 29  from lalapps import inspiral 
 31  ###### GENERIC CLASSES TO HELP WEBIFY A CONDOR DAG OUTPUT #################### 
 32  ############################################################################## 
34 -class webTheJob:
35 """ 36 webTheJob is a class intended to be inherited by a class that subclasses 37 the condor DAG Job. It is useful for setting up a standard structure to 38 webify the output of a dag. You'll want to use webTheNode and webTheDAG 39 for your condor subclasses too. 40 """ 41
42 - def __init__(self):
43 pass
45 - def setupJobWeb(self, name, tag_base=None, cp=None):
46 # Give this job a name. Then make directories for the log files and such 47 # This name is important since these directories will be included in 48 # the web tree. 49 = name 50 if not os.path.exists(name): 51 os.mkdir(name) 52 if not os.path.exists(name+'/logs'): 53 os.mkdir(name+'/logs') 54 if not os.path.exists(name+'/Images'): 55 os.mkdir(name+'/Images') 56 # Set up the usual stuff and name the log files appropriately 57 self.tag_base = tag_base 58 self.add_condor_cmd('environment',"KMP_LIBRARY=serial;MKL_SERIAL=yes") 59 self.set_sub_file(name+'.sub') 60 self.relPath = name + '/' 61 self.outputPath = os.getcwd() + '/' + name + '/' 62 self.set_stdout_file(self.outputPath+'/logs/'+name+'-$(macroid).out') 63 self.set_stderr_file(self.outputPath+'/logs/'+name+'-$(macroid).err') 64 if cp: 65 if cp.has_section("condor-memory-requirement") and \ 66 cp.has_option("condor-memory-requirement",name): 67 requirement = cp.getint("condor-memory-requirement",name) 68 self.add_condor_cmd("Requirements", \ 69 "(Memory > " + str(requirement) + ")")
71 -class webTheNode:
72 """ 73 webTheNode is a class intended to be inherited by a class that subclasses 74 the condor DAG Node . It is useful for setting up a standard structure to 75 webify the output of a dag. You'll want to use webTheJob and webTheDAG 76 for your condor subclasses too. 77 """ 78
79 - def __init__(self):
80 pass
82 - def setupNodeWeb(self, job, passItAlong=False, content=None, page=None,webOverride=None,cache=None):
83 # setup the node id 84 self.add_macro("macroid", 85 # determine the output web file name for the job 86 #self.webFileName = job.outputPath + + '.html' 87 self.jobName = 88 #if page: 89 # self.webLink = page+'/''.html' 90 #if webOverride: 91 # self.webLink = webOverride 92 # standardize the I/O for executables that themselves write web pages. 93 # this is great for developers since they can in some sense treat 94 # the DAG as a black box for their executable. They just have to 95 # comply with these few command line arguments to tie everything together 96 if passItAlong: 97 #self.add_var_opt("output-web-file",self.webFileName) 98 self.add_var_opt("output-path",job.outputPath) 99 self.add_var_opt("enable-output","") 100 #self.add_var_opt("page-rel-path",job.relPath) 101 #self.add_var_opt("page", page) 102 #if content: self.writeContent(content) 103 if cache: 104 cache.appendCache(,job.outputPath) 105 try: 106 if self.outputCache: 107 cache.appendSubCache(,self.outputCache) 108 except: pass
109 #if passItAlong: 110 #output_cache ='-',' ') + ' ' + self.webFileName + '\n' +'-',' ') + ' ' + self.webFileName.replace('html','ini') + '\n' 111 112 #cache.appendSubCache(,output_cache) 113
114 - def writeContent(self,content):
115 # The talkBack class is a way for the users job to provide information 116 # back to the DAG web. It is done through the reading and writing of 117 # a config file (.ini) that has the same naming convention as the 118 # web file 119 #self.talkBack = talkBack(self.webFileName) 120 121 content.appendTable(1,2,0,700) 122 self.webTable = content.lastTable; 123 content.lastTable.row[0].cell[0].link(self.webLink,self.friendlyName)
124 #self.talkBack.readAppend(content.lastTable.row[0].cell[1]) 125 # Each time the dag is generated it checks for the existance of the 126 # appropriate config file to include the contents in the web page 127 #if 0 and self.talkBack.summaryText: 128 # content.lastTable.row[0].cell[0].linebreak() 129 # content.lastTable.row[0].cell[0].text(self.talkBack.summaryText) 130 #if 0 and self.talkBack.summaryPlot: 131 # content.lastTable.row[0].cell[1].image(self.talkBack.summaryPlot) 132 #if 0 and self.talkBack.summaryPlotCaption: 133 # content.lastTable.row[0].cell[1].linebreak() 134 # content.lastTable.row[0].cell[1].text(self.talkBack.summaryPlotCaption) 135
136 - def set_id(self, id):
137 = id
139 - def validate(self):
140 self.validNode = True
142 - def invalidate(self):
143 self.validNode = False
145 -class webTheDAG:
146 """ 147 webTheDAG is a class intended to be inherited by a class that subclasses 148 the condor DAG Node . It is useful for setting up a standard structure to 149 webify the output of a dag. You'll want to use webTheJob and webTheDAG 150 for your condor subclasses too. 151 """ 152
153 - def __init__(self):
154 pass
156 - def setupDAGWeb(self,title,filename,cp,opts):
157 self.publish_path = string.strip(cp.get('followup-output','page')) 158 = string.strip(cp.get('followup-output','url')) 159 self.webPage = WebPage(title,filename, 160 self.webDirs = {} 161 self.cache = cacheStructure() 162 try: 163 os.mkdir('DAGWeb') 164 except: pass 165 if not opts.disable_dag_categories: 166 for cp_opt in cp.options('condor-max-jobs'): 167 self.add_maxjobs_category(cp_opt,cp.getint('condor-max-jobs',cp_opt))
168 169
170 - def writeDAGWeb(self,type):
171 #self.webPage.cleanWrite(type) 172 self.cache.writeCache()
174 - def appendSection(self,name):
175 self.webPage.appendSection(name) 176 inifile = name.replace(" ","_").replace("@","-").replace("=",'-') + '.ini' 177 file = open('DAGWeb/'+inifile,'a') 178 file.close()
179 # talkback = talkBack('DAGWeb/'+inifile) 180 # talkback.readAppend(self.webPage.lastSection) 181 # 182 # self.webPage.lastSection.appendTable(1,2,0,700) 183 184 # if talkback.summaryText: 185 # self.webPage.lastSection.lastTable.row[0].cell[0].linebreak() 186 # self.webPage.lastSection.lastTable.row[0].cell[0].text(talkback.summaryText) 187 # if talkback.summaryPlot: 188 # self.webPage.lastSection.lastTable.row[0].cell[1].image(talkback.summaryPlot) 189 # if talkback.summaryPlotCaption: 190 # self.webPage.lastSection.lastTable.row[0].cell[1].linebreak() 191 # self.webPage.lastSection.lastTable.row[0].cell[1].text(talkback.summaryPlotCaption) 192
193 - def appendSubSection(self,name):
194 self.webPage.lastSection.appendSubSection(name) 195 inifile = name.replace(" ","_").replace("@","-").replace("=",'-') + '.ini' 196 file = open('DAGWeb/'+inifile,'a') 197 file.close()
198 # talkback = talkBack('DAGWeb/'+inifile) 199 # talkback.readAppend(self.webPage.lastSection.lastSub) 200 # 201 # self.webPage.lastSection.lastSub.appendTable(1,2,0,700) 202 203 # if talkback.summaryText: 204 # self.webPage.lastSection.lastSub.lastTable.row[0].cell[0].linebreak() 205 # self.webPage.lastSection.lastSub.lastTable.row[0].cell[0].text(talkback.summaryText) 206 # if talkback.summaryPlot: 207 # self.webPage.lastSection.lastSub.lastTable.row[0].cell[1].image(talkback.summaryPlot) 208 # if talkback.summaryPlotCaption: 209 # self.webPage.lastSection.lastSub.lastTable.row[0].cell[1].linebreak() 210 # self.webPage.lastSection.lastSub.lastTable.row[0].cell[1].text(talkback.summaryPlotCaption) 211
212 - def addNode(self, node,jobType):
213 try: 214 self.jobsDict[jobType] = self.jobsDict[jobType] + 1 215 self.webDirs[node.jobName] = node.jobName 216 except: 217 self.jobsDict[jobType] = 1 218 self.add_node(node)
219 220
221 - def publishToHydra(self):
222 dirStr = '' 223 for dir in self.webDirs: 224 dirStr += dir + ' ' 225 dirStr = 'rsync -vrz '+dirStr+' DAGWeb index.html ' 226 print dirStr 227 copying_results = call(dirStr+self.publish_path, shell=True) 228 if copying_results != 0: 229 print >> sys.stderr, "the followup results could not be copied to "+self.publish_path 230 sys.exit(1)
232 - def printNodeCounts(self):
233 for jobs in self.jobsDict: 234 print "\nFound " + str(self.jobsDict[jobs]) + " " + str(jobs) + " Jobs"
236 - def writeAll(self, type='IUL'):
237 self.printNodeCounts() 238 print "\n\n.......Writing DAG" 239 self.write_sub_files() 240 self.write_dag() 241 self.write_script() 242 self.writeDAGWeb(type) 243 print "\n\n Created a DAG file which can be submitted by executing" 244 print " condor_submit_dag " + self.get_dag_file() 245 print """\n from a condor submit machine 246 Before submitting the dag, you must execute 247 248 export _CONDOR_DAGMAN_LOG_ON_NFS_IS_ERROR=FALSE 249 250 If you are running LSCdataFind jobs, do not forget to initialize your grid 251 proxy certificate on the condor submit machine by running the commands 252 253 unset X509_USER_PROXY 254 grid-proxy-init -hours 72 255 256 Enter your pass phrase when prompted. The proxy will be valid for 72 hours. 257 If you expect the LSCdataFind jobs to take longer to complete, increase the 258 time specified in the -hours option to grid-proxy-init. You can check that 259 the grid proxy has been sucessfully created by executing the command: 260 261 grid-cert-info -all -file /tmp/x509up_u`id -u` 262 263 This will also give the expiry time of the proxy."""