Package pylal :: Module svd_tools
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Module svd_tools

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Functions [hide private]
project_waveforms_onto_bases(T, U, S)
A function to project waveforms given as rows of T onto the basis vectors given as rows of U and normalized by the singular values S.
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reconstruct_waveforms_from_SVD(V, S, U, n, normalize=False)
A function to reconstruct waveforms from the reconstruction coefficients V, singular values S, and basis vectors U.
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Function Details [hide private]

project_waveforms_onto_bases(T, U, S)

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A function to project waveforms given as rows of T onto the basis vectors given as rows of U and normalized by the singular values S. This returns the reconstruction coefficients associated with these waveforms, basis vectors, and singular values.

reconstruct_waveforms_from_SVD(V, S, U, n, normalize=False)

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A function to reconstruct waveforms from the reconstruction coefficients V, singular values S, and basis vectors U. The top n basis vectors are used for the reconstruction. If the normalize flag is set to True, the waveforms are normalized when before being returned.