Package pylal :: Module stfu_pipe :: Class effDRatioNode
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Class effDRatioNode

source code

glue.pipeline.CondorDAGNode --+
                     FUNode --+

This Node class performs a parameter consistency check using the sites claiming to detect the trigger and the observed effective distance at each site. A command line example is below: -R /archive/home/ctorres/public_html/DQstuff/ratioTest.pickle -iL1 -jH1 -kV1 -I10 -J10 -K5 -A 1 -B 1 -C 1.0001 -pmoinmoin -o

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, dag, job, cp, opts, coincEvent=None) source code

Inherited from glue.pipeline.CondorDAGNode: __repr__, add_checkpoint_file, add_checkpoint_macro, add_file_arg, add_file_opt, add_input_file, add_input_macro, add_io_macro, add_macro, add_output_file, add_output_macro, add_parent, add_pegasus_profile, add_post_script_arg, add_pre_script_arg, add_var_arg, add_var_condor_cmd, add_var_opt, finalize, get_args, get_category, get_checkpoint_files, get_cmd_line, get_cmd_tuple_list, get_dax_collapse, get_grid_start, get_input_files, get_name, get_opts, get_output_files, get_pegasus_profile, get_post_script, get_post_script_arg, get_priority, get_retry, get_vds_group, job, set_category, set_dax_collapse, set_grid_start, set_log_file, set_name, set_post_script, set_pre_script, set_priority, set_retry, set_vds_group, write_category, write_input_files, write_job, write_output_files, write_parents, write_post_script, write_pre_script, write_priority, write_vars

Inherited from FUNode: __conditionalLoadDefaults__, invalidate, setupPlotNode, validate

Class Variables [hide private]
  defaults = {"section": "effDRatio", "options": {"output-file":...
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, dag, job, cp, opts, coincEvent=None)

source code 
  • job - the CondorJob that this node corresponds to.
Overrides: FUNode.__init__

Class Variable Details [hide private]


{"section": "effDRatio", "options": {"output-file": "", \
"output-format": "moinmoin", "snr-ratio-test": "/archive/home/ctorres/\