Package pylal :: Module plottriggers
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Source Code for Module pylal.plottriggers

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
  3  # Copyright (C) 2011 Duncan Macleod 
  4  # 
  5  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
  6  # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the 
  7  # Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your 
  8  # option) any later version. 
  9  # 
 10  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 11  # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 13  # Public License for more details. 
 14  # 
 15  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along 
 16  # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
 17  # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA. 
 19  """ 
 20  This modules provides some wrapper functions for the classes defined in pylal.plotutils. 
 21  """ 
 23  # ============================================================================= 
 24  # Preamble 
 25  # ============================================================================= 
 27  from __future__ import division 
 28  import re 
 29  import copy 
 30  import numpy 
 31  import datetime 
 32  from pylal import git_version 
 33  from pylal import date 
 34  from pylal import plotutils 
 35  from pylal.datatypes import LIGOTimeGPS 
 36  from glue.ligolw import lsctables 
 37  from glue.ligolw import table 
 39  pylab      = plotutils.pylab 
 40  matplotlib = pylab.matplotlib 
 42  __author__  = "Duncan M. Macleod <>" 
 43  __version__ = 
 44  __date__    = 
 47  jet = copy.deepcopy( 
 48  # remap red scale 
 49  jet._segmentdata['red'] = ([x == jet._segmentdata["red"][-1] and (1,0.8,0.8)\ 
 50                              or x for x in jet._segmentdata['red'] ]) 
 51  jet._segmentdata['blue'] = ([x == jet._segmentdata["blue"][0] and (0,0.7,0.7)\ 
 52                              or x for x in jet._segmentdata['blue'] ]) 
 54  # ============================================================================= 
 55  # Get column from a table 
 56  # ============================================================================= 
58 -def get_column(lsctable, column):
59 """ 60 Extract column from the given glue.ligolw.table lsctable as numpy array. 61 Tries to use a 'get_col() function if available, otherwise uses 62 getColumnByName(), treating 'time' as a special case for the known 63 Burst/Inspiral/Ringdown tables. 64 """ 65 # format column 66 column = str(column).lower() 67 obj_type = str(type(lsctable)) 68 69 # if there's a 'get_' function, use it 70 if hasattr(lsctable, 'get_%s' % column): 71 return numpy.asarray(getattr(lsctable, 'get_%s' % column)()) 72 73 # treat 'time' as a special case 74 if column == 'time': 75 # find time column 76 if re.match("sim_inspiral", lsctable.tableName, re.I): 77 timecolumn = "geocent_end_time" 78 elif re.match("sim_burst", lsctable.tableName, re.I): 79 timecolumn = "time_geocent_gps" 80 elif re.match("sim_ringdown", lsctable.tableName, re.I): 81 timecolumn = "geocent_start_time" 82 elif"inspiral", lsctable.tableName, re.I): 83 timecolumn = "end_time" 84 elif"burst", lsctable.tableName, re.I): 85 timecolumn = "peak_time" 86 elif"(ringdown|stochastic)", lsctable.tableName, re.I): 87 timecolumn = "start_time" 88 89 # return the correctly combined columns 90 return numpy.asarray(lsctable.getColumnByName(timecolumn)) + \ 91 numpy.asarray(lsctable.getColumnByName("%s_ns"%timecolumn))*1e-9 92 93 return numpy.asarray(lsctable.getColumnByName(column))
94 95 # ============================================================================= 96 # Plot LIGOLW trigger table 97 # ============================================================================= 98
99 -def plottable(lsctable, outfile, xcolumn="time", ycolumn="snr",\ 100 colorcolumn=None, rankcolumn=None, t0=None, **kwargs):
101 """ 102 Plot any column of a valid LigoLW table against any other, coloured by any 103 other, or plot all the same if you're that way inclined. Multiple tables 104 can be given for any non-coloured plot. 105 106 "time" as a column means the output of get_peak for Burst tables, get_end 107 for Inspiral tables, and get_start for ringdown tables 108 109 Arguments: 110 111 tables : [ dict | glue.ligolw.table.Table ] 112 dict of ("name", table) pairs, or single LigoLW tables 113 outfile : string 114 string path for output plot 115 116 Keyword arguments: 117 118 xcolumn : string 119 valid column of triggers table to plot on x-axis 120 ycolumn : string 121 valid column of triggers table to plot on y-axis 122 zcolumn : string 123 valid column of triggers table to use for colorbar (optional). 124 """ 125 # work out dictionary or table 126 if isinstance(lsctable, table.Table): 127 tables = {"_":lsctable} 128 else: 129 tables = lsctable 130 tablenames = tables.keys() 131 tables = [tables[n] for n in tablenames] 132 133 # get axis limits 134 xlim = kwargs.pop('xlim', None) 135 ylim = kwargs.pop('ylim', None) 136 zlim = kwargs.pop('zlim', None) 137 colorlim = kwargs.pop('colorlim', None) 138 if zlim and not colorlim: 139 colorlim = zlim 140 141 # set up columns 142 columns = list(map(str.lower, [xcolumn, ycolumn])) 143 if colorcolumn: 144 columns.append(colorcolumn.lower()) 145 if rankcolumn: 146 columns.append(rankcolumn.lower()) 147 else: 148 columns.append(colorcolumn.lower()) 149 150 # set up limits 151 limits = [xlim, ylim, zlim, None] 152 153 # get zero 154 if "time" in columns and not t0: 155 if xlim: 156 t0 = float(xlim[0]) 157 else: 158 t0 = numpy.infty 159 for t in tables: 160 timedata = get_column(t, "time").astype(float) 161 if len(timedata): 162 t0 = min(t0, timedata.min()) 163 if numpy.isinf(t0): 164 t0 = 0 165 t0 = int(t0) 166 167 # 168 # get data 169 # 170 171 # extract columns 172 data = list() 173 for i,name in enumerate(tablenames): 174 data.append(list()) 175 for c in columns: 176 c = c.lower() 177 if ((c not in tables[i].columnnames and c != "time") and not 178 hasattr(tables[i], "get_%s" % c.lower())): 179 raise RuntimeError("Column '%s' not found in table '%s'."\ 180 % (c,name)) 181 data[-1].append(get_column(tables[i], c.lower()).astype(float)) 182 if not len(data[-1][-1].shape)\ 183 or data[-1][-1].shape[0] != len(tables[i]): 184 raise AttributeError("No data loaded for column \"%s\" and "\ 185 "table \"%s\"" % (c, name)) 186 187 # add our own limits 188 for i in range(len(columns)): 189 if not limits[i]: 190 mins = [data[j][i].min() for j in range(len(tablenames))\ 191 if len(data[j][i].shape) and data[j][i].shape[0] != 0] 192 if len(mins): 193 lmin = min(mins) 194 lmax = max(data[j][i].max() for j in range(len(tablenames))\ 195 if len(data[j][i])) 196 limits[i] = [lmin, lmax] 197 198 # get time unit 199 if "time" in columns: 200 idx = columns.index("time") 201 if limits[idx]: 202 unit, timestr = plotutils.time_axis_unit(limits[idx][1]\ 203 - limits[idx][0]) 204 else: 205 unit, timestr = plotutils.time_axis_unit(1) 206 207 # format data 208 for i,name in enumerate(tablenames): 209 for j,column in enumerate(columns): 210 if column == "time": 211 data[i][j] = (data[i][j] - t0) / unit 212 if i==0 and limits[j]: 213 limits[j] = [float(limits[j][0] - t0) / unit,\ 214 float(limits[j][1] - t0) / unit] 215 216 # format a condition to reject triggers outside the plot range 217 plotted = True 218 for j,column in enumerate(columns): 219 if limits[j]: 220 plotted = plotted & (limits[j][0] <= data[i][j])\ 221 & (limits[j][1] >= data[i][j]) 222 223 # apply the limits 224 if not isinstance(plotted, bool): 225 for j,d in enumerate(data[i]): 226 data[i][j] = d[plotted] 227 228 # 229 # find loudest event 230 # 231 232 loudest = None 233 if len(columns) == 4 and len(tablenames) == 1 and len(data[0][0]) > 0: 234 idx = data[0][3].argmax() 235 loudest = [data[0][j][idx] for j in range(len(columns))] 236 237 # 238 # get or set the labels 239 # 240 241 label = {} 242 for i,(label,column) in enumerate(zip(["xlabel", "ylabel", "colorlabel"],\ 243 columns)): 244 # get given label 245 l = kwargs.pop(label, None) 246 if l is None: 247 # format time string 248 if column == "time" and limits[i]: 249 zerostr = datetime.datetime(\ 250 *date.XLALGPSToUTC(LIGOTimeGPS(t0))[:6])\ 251 .strftime("%B %d %Y, %H:%M:%S %ZUTC") 252 l = "Time (%s) since %s (%s)" % (timestr, zerostr, t0) 253 # format any other column 254 else: 255 l = plotutils.display_name(column) 256 if label == "xlabel": 257 xlabel = l 258 elif label == "ylabel": 259 ylabel = l 260 else: 261 colorlabel = l 262 263 title = kwargs.pop("title", "") 264 subtitle = kwargs.pop("subtitle", None) 265 if subtitle is None and loudest: 266 subtitle = "Loudest event by %s:" % plotutils.display_name(columns[-1]) 267 for j,c in enumerate(columns): 268 if j!= 0 and c == columns[j-1]: continue 269 lstr = loudest[j] 270 if c == "time": 271 lstr = lstr * unit + t0 272 subtitle += " %s=%.2f" % (plotutils.display_name(c), lstr) 273 else: 274 loudest = None 275 276 # 277 # get parameters 278 # 279 280 # get axis scales 281 logx = kwargs.pop("logx", False) 282 logy = kwargs.pop("logy", False) 283 logcolor = kwargs.pop("logcolor", False) 284 285 # get legend loc 286 loc = kwargs.pop("loc", 0) 287 288 # get colorbar options 289 hidden_colorbar = kwargs.pop("hidden_colorbar", False) 290 291 # get savefig option 292 bbox_inches = kwargs.pop("bbox_inches", "tight") 293 294 # get detchar plot params 295 dqstyle = (kwargs.pop("detchar", False) or 296 kwargs.pop('detchar_style', False)) 297 dqthresh = (kwargs.pop('dcthreshold', False) or 298 kwargs.pop('detchar_style_threshold', 10)) 299 300 # get greyscale param 301 greyscale = kwargs.pop("greyscale", False) 302 if greyscale and not kwargs.has_key("cmap"): 303 kwargs["cmap"] =\ 304 pylab.matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap("clrs",\ 305 306 elif not kwargs.has_key("cmap"): 307 kwargs["cmap"] = jet 308 309 # 310 # make the plot 311 # 312 313 tablenames = map(plotutils.display_name, tablenames) 314 315 if len(columns) == 2: 316 plot = plotutils.ScatterPlot(xlabel, ylabel,title, subtitle) 317 for i in range(len(tablenames)): 318 plot.add_content(data[i][0], data[i][1], label=tablenames[i],\ 319 **kwargs) 320 plot.finalize(loc=loc) 321 if hidden_colorbar: 322 plotutils.add_colorbar(, visible=False) 323 else: 324 if dqstyle: 325 plot = plotutils.DQScatterPlot(xlabel, ylabel, colorlabel,\ 326 title, subtitle) 327 else: 328 plot = plotutils.ColorbarScatterPlot(xlabel, ylabel, colorlabel,\ 329 title, subtitle) 330 plot.add_content(data[0][0], data[0][1], data[0][2],\ 331 label=tablenames[0], **kwargs) 332 kwargs.pop("cmap", None) 333 if dqstyle: 334 plot.finalize(logcolor=logcolor, clim=colorlim, loc=loc,\ 335 threshold=dqthresh) 336 else: 337 plot.finalize(logcolor=logcolor, clim=colorlim, loc=loc) 338 339 # plot loudest 340 if loudest: 341[loudest[0]], [loudest[1]], marker="*", color="gold",\ 342 markersize=15) 343 344 # set axes 345 if logx: 346"log") 347 if logy: 348"log") 349, scalex=True, scaley=True) 350 351 if limits[0]: 352[0]) 353 if limits[1]: 354[1]) 355 356, which="both") 357 if xcolumn == "time": 358 plotutils.set_time_ticks( 359 plotutils.set_minor_ticks( 360 361 # save and close 362 if greyscale: 363"#E8E8E8") 364 plot.savefig(outfile, bbox_inches=bbox_inches,\ 365 366 plot.close()
367 368 # ============================================================================= 369 # Plot a histogram of any column 370 # ============================================================================= 371
372 -def plothistogram(lsctable, outfile, column="snr", numbins=100,\ 373 colorcolumn=None, colorbins=10, normalize=None,\ 374 cumulative=None, bar=False, **kwargs):
375 """ 376 Plot any column of a valid LigoLW table against any other, coloured by any 377 other, or plot all the same if you're that way inclined. Multiple tables 378 can be given for any non-coloured plot. 379 380 "time" as a column means the output of get_peak for Burst tables, get_end 381 for Inspiral tables, and get_start for ringdown tables 382 383 Arguments: 384 385 table : [ dict | glue.ligolw.table.Table ] 386 dict of ("name", table) pairs, or single LigoLW table 387 outfile : string 388 string path for output plot 389 390 Keyword arguments: 391 xcolumn : string 392 valid column of triggers table to plot on x-axis 393 ycolumn : string 394 valid column of triggers table to plot on y-axis 395 zcolumn : string 396 valid column of triggers table to use for colorbar (optional). 397 """ 398 # work out dictionary or table 399 if isinstance(lsctable, table.Table): 400 tables = {"_":lsctable} 401 else: 402 tables = lsctable 403 tablenames = sorted(tables.keys()) 404 tables = [tables[n] for n in tablenames] 405 406 # get axis limits 407 xlim = kwargs.pop("xlim", None) 408 ylim = kwargs.pop("ylim", None) 409 zlim = kwargs.pop("zlim", None) 410 clim = kwargs.pop("clim", zlim) 411 412 # get axis scales 413 logx = kwargs.pop("logx", False) 414 logy = kwargs.pop("logy", False) 415 logcolor = kwargs.pop("logcolor", False) 416 417 # get colorbar options 418 hidden_colorbar = kwargs.pop("hidden_colorbar", False) 419 420 # get savefig option 421 bbox_inches = kwargs.pop("bbox_inches", "tight") 422 423 # get fill 424 fill = kwargs.pop("fill", False) 425 426 # get extras 427 rate = kwargs.pop("rate", False) 428 if normalize: 429 rate = True 430 if not hasattr(normalize, "__iter__"): 431 normalize = [normalize]*len(tablenames) 432 else: 433 normalize = [1]*len(tablenames) 434 loc = kwargs.pop("loc", 0) 435 436 # set labels 437 xlabel = kwargs.pop("xlabel", plotutils.display_name(column)) 438 if rate and cumulative: 439 ylabel = kwargs.pop("ylabel", "Cumulative rate (Hz)") 440 elif rate: 441 ylabel = kwargs.pop("ylabel", "Rate (Hz)") 442 elif not rate and cumulative: 443 ylabel = kwargs.pop("ylabel", "Cumulative number") 444 else: 445 ylabel = kwargs.pop("ylabel", "Number") 446 447 title = kwargs.pop("title", "") 448 subtitle = kwargs.pop("subtitle","") 449 colorlabel = kwargs.pop("colorlabel", colorcolumn\ 450 and plotutils.display_name(colorcolumn) or "") 451 452 # 453 # get column data 454 # 455 456 if colorcolumn: 457 colordata = get_column(tables[0], colorcolumn).astype(float) 458 if not clim and colordata.size != 0: 459 clim = [colordata.min(), colordata.max()] 460 elif not clim: 461 clim = [1, 10] 462 if isinstance(colorbins, int): 463 numcolorbins = colorbins 464 if logcolor: 465 colorbins = numpy.logspace(*numpy.log10(clim), num=numcolorbins) 466 else: 467 colorbins = numpy.linspace(*clim, num=numcolorbins) 468 else: 469 numcolorbins = len(colorbins) 470 471 data = list() 472 for i,lsctable in enumerate(tables): 473 d = get_column(lsctable, column).astype(float) 474 if i==0 and colorcolumn: 475 data.append(list()) 476 for j in range(numcolorbins): 477 data[i].append(d[d>=colorbins[j]]) 478 else: 479 data.append(d) 480 481 # 482 # generate plot and make 483 # 484 485 if colorcolumn: 486 raise NotImplementedError("This has not been implemented in "+\ 487 "plotutils yet, here's your chance!") 488 plot = plotutils.ColorbarLineHistogram(xlabel, ylabel, colorlabel,\ 489 title, subtitle) 490 for dataset,colorbin in zip(data[0], colorbins): 491 plot.add_content(dataset, normalize=normalize[0],\ 492 colorvalue=colorbin, label=tablenames[0], **kwargs) 493 for i,name in enumerate(tablenames[1:]): 494 plot.add_content(data[i+1], normalize=normalize[i+1],\ 495 label=name, **kwargs) 496 plot.finalize(logcolor=logcolor, colorlabel=colorlabel, loc=loc) 497 else: 498 color = kwargs.pop("color", None) 499 if isinstance(color, str): 500 color = color.split(',') 501 if len(color) == 1: 502 color = [color[0]]*len(serieslist) 503 plot = plotutils.LineHistogram(xlabel, ylabel, title, subtitle) 504 for i,name in enumerate(tablenames): 505 if color: 506 kwargs["color"] = color[i] 507 plot.add_content(data[i], normalize=normalize[i], label=name,\ 508 **kwargs) 509 plot.finalize(loc=loc, logx=logx, logy=logy, bar=bar, num_bins=numbins,\ 510 cumulative=cumulative) 511 512, scalex=True, scaley=True) 513 514 if xlim: 515 516 if ylim: 517 518 519 # save and close 520 plot.savefig(outfile, bbox_inches=bbox_inches,\ 521 522 plot.close()
523 524 # ============================================================================= 525 # Plot trigger rate 526 # ============================================================================= 527
528 -def plotrate(lsctable, outfile, stride=60, column="peak_frequency", bins=[],\ 529 t0=None, **kwargs):
530 """ 531 Plot rate versus time for the given ligolw table triggers, binned by the 532 given bincolumn using the bins list. 533 534 Arguments: 535 536 lsctable : glue.ligolw.table.Table 537 LIGOLW table containing a list of triggers 538 outfile : string 539 string path for output plot 540 """ 541 # get column data 542 timedata = get_column(lsctable, "time") 543 ratedata = get_column(lsctable, column) 544 # sort in time 545 if timedata.size: 546 timedata, ratedata = map(numpy.asarray,\ 547 zip(*sorted(zip(timedata,ratedata),\ 548 key=lambda (t,r): t))) 549 550 551 # get x-axis limits 552 xlim = kwargs.pop("xlim", None) 553 if xlim: 554 start,end = xlim 555 elif timedata.size: 556 start = timedata.min() 557 end = timedata.max() 558 xlim = start, end 559 else: 560 start = 0 561 end = 1 562 563 # get other params 564 logx = kwargs.pop("logx", False) 565 logy = kwargs.pop("logy", False) 566 ylim = kwargs.pop("ylim", False) 567 hidden_colorbar = kwargs.pop("hidden_colorbar", False) 568 bbox_inches = kwargs.pop("bbox_inches", "tight") 569 loc = kwargs.pop("loc", 0) 570 571 # get bins 572 xbins = numpy.arange(float(start), float(end), stride) 573 if not bins: 574 bins = [[0, float("inf")]] 575 ybins = [map(float, bin_) for bin_ in bins] 576 577 # remove all triggers not in any bins 578 xextent = (xbins[0], xbins[-1]+stride) 579 yextent = (ybins[0][0], ybins[-1][-1]) 580 inanybin = (timedata > xextent[0]) & (timedata <= xextent[1])\ 581 & (ratedata > yextent[0]) & (ratedata <= yextent[1]) 582 timedata = timedata[inanybin] 583 ratedata = ratedata[inanybin] 584 585 ydata = numpy.zeros((len(xbins), len(ybins))) 586 for i,xbin in enumerate(xbins): 587 # work out index of first trigger outside x bin 588 try: 589 idx = (timedata >= xbin+stride).nonzero()[0][0] 590 # get triggers in this time bin 591 ratebin = numpy.asarray(sorted(ratedata[:idx])) 592 break_ = False 593 # get triggers in this time bin 594 ratebin = numpy.asarray(sorted(ratedata[:idx])) 595 except IndexError: 596 idx = None 597 ratebin = numpy.asarray(sorted(ratedata)) 598 break_ = True 599 # loop over ybins 600 for j,ybin in enumerate(ybins): 601 # work out index of first trigger outside this y bin 602 try: 603 yidx = (ratebin >= ybin[1]).nonzero()[0][0] 604 except IndexError: 605 ydata[i][j] = len(ratebin)/stride 606 break 607 ydata[i][j] = len(ratebin[:yidx])/stride 608 ratebin = ratebin[yidx:] 609 if break_: break 610 timedata = timedata[idx:] 611 xdata = xbins + stride/2 612 613 # set xlabel and renomalize time 614 if t0: 615 xdata -= t0 616 start -= t0 617 end -= t0 618 xlabel = kwargs.pop("xlabel", None) 619 if not xlabel: 620 if not t0: 621 t0 = start 622 start -= t0 623 end -= t0 624 xdata -= t0 625 unit, timestr = plotutils.time_axis_unit(end-start) 626 start /= unit 627 end /= unit 628 xdata = xdata/unit 629 t0 = LIGOTimeGPS(t0) 630 if t0.nanoseconds==0: 631 xlabel = datetime.datetime(*date.XLALGPSToUTC(LIGOTimeGPS(t0))[:6])\ 632 .strftime("%B %d %Y, %H:%M:%S %ZUTC") 633 else: 634 xlabel = datetime.datetime(*date.XLALGPSToUTC(\ 635 LIGOTimeGPS(t0.seconds))[:6])\ 636 .strftime("%B %d %Y, %H:%M:%S %ZUTC") 637 xlabel = "Time (%s) since %s (%s)"\ 638 % (timestr, 639 xlabel.replace(" UTC", ".%.3s UTC" % t0.nanoseconds),\ 640 t0) 641 ylabel = kwargs.pop("ylabel", "Rate (Hz)") 642 title = kwargs.pop("title", "") 643 subtitle = kwargs.pop("subtitle", "") 644 645 # 646 # plot object 647 # 648 649 plot = plotutils.ScatterPlot(xlabel, ylabel, title, subtitle) 650 651 # mask zeros for log plot 652 if logy: 653 ydata =, ydata, copy=False) 654 655 for i,ybin in enumerate(ybins): 656 if list(ybin) == [0, numpy.inf]: 657 label = "_" 658 else: 659 label = "%s-%s" % (ybin[0], ybin[1]) 660 plot.add_content(xdata, ydata[:,i], label=label, **kwargs) 661 662 plot.finalize(loc=loc) 663 if hidden_colorbar: 664 plotutils.add_colorbar(, visible=False) 665 if logx: 666"log") 667 if logy: 668"log") 669, scalex=True, scaley=True) 670, end) 671 if ylim: 672 673 674 # set grid and ticks 675, which="both") 676 plotutils.set_time_ticks( 677 plotutils.set_minor_ticks( 678 679 # save 680 plot.savefig(outfile, bbox_inches=bbox_inches,\ 681 682 plot.close()