Package pylal :: Module lalapps_cbc_plotrates
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Module lalapps_cbc_plotrates

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Classes [hide private]
Class to store category information.
Class to store statistics and livetime for plotting.
Helper class to get row stat directly from the database.
Functions [hide private]
Parse the command line, return options and check for consistency among the options.
source code
fix_zarray(zarray, sigmas) source code
createDataHolder(tableName, columns=None)
Creates a DataHolder object.
source code
combineRowStats(function, rows)
Performs the desired function on the list of single statistics.
source code
combineData(dataObj, match_column, args, param_grouping_function, verbose=False)
Cycles over the DataElements in dataObj, combining any DataElements with the same match_column value via the given args and returns a new Data object in which the element's ids are the values of the match_column.
source code
join_experiment_tables_to_sngl_table(table) source code
coinc_in_filter(on_instruments, ifos, filter, sngl_ifos=False) source code
poissonPDFlog10(k, lmbda) source code
ColorFormatter(y, pos) source code
createCombineRowsMethod(tableName, columns, functionList)
Creates a CombineRows class that can be used in a sqlite database to combine rows on the fly.
source code
main(argv=None) source code
Variables [hide private]
  __prog__ = 'lalapps_cbc_plotrates'
  description = 'Creates plots of histogram counts and cumulativ...
  usage = '%s [options] file1.sqlite file2.sqlite ...'
Function Details [hide private]

createDataHolder(tableName, columns=None)

source code 

Creates a DataHolder object. If tableName is the same as a table in lsctables, the DataHolder class will be an instance of that table's RowType.

combineRowStats(function, rows)

source code 

Performs the desired function on the list of single statistics. Note: this can only combine one statistic from each row.

combineData(dataObj, match_column, args, param_grouping_function, verbose=False)

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Cycles over the DataElements in dataObj, combining any DataElements with the same match_column value via the given args and returns a new Data object in which the element's ids are the values of the match_column. Note: the categories of the DataElements in the new Data object are just the concatenation of the older objects individual categories. These might need to be updated depending on the paramters of the newer category.

createCombineRowsMethod(tableName, columns, functionList)

source code 

Creates a CombineRows class that can be used in a sqlite database to combine rows on the fly. Takes in a sngl_function, which is the function used to combine columns within a single row, and a combining_function, which is the function used to combine the results of the sngl_functions across rows.

Variables Details [hide private]


'Creates plots of histogram counts and cumulative rates vs. a given st\
atistic. Statistics can be either single or coincident, and can be que\
ried or computed on the fly from either a sngl table or a coinc table.\
 NOTE: This is a modified version of that in lalsuite. This also plots\
 extended background triggers, which must be stored in text files. It \
also writes out text files of the data that was plotted in the cumulat\
ive histogram.'