Package pylal :: Module followup_trigger :: Class FollowupTrigger
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Class FollowupTrigger

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This defines a class for following up a trigger and to create the timeseries of found triggers in each stage of the pipeline.


# first need to initialize the class followup = followup_trigger.FollowupTrigger(cache, opts)

# later, one can do a followup of different objects, like an injection, # a coinc. trigger or a single trigger: htmlname1 = followup.from_coinc(coinc) htmlname2 = followup.from_sngl(sngl_inspiral) htmlname3 = followup.from_missed(missed_inj) htmlname4 = followup.from_found(found_inj) htmlname5 = followup.from_new_coinc(new_coinc,[sngls]) htmlname6 = followup.from_new_slide_coinc(new_coinc,[sngls],slideDict,segs)

# In each case the path to the created html file is returned. # In the first call a CoincInspirals table is expected, a SnglInspiral # table in the second case and a SimInspiral table in the two last.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, cache, opts, use_injections=True, do_slides=False)
Initialize this class and sets up all the cache files.
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set_sned(self, executable)
Sets the sned flag to 'flag'
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execute_sned(self, injections)
Makes an external call to lalapps_sned to recalculate the effective distances
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setTag(self, tag)
Setting a tag (non-conformal naming because of backwards compatibality)
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set_tag(self, tag)
Setting a tag
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Extracting the length of the used injection_window from any 'FOUND' file in the cache.
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get_injection_id(self, filename=None, url=None, cache_entry=None)
Extracting the injection ID from the filename, using the mechanism as used in lalapps_path2cache.
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check_injection_id(self, cache_entry, tag)
The above relies on a very specific naming convention, here we check if the injection tag is present in the files' description.
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find_injection_id(self, injection)
Find the injection-ID corresponding to this particular injection.
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Reads the veto segments given by veto-files (if any)
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Resets the counting number for the time-series plots generated.
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print_inj(self, inj, injID)
Print some useful informations to the screen.
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save_plot(self, stage)
Saves the plots and store them in a seperate fname_list.
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get_time_trigger(self, trig)
This is a helper function to return a GPS time as one float number
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get_effective_snr(self, trig, fac=50) source code
get_new_snr(self, trig, index=6.) source code
get_sim_time(self, sim, ifo=None)
This is a helper function to return a GPS time as one float number for a certain IFO.
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is_veto(self, time_trigger, ifo)
This function checks if there is a veto at the time 'timeTrigger' for the IFO 'ifo'.
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put_text(self, text)
Puts some text into an otherwise empty plot.
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create_timeseries(self, trigger_files, stage, number, slideDict=None)
Investigate inspiral triggers and create a time-series of the SNRs around the injected time
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select_category(self, trigger_files, category)
Return a trigger list that contains only files for the choosen category.
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fill_table(self, page, contents, header=False, no_wrapping=False)
Fills contents in a html table
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create_table_inj(self, inj)
Creates the first table containing basic properties of the injection which is followed up.
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create_table_sngl(self, trig)
Creates the first table containing basic properties of the trigger which is followed up.
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create_table_coinc(self, coinc, snglInspirals=None, page=None, slideDict=None)
Creates the first table containing basic properties of the coincidence which is followed up.
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create_table_time(self, trigger_time)
Creates the first table containing the time of the followup
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add_table_followup(self, page, invest_dict)
Adds the table containing specific information on the loudest trigger found in the followup region for each IFO.
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from_coinc(self, coinc, ifo=None, more_infos=False, injection_id=None, slideDict=None)
Creates a followup page from a coincident trigger.
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from_new_coinc(self, coinc, sngls, more_infos=False, injection_id=None)
Creates a followup page from a coincident trigger.
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from_new_slide_coinc(self, coinc, sngls, slideDict, more_infos=False, injection_id=None)
Creates a followup page from a slid coincident trigger.
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from_sngl(self, sngl, ifo=None, more_infos=False, injection_id=None)
Creates a followup page from a single trigger.
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from_missed(self, missed, ifo=None, more_infos=True, injection_id=None)
Creates a followup page from a missed injection.
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from_found(self, found, ifo=None, more_infos=False, injection_id=None, coinc=None, sngls=None)
Creates a followup page from a found injection.
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from_injection(self, injection, ifo=None, more_infos=True, injection_id=None, coinc=None, sngls=None)
Creates a followup page from an injection.
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from_time(self, trigger_time, ifo=None, more_infos=False, injection_id=None)
Creates a followup page from a given time.
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followup(self, page, slideDict=None)
Central followup procedure, finding corresponding files, generating the time-series and creating the output html files
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find_unvetoed_ifos(self, inj, ifo_list)
Find the list of unvetoed injections for this particular injection (missed or found)
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get_relevant_distance(self, inj, ifo_list)
Find the relevant distance for this injection, given the list of IFO's
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populate_followup_list(self, inj, ifo_list)
Find the relevant effective distance for this injection including any possible vetoes.
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followup_missed_injections(self, opts, missed_injections, found_injections, xvalue='mtotal', xlog='linear', ylog='log')
This function will do the complete followup on each relevant missed injection.
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, cache, opts, use_injections=True, do_slides=False)

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Initialize this class and sets up all the cache files.

  • cache - The cache of all files
  • opts - The 'opts' structure from the main code
  • use_injections - Specifying if injections are being used (if no injections are used and this is set to False, it speeds up the whole initalization...)

set_sned(self, executable)

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Sets the sned flag to 'flag'

  • flag - the executable used to calculate the sned

execute_sned(self, injections)

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Makes an external call to lalapps_sned to recalculate the effective distances

  • injections - the list of injections to be converted
the recalculated injection

setTag(self, tag)

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Setting a tag (non-conformal naming because of backwards compatibality)

  • tag - the tag to be set

set_tag(self, tag)

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Setting a tag

  • tag - well, its the tag!

get_injection_id(self, filename=None, url=None, cache_entry=None)

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Extracting the injection ID from the filename, using
the mechanism as used in lalapps_path2cache. You can specify the filename
itself, the url or the cache entry. You must not specify more than one input!
The injection-ID is calculated in the following way (exttrig only):

The code expects the INSPIRAL and THINCA files in the following scheme (example):
The number of the injection run is extracted (INJRUN) as well as the following
number (INJNUMBER). The injection ID is then calculated as:
so for this example the injectionj ID is 3200077.

@param filename: filename from which the injection ID is extracted
@param url:  url from which the injection ID is extracted
@param cache_entry: cache entry from which the injection ID is extracted

find_injection_id(self, injection)

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Find the injection-ID corresponding to this particular injection.

  • injection - the injection object
the injection ID

print_inj(self, inj, injID)

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Print some useful informations to the screen.

  • inj - the current missed injection
  • injID - the injection ID (used for exttrig only)

save_plot(self, stage)

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Saves the plots and store them in a seperate fname_list.

  • stage - the stage this plot belongs to (e.g. INSPIRAL, THINCA,...)

get_time_trigger(self, trig)

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This is a helper function to return a GPS time as one float number

  • trig - a sngl_inspiral table entry

get_sim_time(self, sim, ifo=None)

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This is a helper function to return a GPS time as one float number for a certain IFO. If no IFO is specified the injected geocentric time is returned.

  • sim - a sim_inspiral table entry
  • ifo - the IFO for which we want the sim time

is_veto(self, time_trigger, ifo)

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This function checks if there is a veto at the time 'timeTrigger' for the IFO 'ifo'.

  • time_trigger - The time to be investigated
  • ifo - The name of the IFO to be investigated

put_text(self, text)

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Puts some text into an otherwise empty plot.

  • text - text to put in the empty plot

create_timeseries(self, trigger_files, stage, number, slideDict=None)

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Investigate inspiral triggers and create a time-series of the SNRs around the injected time

  • trigger_files - List of files containing the inspiral triggers
  • stage - the name of the stage (INSPIRAL_FIRST, THINCA_0_CAT_2)
  • number - the consecutive number for this inspiral followup
  • slideDict - A dictionary of ifo keyed slide times if using slides

select_category(self, trigger_files, category)

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Return a trigger list that contains only files for the choosen category.

  • trigger_files - a list of trigger file names
  • category - a category number
a sub list of filename corresponding to the category requested

fill_table(self, page, contents, header=False, no_wrapping=False)

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Fills contents in a html table

  • page - the page object describing a html page

create_table_inj(self, inj)

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Creates the first table containing basic properties of the injection which is followed up.

  • inj - an injection table

create_table_sngl(self, trig)

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Creates the first table containing basic properties of the trigger which is followed up.

  • trig - an sngl_inspiral table

create_table_coinc(self, coinc, snglInspirals=None, page=None, slideDict=None)

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Creates the first table containing basic properties of the coincidence which is followed up.

  • coinc - an CoincInspiral table

create_table_time(self, trigger_time)

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Creates the first table containing the time of the followup

  • trigger_time - well, just the trigger time

add_table_followup(self, page, invest_dict)

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Adds the table containing specific information on the loudest trigger found in the followup region for each IFO.

  • page - the html page to which to add the table
  • invest_dict - dictionary containing the stage results

from_coinc(self, coinc, ifo=None, more_infos=False, injection_id=None, slideDict=None)

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Creates a followup page from a coincident trigger.

  • coinc - the coincidence to be followed up
  • ifo - specifies the ifo to be used from the coinc.
  • more_infos - to have some additional informations
  • injection_id - Must be specified for exttrig search to specify what injection to use

from_new_coinc(self, coinc, sngls, more_infos=False, injection_id=None)

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Creates a followup page from a coincident trigger.

  • coinc - the coincidence to be followed up
  • ifo - specifies the ifo to be used from the coinc.
  • more_infos - to have some additional informations
  • injection_id - Must be specified for exttrig search to specify what injection to use

from_new_slide_coinc(self, coinc, sngls, slideDict, more_infos=False, injection_id=None)

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Creates a followup page from a slid coincident trigger. This function does not yet produce the plots (as I'm not sure how to!) but the relevant information to do this (the slide dictionary and the segment list) are provided to this function.

  • coinc - the coincidence to be followed up
  • ifo - specifies the ifo to be used from the coinc.
  • more_infos - to have some additional informations
  • injection_id - Must be specified for exttrig search to specify what injection to use

from_sngl(self, sngl, ifo=None, more_infos=False, injection_id=None)

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Creates a followup page from a single trigger.

  • sngl - the sngl trigger to be followed up
  • ifo - NOT USED
  • more_infos - to have some additional informations
  • injection_id - Must be specified for exttrig search to specify what injection to use

from_missed(self, missed, ifo=None, more_infos=True, injection_id=None)

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Creates a followup page from a missed injection.

  • sngl - the missed injection to be followed up
  • ifo - The ifo whose time is used (geocent if None)
  • more_infos - to have some additional informations
  • injection_id - Must be specified for exttrig search to specify what injection to use

from_found(self, found, ifo=None, more_infos=False, injection_id=None, coinc=None, sngls=None)

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Creates a followup page from a found injection.

  • sngl - the found injection to be followed up
  • ifo - The ifo whose time is used (geocent if None)
  • more_infos - to have some additional informations
  • injection_id - Must be specified for exttrig search to specify what injection to use

from_injection(self, injection, ifo=None, more_infos=True, injection_id=None, coinc=None, sngls=None)

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Creates a followup page from an injection.

  • injection - the injection to be followed up
  • ifo - The ifo whose time is used (geocent if None)
  • more_infos - to have some additional informations
  • injection_id - Must be specified for exttrig search to specify what injection to use

from_time(self, trigger_time, ifo=None, more_infos=False, injection_id=None)

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Creates a followup page from a given time.

  • trigger_time - the time to be followed up
  • ifo - NOT USED
  • injection_id - Must be specified for exttrig search to specify what injection to use

followup(self, page, slideDict=None)

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Central followup procedure, finding corresponding files, generating the time-series and creating the output html files

  • page - The head of the html page created with different informations
  • slideDict - A dictionary of ifo keyed slide times if using slides
filename of the created html

find_unvetoed_ifos(self, inj, ifo_list)

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Find the list of unvetoed injections for this particular injection (missed or found)

  • inj - the injection (SimInspiral table)
  • ifo_list - the ifo list