Package pylal :: Module exttrig_dataquery
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Source Code for Module pylal.exttrig_dataquery

  1  #!/usr/bin/python 
  3  import glob 
  4  import os 
  5  import sys 
  6  import subprocess 
  7  import shutil 
  8  import optparse 
  9  import urllib 
 10  import ConfigParser 
 11  import warnings 
 12  warnings.simplefilter('ignore',DeprecationWarning) 
 13  warnings.simplefilter('ignore',UserWarning) 
 15  itertools = __import__("itertools")  # absolute import of system-wide itertools 
 17  import numpy 
 18  import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('Agg') 
 19  import pylab as plt 
 21  from glue.ligolw import ligolw 
 22  from glue.ligolw import utils 
 23  from glue.ligolw import table 
 24  from glue.ligolw import lsctables 
 25  from glue import lal 
 26  from glue import segments 
 27  from glue import segmentsUtils 
 28  from glue import pipeline 
 29  from glue import iterutils 
 31  ############################################################################## 
 32  # set-up 
 33  ############################################################################## 
35 -def parse_args():
36 """ 37 Parses the command line arguments. 38 """ 39 parser = optparse.OptionParser() 40 # files 41 parser.add_option("--config-file", help="Specifies the configuration file to use.") 42 parser.add_option("--log-file", help="Specifies the log file for any outputs.",default = "default.log") 43 parser.add_option("--grb-file", help="Full path to the GRB xml file.") 44 # GRB information 45 parser.add_option("--time", help="GPS time of the GRB trigger.") 46 parser.add_option("--ra", help="Right ascension of the GRB (degree).") 47 parser.add_option("--dec", help="Declination of the GRB (degree).") 48 parser.add_option("--name", help="Name of the GRB (e.g. 100122A).") 49 # segment search specs 50 parser.add_option("--offset", help="Length of time to check in both directions [s].",type=int,default = 2500) 51 parser.add_option("--useold", action="store_true", default=False, help="If this option is specified, the old old segment files will be used. Otherwise they will be queries freshly.") 52 parser.add_option("--extend", action="store_true", default=False, help="Adds quanta of adjacent segments of data with duration of segment-duration/2.") 53 # outputs 54 parser.add_option("--make-plots", action = "store_true", default = False, help = "If this option is specified, segment plots will be created.") 55 parser.add_option("--make-xml", action = "store_true", default = False, help = "If this option is specified, a xml file will be created.") 56 57 options, arguments = parser.parse_args() 58 59 # checks 60 if not options.config_file: 61 raise ValueError, "Must enter a configuration file to use." 62 if not options.grb_file and (not options.time or not 63 raise ValueError, "Either a valid GRB xml file must be specified or the GPS time and name of the GRB!" 64 if options.make_xml: 65 if not options.ra or not options.dec: 66 raise ValueError, "The right ascension (--ra) and the declination (--dec) is required to be specified, because --make-xml was set." 67 if options.grb_file and options.make_xml: 68 print "Warning! It does not make sense to specfy the xml file as input and as output. Therefore, the make-xml flag will be set to False" 69 options.make_xml = False 70 71 return options, arguments
73 -def plot_segments(segdict, onsource, offsource, centertime, plot_window, output_filename, tag):
74 """ 75 Creates time series plots of segments for each IFO. 76 """ 77 # define hardcoded variables 78 color_code = {'H1':'r', 'H2':'b', 'L1':'g', 'V1':'m', 'G1':'k'} 79 80 # create the plot 81 fig = plt.figure() 82 ax = fig.add_subplot(111) 83 ax.set_xlabel("time (s)") 84 ax.set_ylabel("IFO") 85 window = None 86 87 # converts from GPS time to relative +/- centertime 88 _time_transform = lambda t: t - centertime 89 90 # add content 91 ifolist = segdict.keys() 92 ifolist.sort() 93 for row, ifo in enumerate(ifolist): 94 color = color_code[ifo] 95 for seg in segdict[ifo]: 96 a = _time_transform(seg[0]) 97 b = _time_transform(seg[1]) 98 ax.fill([a, b, b, a, a], [row, row, row+1, row+1, row], color) 99 100 # set x limit of plot 101 if offsource: 102 c = _time_transform(plot_window[0]) 103 d = _time_transform(plot_window[1]) 104 window = segments.segment((c, d)) 105 106 # plot vertical lines for offsource 107 if abs(plot_window) > 0: 108 a = _time_transform(offsource[0]) 109 b = _time_transform(offsource[1]) 110 ax.axvline(a, color='k', linewidth=2) 111 ax.axvline(b, color='k', linewidth=2) 112 113 # plot vertical lines for onsource 114 ax.axvline(_time_transform(onsource[0]), color='k', linestyle='--') 115 ax.axvline(_time_transform(onsource[1]), color='k', linestyle='--') 116 117 # plot ticks 118 ticks = plt.arange(len(ifolist)) + 0.5 119 ax.set_yticks(ticks) 120 ax.set_yticklabels(ifolist) 121 122 # set y axis as IFOs 123 if window is not None: 124 ax.set_xlim(window) 125 ax.set_ylim((0, len(ifolist))) 126 127 # save file 128 ax.set_title('Segments for GRB '+tag) 129 fig.savefig(output_filename) 130 plt.close(fig)
132 -def check_segment_availability(grb_name, grb_time, query_start, query_end, offset, ifo, segmentName):
133 ''' 134 Searches +/- offset from GRB time to download the latest segment lists then extracts times and puts them into a txt file. 135 ''' 136 args = {'grb_name' : grb_name, 137 'query_start' : query_start, 138 'query_end' : query_end, 139 'ifo' : ifo, 140 'segmentName' : segmentName} 141 cmd = "ligolw_segment_query --database --query-segments --include-segments '{segmentName}' --gps-start-time {query_start} --gps-end-time {query_end} > ./segments{ifo}_grb{grb_name}.xml".format(**args) 142 print '>>',cmd 143 print 144 process = subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) 145 output,err = process.communicate() 146 147 # try to open the file 148 try: 149 doc = utils.load_filename("segments{ifo}_grb{grb_name}.xml".format(**args), contenthandler = lsctables.use_in(ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler)) 150 except: 151 raise IOError, "Error reading file: segments{ifo}_grb{grb_name}.xml".format(**args) 152 153 # extract the segment list from segment:table and store in a txt file 154 segs = table.get_table(doc, "segment") 155 seglist = segments.segmentlist(segments.segment(s.start_time, s.end_time) for s in segs) 156 segmentsUtils.tosegwizard(file("{ifo}-science_grb{grb_name}.txt".format(**args),'w'),seglist,header = True) 157 158 print ">> %s segments +/-%ds from %ds found:"%(ifo,offset,grb_time) 159 for s in segs: 160 print "Start:",s.start_time,"End:",s.end_time,"Duration:",s.end_time-s.start_time 161 print 162 163 return
165 -def exttrig_dataquery(grb_name, grb_time, grb_ra, grb_dec, offset, config_file, extend=False, useold=False, make_plots=False, make_xml=False):
166 ''' 167 Finds science time of all available IFOs. 168 ''' 169 ############################################################################## 170 # get segment duration and minimum amount of science time 171 ############################################################################## 172 173 # read the configuration file 174 cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() 175 176 177 # define hardcoded variables 178 basic_ifolist = ifolist = ['H1','H2','L1','V1'] 179 catlist = [1,2,3] 180 sensitivity_dict = {"H1": 1, "L1": 2, "H2": 3, "V1": 4, "G1": 5} 181 182 # get segment length from configuration file 183 pad_data = int(cp.get('data','pad-data')) 184 if cp.has_option('data','segment-duration'): 185 blockDuration = segmentDuration = psdDuration = int(cp.get('data','segment-duration')) 186 elif cp.has_option('data','segment-length'): 187 blockDuration = segmentDuration = psdDuration = int(cp.get('data','segment-length')) /int(cp.get('data','sample-rate')) 188 else: 189 raise ValueError, "EXIT: Cannot find segment-duration in [data] section of configuration file!" 190 191 # get sample rate 192 if cp.has_option('data','sample-rate'): 193 sampleRate = int(cp.get('data', 'sample-rate')) 194 print ">> Sample rate has been set to: %d"%sampleRate 195 print 196 else: 197 print ">> ERROR: Need to specify sample-rate in [data] section of configuration file in order to calculate inputs for downstream processes." 198 sys.exit() 199 200 # if not extend option then need to get block duration 201 if not extend: 202 if cp.has_option('data','block-duration'): 203 blockDuration = int(cp.get('data','block-duration')) 204 elif cp.has_option('data','segment-length'): 205 s_length = int(cp.get('data', 'segment-length')) 206 s_num = int(cp.get('data', 'number-of-segments')) 207 s_rate = int(cp.get('data', 'sample-rate')) 208 s_overlap = int(cp.get('inspiral', 'segment-overlap')) 209 # calculate blockDuration 210 blockDuration = ( s_length * s_num - ( s_num - 1 ) * s_overlap ) / s_rate 211 else: 212 raise ValueError, "EXIT: Cannot find block-duration in [data] section of configuration file! Either set block-duration or use --extend option." 213 214 # calculate the minimum amount of science time need and how the length of quanta to be added on both ends of the analysis time 215 minscilength = blockDuration + 2 * pad_data 216 quanta = segmentDuration / 2 217 218 # if extend beyond minscilength; add segments of quanta length to each end of segment 219 print ">> Minimum science segment length is: %ss"%minscilength 220 print 221 if extend: 222 print ">> Will extend minimum science segment by quanta of: %ss"%quanta 223 print 224 225 ############################################################################## 226 # get list of segments for each IFO and put in science txt file 227 ############################################################################## 228 229 if not useold: 230 # external call to ligolw_segment_query 231 query_start = int(grb_time - offset) 232 query_end = int(grb_time + offset) 233 for ifo in ifolist: 234 if cp.has_option('segments','%s-segments'%ifo.lower()): 235 segmentName = cp.get('segments','%s-segments'%ifo.lower()) 236 check_segment_availability(grb_name, grb_time, query_start, query_end, offset, ifo, segmentName) 237 238 ############################################################################## 239 # get veto files 240 ############################################################################## 241 242 if not useold: 243 # get and read veto definer file 244 veto_file_url = cp.get('exttrig','cvs_veto_definer') 245 veto_file_path,headers = urllib.urlretrieve(veto_file_url,os.path.basename(veto_file_url)) 246 247 # do ligolw_segments_from_cats 248 deltat = 500 249 args = {'start_time' : int(grb_time - offset - deltat), 250 'end_time' : int(grb_time + offset + deltat), 251 'veto_file_path' : veto_file_path} 252 cmd = "ligolw_segments_from_cats --database --veto-file={veto_file_path} --separate-categories --gps-start-time {start_time} --gps-end-time {end_time} --output-dir=. --individual-results".format(**args) 253 print '>>',cmd 254 print 255 process = subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) 256 output,err = process.communicate() 257 258 # Rename the veto files for easier handling 259 veto_files = glob.glob('./*VETOTIME_CAT*{start_time}*xml'.format(**args)) 260 for filename in veto_files: 261 p = filename.split('-') 262 newname = "%s-%s_grb%s.xml"%(p[0], p[1], grb_name) 263 shutil.move(filename, newname) 264 265 ############################################################################## 266 # look in txt files and find segment with onsource and minscilength 267 ############################################################################## 268 269 # create segment that is +/- offset of GRB time 270 onsource = [grb_time - int(cp.get('exttrig','onsource_left')),\ 271 grb_time + int(cp.get('exttrig','onsource_right'))] 272 onSourceSegment = segments.segment(onsource[0], onsource[1]) 273 274 # get segments in science txt files; see if segments length at least minscilength 275 # if no then discard them; if yes then put in segdict[ifo] and ifo in ifolist 276 basic_segdict = segdict = segments.segmentlistdict() 277 for ifo in ifolist: 278 # check configuration file 279 if not cp.has_option('segments','%s-segments' % ifo.lower()): 280 continue 281 # find segment with onsource and check it is at least minscilength 282 ifo_segfile = '%s-science_grb%s.txt' %(ifo, grb_name) 283 if os.path.exists(ifo_segfile): 284 tmplist = segmentsUtils.fromsegwizard(open(ifo_segfile)) 285 try: 286 s = tmplist.find(onSourceSegment) 287 except ValueError: 288 # if onsource not in segments then move on to next IFO 289 continue 290 if abs(tmplist[s]) >= minscilength: 291 segdict[ifo] = segments.segmentlist([tmplist[s]]) 292 basic_segdict[ifo] = segments.segmentlist([s for s in tmplist]) 293 ifolist = segdict.keys() 294 295 if len(ifolist) < 2: 296 print "EXIT: Less than 2 interferometers have available data!" 297 sys.exit() 298 299 ############################################################################## 300 # apply vetoes 301 ############################################################################## 302 303 # apply 304 print ">> Vetoes that overlap with science segments:" 305 for ifo in ifolist: 306 # flag; True if IFO not vetoed 307 cat_flag = True 308 for cat in catlist: 309 # create list and check for overlaps 310 xmlsegfile = "./%s-VETOTIME_CAT%s_grb%s.xml" %(ifo, cat, grb_name) 311 if os.path.exists(xmlsegfile) and cat_flag: 312 testseg = segments.segment([segdict[ifo][0][0],segdict[ifo][0][1]]) 313 list_overlaps = [] 314 315 # load the content of the veto-file 316 xmldoc = utils.load_filename(xmlsegfile, gz = False, contenthandler = lsctables.use_in(ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler)) 317 segs = lsctables.SegmentTable.get_table(xmldoc) 318 segdefs = lsctables.SegmentDefTable.get_table(xmldoc) 319 320 # create a mapping between the segments and their definitions 321 defdict = {} 322 for segdef in segdefs: 323 defdict[segdef.segment_def_id] = 324 325 # find veto segments that intersect science segment of IFO with onsource 326 for seg in segs: 327 s = segments.segment(seg.start_time, seg.end_time) 328 if testseg.intersects(s): 329 id = seg.segment_def_id 330 list_overlaps.append([defdict[id], seg.start_time, seg.end_time]) 331 332 # cut veto CAT1 segments out of science segment; CAT1,2,3 veto IFO if in onsource will veto IFO 333 for name, segstart, segend in list_overlaps: 334 print "CAT%s IFO %s, Start: %d End: %d because %s"%(cat, ifo, segstart, segend, name) 335 s = segments.segment(segstart, segend) 336 if onSourceSegment.intersects(s): 337 segdict.pop(ifo, None) 338 cat_flag = False 339 break 340 if cat == 1: 341 vetoes = segments.segmentlist(segments.segment(s[1], s[2]) for s in list_overlaps) 342 segdict[ifo] -= vetoes 343 344 # get list of IFOs 345 ifolist = segdict.keys() 346 347 print 348 349 if len(ifolist) < 2: 350 print "EXIT: After vetoes, less than 2 interferometers have available data!" 351 sys.exit() 352 353 ############################################################################## 354 # determine segment to be analyzed 355 ############################################################################## 356 357 # sort from most sensitive to least sensitive 358 def sensitivity_cmp(ifo1, ifo2): 359 return cmp(sensitivity_dict[ifo1], sensitivity_dict[ifo2])
360 ifolist.sort(sensitivity_cmp) 361 362 # compares IFOs and finds the segment to analyze 363 # now try getting off-source segments 364 # start trying with all IFOs 365 # work our way through subsets; beginning with most sensitive combinations 366 test_combos = itertools.chain(*itertools.imap(lambda n: iterutils.choices(ifolist, n), xrange(len(ifolist), 1, -1))) 367 off_source_segment = None 368 the_ifo_combo = [] 369 for ifo_combo in test_combos: 370 # find conincident science time of IFOs 371 trial_seglist = segdict.intersection(ifo_combo) 372 if abs(trial_seglist) < minscilength: 373 print "EXIT: IFOs do not overlap enough for minscilength",abs(trial_seglist) 374 sys.exit() 375 else: 376 pass 377 378 # find segment with grb_time inside 379 try: 380 super_seg = trial_seglist[trial_seglist.find(onSourceSegment)].contract(pad_data) 381 except ValueError: 382 print "EXIT: ValueError with super_seg" 383 sys.exit() 384 if onSourceSegment not in super_seg: 385 print "EXIT: onsource not in super_seg" 386 sys.exit() 387 388 # find int division of onsource time intervals before and after grb 389 tplus = (super_seg[1] - onSourceSegment[1]) 390 tminus = (onSourceSegment[0] - super_seg[0]) 391 392 # get minimum number of onsource time intervals in offsource 393 tmin = ( minscilength - 2*pad_data - abs(onSourceSegment) ) 394 395 # cut to get minscilength 396 if tplus + tminus > tmin: 397 half_max = tmin // 2 398 if tplus < half_max: 399 print ">> Left sticks out so cut it." 400 remainder = tmin - tplus 401 tminus = min(remainder, tminus) 402 elif tminus < half_max: 403 print ">> Right sticks out so cut it." 404 remainder = tmin - tminus 405 tplus = min(remainder, tplus) 406 else: 407 print ">> Both sides stick out so cut as symmetrically as possible." 408 tminus = half_max 409 tplus = tmin - half_max # odd trial sticks out on right 410 if tplus + tminus < tmin: 411 offsource = None 412 temp_segment = segments.segment((onSourceSegment[0] - tminus - pad_data, onSourceSegment[1] + tplus + pad_data)) 413 414 if temp_segment is not None: 415 offsource = temp_segment 416 ifolist = list(ifo_combo) 417 418 if extend: 419 # extend as many adjacent 128 second blocks as possible 420 begin_time = offsource[0] - quanta * (abs(super_seg[0]-offsource[0])//quanta) 421 end_time = offsource[1] + quanta * (abs(super_seg[1]-offsource[1])//quanta) 422 offsource = segments.segment((begin_time,end_time)) 423 424 break 425 print 426 427 # check length at least minscilength 428 if abs(offsource) < minscilength: 429 print abs(offsource),minscilength 430 print "EXIT: Calculated offsource segment but less than minscilength!" 431 sys.exit() 432 433 # check if no detectors can be used then exit 434 if len(ifolist) < 2: 435 print "EXIT: Calculated offsource segment but less than two IFOs!" 436 sys.exit() 437 438 # check edge case 439 if abs(offsource[0]-onsource[0]) < pad_data or abs(offsource[1]-onsource[1]) < pad_data: 440 print "WARNING: GRB time close to edge of offsource. Its within the padding time." 441 442 # concatenate "H1L1V1", etc. 443 ifolist.sort() 444 ifotag = "".join(ifolist) 445 print ">> Offsource segment for %s GRB is:"%ifotag 446 print "Start:",offsource[0],"End:",offsource[1],"Duration:",offsource[1]-offsource[0],"Left:",grb_time-offsource[0],"Right:",offsource[1]-grb_time 447 print 448 449 450 ############################################################################## 451 # output 452 ############################################################################## 453 454 # write analyse txt files 455 for ifo in basic_ifolist: 456 if ifo in ifolist: 457 analysisFP = open('%s-analyse_grb%s.txt' %(ifo,grb_name),'w') 458 analysisFP.write('# seg\t start \t stop \t duration\n') 459 analysisFP.write('0\t %d\t %d\t %d\n' %(offsource[0],offsource[1],offsource[1]-offsource[0])) 460 else: 461 analysisFP = open('%s-analyse_grb%s.txt' %(ifo,grb_name),'w') 462 analysisFP.write('# seg\t start \t stop \t duration\n') 463 464 # calculate blockDuration 465 blockDuration = int(abs(offsource[0]-offsource[1])) - 2 * pad_data 466 467 # calculate psdDuration 468 # gets largest power of two such that blockDuration/psdDuration = psdRatio 469 # could have done a binary & operator that is faster but this is more user-friendly I believe 470 min_psdDuration = int(cp.get('exttrig', 'min-psd-length')) 471 psdRatio = int(cp.get('exttrig', 'psd-ratio')) 472 psdDuration = 2**int(numpy.log2(blockDuration/psdRatio)) 473 if psdDuration < min_psdDuration: 474 print "EXIT: PSD segment duration is too short. It is %ds but needs to be at least %ds in length."%(psdDuration,min_psdDuration) 475 sys.exit() 476 477 # some downstream processes (e.g. lalapps_tmpltbank) cannot handle these inputs 478 if cp.has_option('data', 'segment-duration'): 479 cp.remove_option('data', 'segment-duration') 480 cp.remove_option('data', 'block-duration') 481 482 # some downstream processes (e.g. lalapps_tmpltbank) requires these options to run 483 print ">> Using sample rate of %d to calculate inputs for downstream processes."%sampleRate 484 print 485 segmentLength = segmentDuration*sampleRate 486 segmentCount = blockDuration/(segmentDuration/2) - 1 # subtract 1 because one segment length is overlapped 487 segmentOverlap = segmentLength/2 488 cp.set('data', 'segment-length', segmentLength) 489 cp.set('data', 'number-of-segments', segmentCount) 490 cp.set('inspiral', 'segment-overlap', segmentOverlap) 491 492 # set values for [coh_PTF_inspral] section in configuration file 493 cp.set('coh_PTF_inspiral', 'block-duration', blockDuration) 494 cp.set('coh_PTF_inspiral', 'segment-duration', segmentDuration) 495 cp.set('coh_PTF_inspiral', 'psd-segment-duration', psdDuration) 496 cp.set('coh_PTF_inspiral', 'pad-data', pad_data) 497 f = open('grb%s.ini'%grb_name,'w') 498 cp.write(f) 499 f.close() 500 print ">> The [data] section of the configuration file has been edited with the following values:" 501 print "sample-rate=",sampleRate 502 print "segment-length=",segmentLength 503 print "number-of-segments=",segmentCount 504 print "segment-overlap=",segmentOverlap 505 print 506 print ">> The [coh_PTF_inspiral] section of the configuration file has been edited with the following values:" 507 print "block-duration =",blockDuration 508 print "segment-duration =",segmentDuration 509 print "psd-segment-duration =",psdDuration 510 print "pad-data =",pad_data 511 print 512 513 # plot segments 514 offSourceSegment = segments.segment(offsource[0], offsource[1]) 515 plot_window = segments.segment(grb_time-offset, grb_time+offset) 516 plot_segments(basic_segdict, onSourceSegment, offSourceSegment, grb_time, plot_window, "segment_plot_%s.png"%grb_name, grb_name) 517 518 # make xml file 519 if make_xml: 520 # create a new xml document with an ExtTriggers Table 521 xmldoc = ligolw.Document() 522 xmldoc.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW()) 523 tbl = lsctables.New(lsctables.ExtTriggersTable) 524 xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(tbl) 525 526 # set the values we need 527 row = lsctables.ExtTriggersTable() 528 row.process_id = None 529 row.det_alts = None 530 row.det_band = None 531 row.det_fluence = None 532 row.det_fluence_int = None 533 row.det_name = None 534 row.det_peak = None 535 row.det_peak_int = None 536 row.det_snr = '' 537 row.email_time = 0 538 row.event_dec = float(grb_dec) 539 row.event_dec_err = 0.0 540 row.event_epoch = '' 541 row.event_err_type = '' 542 row.event_ra = float(grb_ra) 543 row.event_ra_err = 0.0 544 row.start_time = grb_time 545 row.start_time_ns = 0 546 row.event_type = '' 547 row.event_z = 0.0 548 row.event_z_err = 0.0 549 row.notice_comments = '' 550 row.notice_id = '' 551 row.notice_sequence = '' 552 row.notice_time = 0 553 row.notice_type = '' 554 row.notice_url = '' 555 row.obs_fov_dec = 0.0 556 row.obs_fov_dec_width = 0.0 557 row.obs_fov_ra = 0.0 558 row.obs_fov_ra_width = 0.0 559 row.obs_loc_ele = 0.0 560 row.obs_loc_lat = 0.0 561 row.obs_loc_long = 0.0 562 row.ligo_fave_lho = 0.0 563 row.ligo_fave_llo = 0.0 564 row.ligo_delay = 0.0 565 row.event_number_gcn = 9999 566 row.event_number_grb = grb_name 567 row.event_status = 0 568 569 # insert into the table and write file 570 tbl.extend([row]) 571 filename = 'grb%s.xml' % grb_name 572 utils.write_filename(xmldoc, filename) 573 574 # plot all vetoes 575 if make_plots: 576 vetodict = segments.segmentlistdict() 577 for cat in catlist: 578 for ifo in ifolist: 579 vetofile = "%s-VETOTIME_CAT%s_grb%s.xml" % (ifo, cat, grb_name) 580 xmldoc = utils.load_filename(vetofile, gz = False, contenthandler = lsctables.use_in(ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler)) 581 segs = lsctables.SegmentTable.get_table(xmldoc) 582 segdefs = lsctables.SegmentDefTable.get_table(xmldoc) 583 vetodict[ifo] = segments.segmentlist(segments.segment(s.start_time, s.end_time) for s in segs) 584 585 if vetodict: 586 plot_segments(vetodict, onSourceSegment, offSourceSegment, grb_time, plot_window, "veto_plot_CAT%s_%s.png"%(cat,grb_name), "%s CAT%s"%(grb_name, cat)) 587 588 # return 589 return 'grb%s.ini'%grb_name, ifolist, onSourceSegment, offSourceSegment 590 591 if __name__ == "__main__": 592 # get the command line arguments 593 opts,args = parse_args() 594 595 # get time, RA, DEC and name of GRB; get offset to search from GRB time 596 if opts.grb_file: 597 xmldoc = utils.load_filename(opts.grb_file, gz=opts.grb_file.endswith('.gz'), contenthandler = lsctables.use_in(ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler)) 598 ext_table = lsctables.ExtTriggersTable.get_table(xmldoc) 599 grb_time = ext_table[0].start_time 600 grb_name = os.path.basename(opts.grb_file)[3:-4] 601 grb_ra = ext_table[0].event_ra 602 grb_dec = ext_table[0].event_dec 603 else: 604 grb_name = 605 grb_time = int(opts.time) 606 grb_ra = float(opts.ra) 607 grb_dec = float(opts.dec) 608 609 # run 610 exttrig_dataquery(grb_name, grb_time, grb_ra, grb_dec, opts.offset, opts.config_file, opts.extend, opts.useold, opts.make_plots, opts.make_xml) 611