Package pylal :: Module coh_PTF_pyutils
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Source Code for Module pylal.coh_PTF_pyutils

  1  # Copyright (C) 2012 Ian W. Harry, Duncan M. Macleod 
  2  # 
  3  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
  4  # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the 
  5  # Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your 
  6  # option) any later version. 
  7  # 
  8  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
  9  # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 11  # Public License for more details. 
 12  # 
 13  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along 
 14  # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
 15  # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA. 
 17  """Utilities for the coherent PTF inspiral analysis. 
 18  """ 
 20  import os 
 21  import sys 
 22  import numpy 
 23  import glob 
 24  import math 
 25  import re 
 27  from pylal import grbsummary, antenna, InspiralUtils, SimInspiralUtils 
 28  from lal import PI as LAL_PI 
 29  from lal import MTSUN_SI as LAL_MTSUN_SI 
 31  from glue import segmentsUtils 
 32  from glue.ligolw import lsctables, table 
 33  from glue.ligolw.utils import process as ligolw_process 
36 -def new_snr_chisq(snr, new_snr, chisq_dof, q=4.0, n=3.0):
37 """Returns the chisq value needed to weight snr into new_snr 38 """ 39 chisqnorm = (snr/new_snr)**q 40 if chisqnorm <= 1: 41 return 1E-20 42 return chisq_dof * (2*chisqnorm - 1)**(n/q)
43 44
45 -def get_bestnr( trig, q=4.0, n=3.0, null_thresh=(4.25,6), snr_threshold=6.,\ 46 sngl_snr_threshold=4., chisq_threshold = None,\ 47 null_grad_thresh=20., null_grad_val = 1./5.):
48 """ 49 Calculate BestNR (coh_PTF detection statistic) through signal based vetoes: 50 51 The signal based vetoes are as follows: 52 * Coherent SNR < 6 53 * Bank chi-squared reduced (new) SNR < 6 54 * Auto veto reduced (new) SNR < 6 55 * Single-detector SNR (from two most sensitive IFOs) < 4 56 * Null SNR (CoincSNR^2 - CohSNR^2)^(1/2) < nullthresh 57 Returns BestNR as float 58 """ 59 60 snr = trig.snr 61 if not chisq_threshold: 62 chisq_threshold = snr_threshold 63 64 # coherent SNR and null SNR cut 65 if (snr < snr_threshold) \ 66 or (trig.get_new_snr(index=q, nhigh=n, column='bank_chisq')\ 67 < chisq_threshold) \ 68 or (trig.get_new_snr(index=q, nhigh=n, column='cont_chisq')\ 69 < chisq_threshold): 70 return 0 71 72 # define IFOs for sngl cut 73 ifos = map(str,trig.get_ifos()) 74 75 # single detector SNR cut 76 sens = {} 77 fPlus,fCross = get_det_response(numpy.degrees(trig.ra),\ 78 numpy.degrees(trig.dec),\ 79 trig.get_end()) 80 for ifo in ifos: 81 if ifo.lower()[0] == 'h' : 82 i = ifo.lower() 83 else: 84 i = ifo[0].lower() 85 sens[ifo] = getattr(trig, 'sigmasq_%s' % i.lower()) * \ 86 sum(numpy.array([fPlus[ifo], fCross[ifo]])**2) 87 ifos.sort(key=lambda ifo: sens[ifo], reverse=True) 88 for i in xrange(0,2): 89 if ifos[i].lower()[0] == 'h' : 90 i = ifos[i].lower() 91 else: 92 i = ifos[i][0].lower() 93 if getattr(trig, 'snr_%s' % i) < sngl_snr_threshold: 94 return 0 95 96 # get chisq reduced (new) SNR 97 bestNR = trig.get_bestnr(index=1, nhigh=n, \ 98 null_snr_threshold=null_thresh[0], \ 99 null_grad_thresh=null_grad_thresh, null_grad_val = null_grad_val) 100 101 # If we got this far, the bestNR is non-zero. Verify that chisq actually 102 # was calculated for the trigger 103 if trig.chisq == 0: 104 # Some stuff for debugging 105 print >> sys.stderr,\ 106 "Chisq not calculated for trigger with end time and snr:" 107 print >> sys.stderr, trig.get_end(),trig.snr 108 raise ValueError("Chisq has not been calculated for trigger.") 109 110 return bestNR
112 -def calculate_contours(q=4.0, n=3.0, null_thresh=6., null_grad_snr=20,\ 113 new_snr_thresh=6.0, new_snrs=[5.5,6,6.5,7,8,9,10,11],\ 114 null_grad_val = 0.2, chisq_dof = 60,\ 115 bank_chisq_dof = 40, cont_chisq_dof = 160):
116 """Generate the plot contours for chisq variable plots 117 """ 118 # initialise chisq contour values and colours 119 num_vals = len(new_snrs) 120 colors = ["k-" if snr == new_snr_thresh else 121 "y-" if snr == int(snr) else 122 "y--" for snr in new_snrs] 123 124 # get SNR values for contours 125 snr_low_vals = numpy.arange(4,30,0.1) 126 snr_high_vals = numpy.arange(30,500,1) 127 snr_vals = numpy.asarray(list(snr_low_vals) + list(snr_high_vals)) 128 129 # initialise contours 130 bank_conts = numpy.zeros([len(new_snrs),len(snr_vals)], 131 dtype=numpy.float64) 132 auto_conts = numpy.zeros([len(new_snrs),len(snr_vals)], 133 dtype=numpy.float64) 134 chi_conts = numpy.zeros([len(new_snrs),len(snr_vals)], 135 dtype=numpy.float64) 136 null_cont = [] 137 138 # loop over each and calculate chisq variable needed for SNR contour 139 for j,snr in enumerate(snr_vals): 140 for i,new_snr in enumerate(new_snrs): 141 bank_conts[i][j] = new_snr_chisq(snr, new_snr, bank_chisq_dof, q, n) 142 auto_conts[i][j] = new_snr_chisq(snr, new_snr, cont_chisq_dof, q, n) 143 chi_conts[i][j] = new_snr_chisq(snr, new_snr, chisq_dof, q, n) 144 145 if snr > null_grad_snr: 146 null_cont.append(null_thresh + (snr-null_grad_snr)*null_grad_val) 147 else: 148 null_cont.append(null_thresh) 149 null_cont = numpy.asarray(null_cont) 150 151 return bank_conts,auto_conts,chi_conts,null_cont,snr_vals,colors
152 153
154 -def plot_contours( axis, snr_vals, contours, colors ):
155 for i in range(len(contours)): 156 plot_vals_x = [] 157 plot_vals_y = [] 158 for j in range(len(snr_vals)): 159 if contours[i][j] > 1E-15: 160 # THIS IS HACKY, but I couldn't think of a better way to 161 # ensure that the vertical spike is shown on the plots 162 if not plot_vals_x: 163 plot_vals_x.append(snr_vals[j]) 164 plot_vals_y.append(0.1) 165 plot_vals_x.append(snr_vals[j]) 166 plot_vals_y.append(contours[i][j]) 167 axis.plot(plot_vals_x,plot_vals_y,colors[i])
168 169
170 -def readSegFiles(segdir):
171 times = {} 172 for name,fileName in\ 173 zip(["buffer", "off", "on"],\ 174 ["bufferSeg.txt","offSourceSeg.txt","onSourceSeg.txt"]): 175 176 segs = segmentsUtils.fromsegwizard(open(os.path.join(segdir,fileName), 177 'r')) 178 if len(segs)>1: 179 raise AttributeError, 'More than one segment, an error has occured.' 180 times[name] = segs[0] 181 return times
182 183
184 -def makePaperPlots():
185 import pylab 186 pylab.rcParams.update({ 187 "text.usetex": True, 188 "text.verticalalignment": "center", 189 # "lines.markersize": 12, 190 # "lines.markeredgewidth": 2, 191 # "lines.linewidth": 2.5, 192 "figure.figsize": [8.0, 6.0], 193 "font.size": 20, 194 "axes.titlesize": 16, 195 "axes.labelsize": 24, 196 "xtick.labelsize": 18, 197 "ytick.labelsize": 18, 198 "legend.fontsize": 18, 199 "": "serif", 200 "font.weight": "bold", 201 })
202 203
204 -def get_det_response(ra, dec, trigTime):
205 """Return detector response for complete set of IFOs for given sky 206 location and time. Inclination and polarization are unused so are 207 arbitrarily set to 0. 208 """ 209 f_plus = {} 210 f_cross = {} 211 inclination = 0 212 polarization = 0 213 for ifo in ['G1','H1','H2','L1','T1','V1']: 214 f_plus[ifo],f_cross[ifo],_,_ = antenna.response(trigTime, ra, dec,\ 215 inclination, 216 polarization, 'degree', 217 ifo) 218 return f_plus,f_cross
219 220
221 -def get_f_resp(self):
222 """FIXME 223 """ 224 if'SimInspiral', str(self)): 225 ra = numpy.degrees(self.longitude) 226 dec = numpy.degrees(self.latitude) 227 t = self.get_time_geocent() 228 else: 229 ra = numpy.degrees(self.ra) 230 dec = numpy.degrees(self.dec) 231 t = self.get_end() 232 233 fplus, fcross = get_det_response(ra, dec, t) 234 return dict((ifo, fplus[ifo]**2 + fcross[ifo]**2) for ifo in fplus.keys())
235 236
237 -def append_process_params(xmldoc, args, version, date):
238 """Construct and append process and process_params tables to 239 ligolw.Document object xmldoc, using the given sys.argv variable 240 args and other parameters. 241 """ 242 xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(lsctables.New(lsctables.ProcessTable)) 243 xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild( 244 lsctables.New(lsctables.ProcessParamsTable)) 245 246 # build and seed process params 247 progName = args[0] 248 process = ligolw_process.append_process(xmldoc, program=progName, 249 version=version, cvs_repository='lscsoft', 250 cvs_entry_time=date) 251 params = [] 252 for i in range(len(args)): 253 p = args[i] 254 if not p.startswith('-'): 255 continue 256 v = '' 257 if i < len(sys.argv)-1: 258 v = sys.argv[i+1] 259 params.append( map( unicode, (p,'string',v) ) ) 260 261 ligolw_process.append_process_params(xmldoc,process,params) 262 263 return xmldoc
264 265
266 -def identify_bad_injections(log_dir):
267 files = glob.glob(os.path.join(log_dir,"*err")) 268 269 badInjs = [] 270 271 for file in files: 272 if os.stat(file)[6] != 0: 273 fp = open(file,"r") 274 conts = 275 if conts.find('terminated') != -1: 276 conts=conts.split('\n') 277 for line in conts: 278 line = line.split(' ') 279 line = [entry.replace(',','') for entry in line if entry] 280 if 'terminated' in line: 281 injDict = {} 282 injDict['mass1'] = float(line[6]) 283 injDict['mass2'] = float(line[8]) 284 injDict['spin1x'] = float(line[10]) 285 injDict['spin1y'] = float(line[12]) 286 injDict['spin1z'] = float(line[14]) 287 injDict['spin2x'] = float(line[16]) 288 injDict['spin2y'] = float(line[18]) 289 injDict['spin2z'] = float(line[20]) 290 if not injDict in badInjs: 291 badInjs.append(injDict) 292 return badInjs
293 294
295 -def remove_bad_injections(sims,badInjs):
296 new_sims = [] 297 for sim in sims: 298 for badInj in badInjs: 299 if ((abs(sim.mass1-badInj['mass1']) < 0.001) and 300 (abs(sim.mass2-badInj['mass2']) < 0.001) and 301 (abs(sim.spin1x-badInj['spin1x']) < 0.001) and 302 (abs(sim.spin1y-badInj['spin1y']) < 0.001) and 303 (abs(sim.spin1z-badInj['spin1z']) < 0.001) and 304 (abs(sim.spin2x-badInj['spin2x']) < 0.001) and 305 (abs(sim.spin2y-badInj['spin2y']) < 0.001) and 306 (abs(sim.spin2z-badInj['spin2z']) < 0.001)): 307 print("Removing injection:", sim.mass1, sim.mass2, sim.spin1x, 308 sim.spin1y, sim.spin1z, sim.spin2x, sim.spin2y, 309 sim.spin2z) 310 break 311 else: 312 new_sims.append(sim) 313 314 return new_sims
315 316
317 -def sim_inspiral_get_theta(self):
318 # conversion factor for the angular momentum 319 angmomfac = self.mass1 * self.mass2 * \ 320 numpy.power(LAL_PI * LAL_MTSUN_SI * (self.mass1 + self.mass2) * 321 self.f_lower, -1.0/3.0) 322 m1sq = self.mass1 * self.mass1 323 m2sq = self.mass2 * self.mass2 324 325 # compute the orbital angular momentum 326 L = numpy.zeros(3) 327 L[0] = angmomfac * numpy.sin(self.inclination) 328 L[1] = 0 329 L[2] = angmomfac * numpy.cos(self.inclination) 330 331 # compute the spins 332 S = numpy.zeros(3) 333 S[0] = m1sq * self.spin1x + m2sq * self.spin2x 334 S[1] = m1sq * self.spin1y + m2sq * self.spin2y 335 S[2] = m1sq * self.spin1z + m2sq * self.spin2z 336 337 # and finally the total angular momentum 338 J = L + S 339 340 theta = math.atan2(math.sqrt(J[0]*J[0] + J[1]*J[1]),J[2]) 341 if theta > math.pi/2.: 342 theta = math.pi - theta 343 344 if theta < 0 or theta > math.pi/2.: 345 raise Error("Theta is too big or too small") 346 347 return theta
348 349
350 -def apply_snr_veto(mi_table, snr=6.0, return_index=False):
351 """Veto events in a MultiInspiralTable based on their (coherent) SNR 352 value. 353 354 @param mi_table 355 a MultiInspiralTable from which to veto events 356 @param snr 357 the value of coherent SNR on which to threshold 358 @param return_index 359 boolean to return the index array of non-vetoed elements rather 360 than a new table containing the elements themselves 361 362 @returns 363 a new MultiInspiralTable with those events not vetoed OR 364 the indices of the original mi_table not vetoed if return_index=True 365 """ 366 mi_snr = numpy.asarray(mi_table.get_column("snr")) 367 keep = mi_snr >= snr 368 if return_index: 369 return keep 370 else: 371 out = table.new_from_template(mi_table) 372 out.extend(numpy.asarray(mi_table)[keep]) 373 return out
374 375
376 -def apply_chisq_veto(mi_table, snr=6.0, chisq_index=4.0, return_index=False):
377 """Veto events in a MultiInspiralTable based on their \f$\chi^2\f$ 378 re-weighted coherent SNR. 379 380 @param mi_table 381 a MultiInspiralTable from which to veto events 382 @param snr 383 the value of coherent new SNR on which to threshold 384 @param chisq_index 385 the index \f$\iota\f$ used in the newSNR calculation: 386 \f[\rho_{\mbox{new}} = 387 \frac{\rho}{\left[\frac{1}{2} 388 \left(1 + \left(\frac{\chi^2}{n_\mbox{dof}}\right)^{\iota/3} 389 \right)\right]^{1/\iota}} 390 \f] 391 @param return_index 392 boolean to return the index array of non-vetoed elements rather 393 than a new table containing the elements themselves 394 """ 395 new_snr = numpy.asarray(mi_table.get_new_snr(column="chisq")) 396 keep = new_snr >= snr 397 if return_index: 398 return keep 399 else: 400 out = table.new_from_template(mi_table) 401 out.extend(numpy.asarray(mi_table)[keep]) 402 return out
403 404
405 -def apply_bank_veto(mi_table, snr=6.0, chisq_index=4.0, return_index=False):
406 """Veto events in a MultiInspiralTable based on their bank chisq- 407 weighted (new) coherent SNR. 408 409 @param mi_table 410 a MultiInspiralTable from which to veto events 411 @param snr 412 the value of coherent new SNR on which to threshold 413 @param chisq_index 414 the index \f$\iota\f$ used in the newSNR calculation: 415 \f[\rho_{\mbox{new}} = 416 \frac{\rho}{\left[\frac{1}{2} 417 \left(1 + \left(\frac{\chi^2}{n_\mbox{dof}}\right)^{\iota/3} 418 \right)\right]^{1/\iota}} 419 \f] 420 @param return_index 421 boolean to return the index array of non-vetoed elements rather 422 than a new table containing the elements themselves 423 424 @returns 425 a new MultiInspiralTable with those events not vetoed OR 426 the indices of the original mi_table not vetoed if return_index=True 427 """ 428 bank_new_snr = numpy.asarray(mi_table.get_new_snr(column="bank_chisq")) 429 keep = bank_new_snr >= snr 430 if return_index: 431 return keep 432 else: 433 out = table.new_from_template(mi_table) 434 out.extend(numpy.asarray(mi_table)[keep]) 435 return out
436 437
438 -def apply_auto_veto(mi_table, snr=6.0, chisq_index=4.0, return_index=False):
439 """Veto events in a MultiInspiralTable based on their auto chisq- 440 weighted (new) coherent SNR. 441 442 @param mi_table 443 a MultiInspiralTable from which to veto events 444 @param snr 445 the value of coherent new SNR on which to threshold 446 @param chisq_index 447 the index \f$\iota\f$ used in the newSNR calculation: 448 \f[\rho_{\mbox{new}} = 449 \frac{\rho}{\left[\frac{1}{2} 450 \left(1 + \left(\frac{\chi^2}{n_\mbox{dof}}\right)^{\iota/3} 451 \right)\right]^{1/\iota}} 452 \f] 453 @param return_index 454 boolean to return the index array of non-vetoed elements rather 455 than a new table containing the elements themselves 456 457 @returns 458 a new MultiInspiralTable with those events not vetoed OR 459 the indices of the original mi_table not vetoed if return_index=True 460 """ 461 cont_new_snr = numpy.asarray(mi_table.get_new_snr(column="cont_chisq")) 462 keep = cont_new_snr >= snr 463 if return_index: 464 return keep 465 else: 466 out = table.new_from_template(mi_table) 467 out.extend(numpy.asarray(mi_table)[keep]) 468 return out
469 470
471 -def apply_sngl_snr_veto(mi_table, snrs=[4.0, 4.0], return_index=False):
472 """Veto events in a MultiInspiralTable based on their single-detector 473 snr in the most sensitive detectors. 474 475 @param mi_table 476 a MultiInspiralTable from which to veto events 477 @param snrs 478 an X-element list of single-detector SNRs on which to threshold 479 for the X most sensitive detectors (in sensitivity order) 480 @param return_index 481 boolean to return the index array of non-vetoed elements rather 482 than a new table containing the elements themselves 483 484 @returns 485 a new MultiInspiralTable with those events not vetoed OR 486 the indices of the original mi_table not vetoed if return_index=True 487 """ 488 if len(mi_table) == 0: 489 if return_index: 490 return numpy.zeros(0).astype(bool) 491 else: 492 return mi_table 493 # parse table 494 ifos = lsctables.instrument_set_from_ifos(mi_table[0].ifos) 495 if "H1" in ifos and "H2" in ifos: 496 ifos.remove("H2") 497 mi_sngl_snr = numpy.asarray([numpy.asarray(mi_table.get_sngl_snr(ifo)) 498 for ifo in ifos]) 499 if len(snrs) > len(ifos): 500 raise ValueError("%s single-detector thresholds given, but only %d " 501 "detectors found." % (len(snrs), len(ifos))) 502 # set snrs 503 snr_array = numpy.zeros(len(ifos)) 504 snr_array[:len(snrs)] = snrs 505 snr_array.sort() 506 507 # order sngl_snrs for each event 508 mi_sngl_snr.sort(axis=0) 509 510 # test thresholds 511 keep = (mi_sngl_snr.T > snr_array).all(axis=1) 512 if return_index: 513 return keep 514 else: 515 out = table.new_from_template(mi_table) 516 out.extend(numpy.asarray(mi_table)[keep]) 517 return out
518 519
520 -def apply_null_snr_veto(mi_table, null_snr=6.0, snr=20.0, grad=0.2,\ 521 return_index=False):
522 """Veto events in a MultiInspiralTable based on their null SNR. 523 524 @param mi_table 525 a MultiInspiralTable from which to veto events 526 @param null_snr 527 the value of null SNR on which to threshold 528 @param snr 529 the value of coherent SNR on above which to grade the null SNR 530 threshold 531 @param grad 532 the rate at which to increase the null SNR threshold above snr 533 @param return_index 534 boolean to return the index array of non-vetoed elements rather 535 than a new table containing the elements themselves 536 537 @returns 538 a new MultiInspiralTable with those events not vetoed OR 539 the indices of the original mi_table not vetoed if return_index=True 540 """ 541 mi_snr = mi_table.get_column("snr") 542 mi_null_snr = mi_table.get_null_snr() 543 # apply gradient to threshold for high SNR 544 null_thresh = numpy.ones(len(mi_table)) * null_snr 545 grade = mi_snr >= snr 546 null_thresh[grade] += (mi_snr[grade] - snr)*5.0 547 # apply veto 548 keep = mi_null_snr < null_thresh 549 if return_index: 550 return keep 551 else: 552 out = table.new_from_template(mi_table) 553 out.extend(numpy.asarray(mi_table)[keep]) 554 return out
556 -def veto(self, seglist, time_slide_table=None):
557 """Return a MultiInspiralTable with those row from self not lying 558 inside (i.e. not vetoed by) any elements of seglist. 559 560 If time_slide_table is not None, any time shifts will be undone and each 561 detector checked individually 562 """ 563 seglist = type(seglist)([type(seg)(*map(float, seg)) for seg in seglist]) 564 keep = table.new_from_template(self) 565 if time_slide_table: 566 slides = time_slide_table.as_dict() 567 for id_,vector in slides.iteritems(): 568 idx = str(id_).split(":")[-1] 569 slides["multi_inspiral:time_slide_id:%s" % idx] = vector 570 del slides[id_] 571 for row in self: 572 ifos = row.get_ifos() 573 for i,ifo in enumerate(ifos): 574 ifo_time = float(row.get_end() + 575 slides[str(row.time_slide_id)][ifo]) 576 if ifo_time in seglist: 577 i = -1 578 break 579 if i != -1: 580 keep.append(row) 581 else: 582 for row in self: 583 time = float(row.get_end()) 584 if time in seglist: 585 continue 586 else: 587 keep.append(row) 588 return keep
589 590
591 -def vetoed(self, seglist, time_slide_table=None):
592 """Return a MultiInspiralTable with those row from self lying 593 inside (i.e. vetoed by) any elements of seglist. 594 595 If time_slide_table is not None, any time shifts will be undone and each 596 detector checked individually 597 """ 598 seglist = type(seglist)(map(float, seglist)) 599 vetoed = table.new_from_template(self) 600 if time_slide_table: 601 slides = time_slide_table.as_dict() 602 for id_,vector in slides.iteritems(): 603 idx = str(id_).split(":")[-1] 604 slides["multi_inspiral:time_slide_id:%s" % idx] = vector 605 del slides[id_] 606 slides = get_slide_vectors(time_slide_table) 607 for row in self: 608 ifos = row.get_ifos() 609 for i,ifo in enumerate(ifos): 610 ifo_time = (float(row.get_end()) - 611 slides[str(row.time_slide_id)][ifo]) 612 if ifo_time in seglist: 613 vetoed.append(row) 614 break 615 else: 616 for row in self: 617 time = float(row.get_end()) 618 if time in seglist: 619 vetoed.append(row) 620 return vetoed