Package pylal :: Module KW_veto_getTriggers
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Module KW_veto_getTriggers

source code

%prog --trigger_files=Files [--segment_file=File | --gps_start_time=GPSTime --gps_end_time=GPSTime] [options]

Tomoki Isogai (

This program gets GPS time and SNR of GW triggers that fall into a specified segments above a given SNR threshold. Input file must be ligolw xml or ascii format. For ligolw xml files, the code deals with sngl_inspiral, sngl_ringdown or singl_burst table. For ascii files, it is assumed that the first column represents GPS time of triggers and the second column represents SNR. The code ignores any empty lines and lines starting with "#" or "%", and gives an error if more that two columns are found.

If --out_format is given, a file will be created for each channel with the name (start_time)_(end_time)_(SNR threshold)_GWtrigs.(specified extention) If --name_tag is given, (name_tag)_ will be added to the name as prefix. If --out_format is not given, the code prints out the result in stdout. You can specify --order_by to sort the output. Supported options are 'GPSTime asc' for ascending time, 'GPSTime desc' for descending time, 'SNR asc' for ascending SNR, and 'SNR desc' for descending SNR. Default is 'GPSTime asc'.

Version: 2.0

Date: 7/10/2009

Author: Tomoki Isogai <>

Functions [hide private]
Parse the options given on the command-line.
source code
get_trigs_txt(GWcursor, trigger_file, segs, min_thresh, tracker, verbose)
Read trigger data from text file.
source code
get_trigs_xml(GWcursor, trigger_file, segs, min_thresh, tracker, verbose)
Read trigger data from xml file that has ligolw xml format.
source code
get_trigs(trigger_files, segs, min_thresh, name_tag=None, scratch_dir=".", verbose=True)
prepare the SQL database and retrieve the triggers
source code
main() source code
Function Details [hide private]

get_trigs_txt(GWcursor, trigger_file, segs, min_thresh, tracker, verbose)

source code 

Read trigger data from text file. It is assumed that the first column is GPS time and the second is SNR.

get_trigs_xml(GWcursor, trigger_file, segs, min_thresh, tracker, verbose)

source code 

Read trigger data from xml file that has ligolw xml format. Many lines in this function are adapted from ligolw_print by Kipp Cannon and modified to suit the need.