Package pylal :: Module CoincInspiralUtils :: Class coincInspiralTable
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Class coincInspiralTable

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Table to hold coincident inspiral triggers. Coincidences are reconstructed by making use of the event_id contained in the sngl_inspiral table. The coinc is a dictionary with entries: event_id, numifos, stat, and each available IFO (G1, H1, etc.). The stat is set by default to the snrsq: the sum of the squares of the snrs of the individual triggers.

Nested Classes [hide private]
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, inspTriggers=None, stat=None) source code
__len__(self) source code
append(self, row) source code
extend(self, rows) source code
__getitem__(self, i)
Retrieve the value in this column in row i.
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getstat(self) source code
sort(self, descending=True)
Sort the list based on stat value default is to descending
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calculate_fap(self, stats, use_likelihood=False)
Calculates false alarm probability for each coinc using stats array.
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getslide(self, slide_num)
Return the triggers with a specific slide number.
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coincinclude(self, ifolist)
Return the coincs which have triggers from the ifos in ifolist.
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coinctype(self, ifolist)
Return the coincs which are from ifos.
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removecoinctype(self, ifolist)
Return the coincs which are NOT from the coinc type made from combining all the ifos in the ifolist.
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getsngls(self, ifo)
Return the sngls for a specific ifo.
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vetoed(self, seglist)
Returns a list of coincident triggers that are vetoed entirely by a segment of the segment list.
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cluster_core(self, cluster_window)
Return the clustered triggers, returning the one with the largest stat in each fixed cluster_window, exactly as in lalapps_coire (in package/tools/CoincInspiralUtils.c:XLALClusterCoincInspiralTable)
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cluster(self, cluster_window, numSlides=None)
New clustering method working the same way as the clustering method used in lalapps_coire (in package/tools/CoincInspiralUtils.c:XLALClusterCoincInspiralTable)
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add_sim_inspirals(self, sim_inspiral)
FIXME: We should really store the sim coincidence info in the event_id Method to add simulated injections to a list of coincs
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add_missed_sims(self, sim_inspiral)
Add missed sim inspirals to the list of coincs, set the stat = -1
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return_sim_inspirals(self, statistic=None, thresh=0)
Method to return the sim_inspiral table associated to the coincs.
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partition_by_stat(self, threshold)
Return (triggers with stat < threshold, triggers with stat == threshold, triggers with stat > threshold).
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getTotalMass(self, mLow, mHigh)
Return triggers with mLow <= mean total mass < mHigh
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getChirpMass(self, mLow, mHigh)
Return triggers with mLow <= mean chirp mass < mHigh
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getEThincaValues(self, ifos)
Return ethinca values for the coincidences
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getSimpleEThincaValues(self, ifos)
Return simple ethinca values for the coincidences of the ifo pair ifos.
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getTriggersInSegment(self, segment)
Return a new coincInspiralTable with triggers whose end_times lie within segment; always use alphabetically first ifo's end_time.
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, inspTriggers=None, stat=None)

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  • inspTriggers - a metaDataTable containing inspiral triggers from which to construct coincidences
  • stat - an instance of coincStatistic

calculate_fap(self, stats, use_likelihood=False)

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Calculates false alarm probability for each coinc using stats array.

  • stats - array of loudest statistics forund in each of the time slides

getslide(self, slide_num)

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Return the triggers with a specific slide number.

  • slide_num - the slide number to recover (contained in the event_id)

coincinclude(self, ifolist)

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Return the coincs which have triggers from the ifos in ifolist.

  • ifolist - a list of ifos

coinctype(self, ifolist)

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Return the coincs which are from ifos.

  • ifolist - a list of ifos

removecoinctype(self, ifolist)

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Return the coincs which are NOT from the coinc type made from combining all the ifos in the ifolist.

  • ifolist - a list of ifos

getsngls(self, ifo)

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Return the sngls for a specific ifo.

  • ifo - ifo for which to retrieve the single inspirals.

vetoed(self, seglist)

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Returns a list of coincident triggers that are vetoed entirely by a segment of the segment list. A coincident trigger is added to the list only if all triggers lie within a segment. If any trigger lies outside any segment, it is not added.

  • seglist - segment list used to veto coincidences

cluster_core(self, cluster_window)

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Return the clustered triggers, returning the one with the largest stat in each fixed cluster_window, exactly as in lalapps_coire (in package/tools/CoincInspiralUtils.c:XLALClusterCoincInspiralTable)

  • cluster_window - length of time over which to cluster (seconds)

cluster(self, cluster_window, numSlides=None)

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New clustering method working the same way as the clustering method used in lalapps_coire (in package/tools/CoincInspiralUtils.c:XLALClusterCoincInspiralTable)

  • cluster_window - length of time over which to cluster (seconds)
  • numSlides - number of slides if this are time-slide triggers

add_sim_inspirals(self, sim_inspiral)

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FIXME: We should really store the sim coincidence info in the event_id Method to add simulated injections to a list of coincs

  • sim_inspiral - a simInspiralTable

add_missed_sims(self, sim_inspiral)

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Add missed sim inspirals to the list of coincs, set the stat = -1

  • sim_inspiral - a simInspiralTable

return_sim_inspirals(self, statistic=None, thresh=0)

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Method to return the sim_inspiral table associated to the coincs. If thresh is specified, only return sims from those coincs whose stat exceeds thresh (or is under thresh if statistic == far).

  • statistic - the statistic to use
  • thresh - the threshold on the statistic

partition_by_stat(self, threshold)

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Return (triggers with stat < threshold, triggers with stat == threshold, triggers with stat > threshold).

The set of (stat == threshold) is of zero measure, but often, as when doing something like the loudest event statistic, the threshold is taken from a coinc in self.

getTotalMass(self, mLow, mHigh)

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Return triggers with mLow <= mean total mass < mHigh

  • mLow - a float
  • mHigh - a float

getChirpMass(self, mLow, mHigh)

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Return triggers with mLow <= mean chirp mass < mHigh

  • mLow - a float
  • mHigh - a float

getEThincaValues(self, ifos)

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Return ethinca values for the coincidences

  • ifos - a list of the 2 ifos

getSimpleEThincaValues(self, ifos)

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Return simple ethinca values for the coincidences of the ifo pair ifos.

For coincs that do not have both ifos specified, return 0.0.