Package pylal :: Module CoincInspiralUtils
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Source Code for Module pylal.CoincInspiralUtils

  1  import sys 
  2  from glue import segments 
  3  from glue.ligolw import ligolw 
  4  from glue.ligolw import table 
  5  from glue.ligolw import lsctables 
  6  from glue.ligolw import utils 
  7  from import XLALCalculateEThincaParameter 
  8  from pylal.xlal import date 
  9  from pylal.xlal.datatypes.ligotimegps import LIGOTimeGPS 
 10  import glue.iterutils 
 11  import numpy 
 12  import cmath 
 14  ######################################## 
 15  # the list of available IFOs comes up several times 
 16  ifos = ("G1", "H1", "H2", "L1", "T1", "V1") 
 18  ######################################## 
 19  # helper functions 
21 -class ExtractCoincInspiralTableLIGOLWContentHandler(ligolw.PartialLIGOLWContentHandler):
22 """ 23 LIGOLWContentHandler that will extract only the CoincInspiralTable from a document. 24 See glue.ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler help for more info. 25 """
26 - def __init__(self,document):
27 def filterfunc(name,attrs): 28 return name==ligolw.Table.tagName and attrs.has_key('Name') and table.Table.TableName(attrs.get('Name'))==lsctables.CoincInspiralTable.tableName
29 ligolw.PartialLIGOLWContentHandler.__init__(self,document,filterfunc)
30 31
32 -def get_ifo_combos(ifo_list):
33 ifo_combos = [] 34 for num_ifos in range(2, len(ifo_list) + 1): 35 ifo_combos.extend(list(glue.iterutils.choices(ifo_list, num_ifos))) 36 37 return ifo_combos
39 -def simpleEThinca(trigger1, trigger2):
40 """ 41 Return the e-thinca corresponding to the distance in parameter space between two inspiral triggers. 42 43 The average distance defined below is only an approximation to the true distance and is 44 valid whenever two triggers are nearby. The simplified version of 45 the e-thinca parameter is calculated based on that definition of the distance. 46 47 d_average=(1/2)[(Gamma(x1)_{ij}(x2-x1)^i(x2-x1)^j)^(1/2) + (Gamma(x2)_{ij}(x2-x1)^i(x2-x1)^j)^(1/2)] 48 then simple_ethinca= d_average^2/4 49 50 @param trigger1: is a single inspiral triggers. 51 @param trigger2: is a single inspiral triggers. 52 """ 53 dt = 0 54 dtau0 = trigger2.tau0-trigger1.tau0 55 dtau3 = trigger2.tau3-trigger1.tau3 56 57 dist1 = dt * (dt * trigger1.Gamma0 + dtau0 * trigger1.Gamma1 + dtau3 * trigger1.Gamma2) + \ 58 dtau0 * (dt * trigger1.Gamma1 + dtau0 * trigger1.Gamma3 + dtau3 * trigger1.Gamma4) + \ 59 dtau3 * (dt * trigger1.Gamma2 + dtau0 * trigger1.Gamma4 + dtau3 * trigger1.Gamma5) 60 61 dist2 = dt * (dt * trigger2.Gamma0 + dtau0 * trigger2.Gamma1 + dtau3 * trigger2.Gamma2) + \ 62 dtau0 * (dt * trigger2.Gamma1 + dtau0 * trigger2.Gamma3 + dtau3 * trigger2.Gamma4) + \ 63 dtau3 * (dt * trigger2.Gamma2 + dtau0 * trigger2.Gamma4 + dtau3 * trigger2.Gamma5) 64 65 average_distance = 0.5 * (numpy.sqrt(dist1) + numpy.sqrt(dist2)) 66 67 simple_ethinca = (average_distance * average_distance) / 4.0 68 69 return simple_ethinca
71 -def readCoincInspiralFromFiles(fileList,statistic=None):
72 """ 73 read in the Sngl and SimInspiralTables from a list of files 74 if Sngls are found, construct coincs, add injections (if any) 75 also return Sims (if any) 76 @param fileList: list of input files 77 @param statistic: instance of coincStatistic, to use in creating coincs 78 """ 79 if not fileList: 80 return coincInspiralTable(), None 81 82 if not (isinstance(statistic,coincStatistic)): 83 raise TypeError, "invalid statistic, must be coincStatistic" 84 85 sims = None 86 coincs = None 87 88 lsctables.use_in(ExtractCoincInspiralTableLIGOLWContentHandler) 89 for thisFile in fileList: 90 doc = utils.load_filename(thisFile, gz = (thisFile or "stdin").endswith(".gz"), contenthandler=ExtractCoincInspiralTableLIGOLWContentHandler) 91 # extract the sim inspiral table 92 try: 93 simInspiralTable = lsctables.SimInspiralTable.get_table(doc) 94 if sims: sims.extend(simInspiralTable) 95 else: sims = simInspiralTable 96 except: simInspiralTable = None 97 98 # extract the sngl inspiral table, construct coincs 99 try: snglInspiralTable = lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.get_table(doc) 100 except: snglInspiralTable = None 101 if snglInspiralTable: 102 coincFromFile = coincInspiralTable(snglInspiralTable,statistic) 103 if simInspiralTable: 104 coincFromFile.add_sim_inspirals(simInspiralTable) 105 if coincs: coincs.extend(coincFromFile) 106 else: coincs = coincFromFile 107 108 doc.unlink() 109 110 return coincs, sims
111 112 113 ########################################
114 -class coincStatistic:
115 """ 116 This class specifies the statistic to be used when dealing with coincident events. 117 It also contains parameter for such cases as the BBH bitten-L statistics. 118 """ 119 120 __slots__ = ["name","a","b","rsq","bl","eff_snr_denom_fac","new_snr_index"] 121
122 - def __init__(self, name, a=0, b=0, denom_fac=250.0, chisq_index=6.0):
123 124 self.a=a 125 self.b=b 126 self.rsq=0 127 128 self.eff_snr_denom_fac = denom_fac 129 self.new_snr_index = chisq_index
131 - def __str__(self):
132 return
134 - def get_bittenl(self, bl, snr ):
135 blx=self.a*snr-self.b 136 if bl==0: 137 return blx 138 else: 139 return min(bl, blx)
140 141 142 #######################################
143 -class coincInspiralTable:
144 """ 145 Table to hold coincident inspiral triggers. Coincidences are reconstructed 146 by making use of the event_id contained in the sngl_inspiral table. 147 The coinc is a dictionary with entries: event_id, numifos, stat, and 148 each available IFO (G1, H1, etc.). 149 The stat is set by default to the snrsq: the sum of the squares of the snrs 150 of the individual triggers. 151 """
152 - class row(object):
153 __slots__ = ["event_id", "numifos", "stat", "likelihood", 154 "sim", "rsq", "bl", "fap"] + list(ifos) 155
156 - def __init__(self, event_id, numifos = 0, stat = 0, likelihood = 0):
157 self.event_id = event_id 158 self.numifos = numifos 159 self.stat = stat 160 self.likelihood = likelihood 161 self.rsq=0 162 163 self.fap = 0.0
165 - def add_trig(self,trig,statistic):
166 # Coincidence IDs are intended to be unique. If there is a collision, 167 # multiple triggers from the same ifo can get mixed together. This is 168 # a serious problem. This won't detect all cases, but with more and 169 # more triggers being added, it becomes increasingly likely that 170 # we'll notice and halt the program. 171 assert not hasattr(self, trig.ifo), "Trying to add %s trigger to a"\ 172 " coincidence for the second time. Coincidence so far:\n%s"\ 173 "\n\nTrigger:\n%s" % (trig.ifo, dict([(x, getattr(self, x)) for x in \ 174 self.__slots__ if hasattr(self, x)]), trig.event_id) 175 176 self.numifos +=1 177 if == 'effective_snr': 178 self.stat = (self.stat**2 + trig.get_effective_snr(statistic.eff_snr_denom_fac)**2)**(1./2) 179 elif == 'new_snr': 180 self.stat = (self.stat**2 + trig.get_new_snr(statistic.new_snr_index)**2)**0.5 181 elif 'bitten_l' in 182 snr=trig.snr 183 self.rsq= (self.rsq**2 + snr**2)**(1./2) 184, snr ) 185 self.stat=min(, self.rsq ) 186 if == 'bitten_lsq' and self.numifos >2: 187 self.stat = self.rsq 188 elif 'far' == 189 self.stat = trig.get_far() 190 elif 'ifar' == 191 self.stat = trig.get_ifar() 192 elif 'lvS5stat' == 193 self.stat = trig.get_lvS5stat() 194 else: 195 self.stat = (self.stat**2 + getattr(trig,**2)**(1./2) 196 197 # sets the data for the single inspiral trigger 198 setattr(self,trig.ifo,trig)
200 - def add_sim(self,sim):
201 setattr(self,"sim",sim)
203 - def _get_ifo_set(self):
204 return set([ifo for ifo in ifos if hasattr(self, ifo)])
205 ifos = property(fget=_get_ifo_set) 206
207 - def _get_ifo_string(self):
208 return lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(self.ifos)
209 ifostring = property(fget=_get_ifo_string) 210
211 - def get_ifos(self):
212 ifo_string = "" 213 ifolist_in_coinc = [] 214 for ifo in ifos: 215 if hasattr(self,ifo): 216 ifo_string = ifo_string + ifo 217 ifolist_in_coinc.append(ifo) 218 219 return ifo_string, ifolist_in_coinc
221 - def _get_slide_num(self):
222 slide_num = (int(self.event_id) % 1000000000) // 100000 223 if slide_num > 5000: slide_num = 5000 - slide_num 224 return slide_num
225 slide_num = property(fget=_get_slide_num) 226
227 - def get_time( self ):
228 for ifo in ifos: 229 if hasattr(self,ifo): 230 return getattr(self, ifo).end_time+getattr(self, ifo).end_time_ns*1.0e-9 231 raise ValueError, "This coincident trigger does not contain any "\ 232 "single trigger. This should never happen."
234 - def get_gps_times( self ):
235 """ 236 Return a dictionary of the GPS times associated with each 237 trigger in the coincidence. The time is stored in LIGOTimeGPS format. 238 """ 239 gpstimes={} 240 for ifo in ifos: 241 if hasattr(self,ifo): 242 gpstimes[ifo]= LIGOTimeGPS(getattr(self, ifo).end_time, getattr(self, ifo).end_time_ns) 243 return gpstimes
245 - def __iter__(self):
246 """ 247 Return an iterator over the triggers in this coinc. 248 """ 249 for ifo in ifos: 250 if hasattr(self, ifo): 251 yield getattr(self, ifo)
253 - def __init__(self, inspTriggers = None, stat = None):
254 """ 255 @param inspTriggers: a metaDataTable containing inspiral triggers 256 from which to construct coincidences 257 @param stat: an instance of coincStatistic 258 """ 259 self.stat = stat 260 self.sngl_table = inspTriggers 261 self.sim_table = None 262 self.rows = [] 263 if inspTriggers is None: 264 return 265 266 # At present, coincidence is recorded by thinca by over-writing event_ids. 267 # The event_ids uniquely label coincidences now, rather than triggers. 268 row_dict = {} 269 unique_id_list = [] 270 for trig in inspTriggers: 271 event_id = trig.event_id 272 if event_id not in row_dict: 273 unique_id_list.append(event_id) 274 row_dict[event_id] = self.row(event_id) 275 row_dict[event_id].add_trig(trig, stat) 276 277 # make sure that there are at least two ifos in each coinc; restore order 278 pruned_rows = [row_dict[k] for k in unique_id_list \ 279 if row_dict[k].numifos > 1] 280 281 self.rows = pruned_rows
283 - def __len__(self):
284 return len(self.rows)
286 - def append(self,row):
287 self.rows.append(row)
289 - def extend(self,rows):
290 self.rows.extend(rows)
292 - def __getitem__(self, i):
293 """ 294 Retrieve the value in this column in row i. 295 """ 296 return self.rows[i]
298 - def getstat(self):
299 return numpy.array([c.stat for c in self.rows], dtype=float)
301 - def sort(self, descending = True):
302 """ 303 Sort the list based on stat value 304 default is to descending 305 """ 306 stat_list = [ (coinc.stat, coinc) for coinc in self.rows ] 307 stat_list.sort() 308 if descending: 309 stat_list.reverse() 310 self.rows = [coinc for (stat,coinc) in stat_list]
312 - def calculate_fap(self, stats, use_likelihood = False):
313 """ 314 Calculates false alarm probability for each coinc using stats array. 315 @param stats: array of loudest statistics forund in each of the time slides 316 """ 317 318 for coinc in self: 319 if not use_likelihood: 320 index = numpy.searchsorted(stats, coinc.stat) 321 if index == 0: 322 coinc.fap = 100.0 323 elif index == len(stats): 324 coinc.fap = 0.0 325 else: 326 coinc.fap = 100.0 * float((len(stats) - index)) /float(len(stats))
328 - def getslide(self, slide_num):
329 """ 330 Return the triggers with a specific slide number. 331 @param slide_num: the slide number to recover (contained in the event_id) 332 """ 333 slide_coincs = coincInspiralTable(stat=self.stat) 334 slide_coincs.sngl_table = self.sngl_table 335 slide_coincs.extend([c for c in self.rows if c.slide_num == slide_num]) 336 return slide_coincs
338 - def coincinclude(self, ifolist):
339 """ 340 Return the coincs which have triggers from the ifos in ifolist. 341 @param ifolist: a list of ifos 342 """ 343 selected_coincs = coincInspiralTable(stat=self.stat) 344 selected_coincs.sngl_table = self.sngl_table 345 for coinc in self: 346 keep_trig = True 347 for ifo in ifolist: 348 if hasattr(coinc,ifo) == False: 349 keep_trig = False 350 break 351 352 if keep_trig == True: 353 selected_coincs.append(coinc) 354 355 return selected_coincs
357 - def coinctype(self, ifolist):
358 """ 359 Return the coincs which are from ifos. 360 @param ifolist: a list of ifos 361 """ 362 coincs = self.coincinclude(ifolist) 363 selected_coincs = coincInspiralTable(stat=self.stat) 364 selected_coincs.sngl_table = self.sngl_table 365 for coinc in coincs: 366 if coinc.numifos == len(ifolist): 367 selected_coincs.append(coinc) 368 369 return selected_coincs
371 - def removecoinctype(self, ifolist):
372 """ 373 Return the coincs which are NOT from the coinc type made from combining all 374 the ifos in the ifolist. 375 @param ifolist: a list of ifos 376 """ 377 ifolist.sort() 378 selected_coincs = coincInspiralTable(stat=self.stat) 379 selected_coincs.sngl_table = self.sngl_table 380 for coinc in self: 381 thiscoinctype = coinc.get_ifos()[1] 382 thiscoinctype.sort() 383 if not (ifolist == thiscoinctype): 384 selected_coincs.append(coinc) 385 386 return selected_coincs
388 - def getsngls(self, ifo):
389 """ 390 Return the sngls for a specific ifo. 391 @param ifo: ifo for which to retrieve the single inspirals. 392 """ 393 from glue.ligolw import table 394 try: ifoTrigs = table.new_from_template(self.sngl_table) 395 except: ifoTrigs = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglInspiralTable) 396 for coinc in self: 397 if hasattr(coinc,ifo): 398 ifoTrigs.append(getattr(coinc,ifo)) 399 400 return ifoTrigs
402 - def vetoed(self, seglist):
403 """ 404 Returns a list of coincident triggers that are vetoed 405 entirely by a segment of the segment list. 406 A coincident trigger is added to the list only 407 if all triggers lie within a segment. If any 408 trigger lies outside any segment, it is not added. 409 @param seglist: segment list used to veto coincidences 410 """ 411 vetoed_coincs = coincInspiralTable(stat=self.stat) 412 413 # loop over all the coincident triggers 414 for coinc in self: 415 flagVeto = True 416 for ifo in ifos: 417 if hasattr(coinc, ifo): 418 # if any trigger is outside, do not add 419 if getattr(coinc,ifo).get_end() not in seglist: 420 flagVeto = False 421 break 422 423 # append to list of vetoed coincs if and only if 424 # all triggers lie within the seglist 425 if flagVeto: 426 vetoed_coincs.append( coinc ) 427 428 return vetoed_coincs
430 - def cluster_core(self, cluster_window):
431 """ 432 Return the clustered triggers, returning the one with the largest stat in 433 each fixed cluster_window, exactly as in lalapps_coire 434 (in package/tools/CoincInspiralUtils.c:XLALClusterCoincInspiralTable) 435 436 @param cluster_window: length of time over which to cluster (seconds) 437 """ 438 439 # first we need to time-sort the coincidences 440 stat_list = [ (coinc.get_time(), coinc) for coinc in self.rows ] 441 stat_list.sort() 442 self.rows = [coinc for (t,coinc) in stat_list] 443 444 # initialize some indices (could work with just one) 445 # but with two its easier to read 446 thisCoinc = 0 447 nextCoinc = 1 448 while nextCoinc<len(self.rows): 449 450 # get the time for both indices 451 thisTime = self.rows[thisCoinc].get_time() 452 nextTime = self.rows[nextCoinc].get_time() 453 454 # are the two coincs within the time-window? 455 if nextTime-thisTime<cluster_window: 456 457 # get the statistic values 458 thisStat = self.rows[thisCoinc].stat 459 nextStat = self.rows[nextCoinc].stat 460 461 # and remove the coinc which has the lower coinc value 462 if (nextStat>thisStat): 463 self.rows.pop(thisCoinc) 464 else: 465 self.rows.pop(nextCoinc) 466 467 else: 468 # the two coincidences are NOT in the time-window 469 # so must increase index 470 thisCoinc+=1 471 nextCoinc+=1
472 473
474 - def cluster(self, cluster_window, numSlides = None):
475 """ 476 New clustering method working the same way as the clustering method 477 used in lalapps_coire 478 (in package/tools/CoincInspiralUtils.c:XLALClusterCoincInspiralTable) 479 480 @param cluster_window: length of time over which to cluster (seconds) 481 @param numSlides: number of slides if this are time-slide triggers 482 """ 483 484 if not numSlides: 485 486 # just cluster them 487 self.cluster_core(cluster_window) 488 489 else: 490 # create a new coincInspiralTable 491 cluster = coincInspiralTable() 492 493 # need to cluster all triggers from each slide individually 494 for slide in range(-numSlides, numSlides+1): 495 496 # get the coincs belonging to slide 'slide' 497 slideCoinc = self.getslide( slide ) 498 499 # and cluster these 500 slideCoinc.cluster_core( cluster_window ) 501 502 # add the clustered coincs to 'cluster' 503 cluster.extend( slideCoinc ) 504 505 # replace the clustered triggers 506 self.rows = cluster.rows 507 508 # return this object itself 509 return self
510 511
512 - def add_sim_inspirals(self,sim_inspiral):
513 """ 514 FIXME: We should really store the sim coincidence info in the event_id 515 Method to add simulated injections to a list of coincs 516 517 @param sim_inspiral: a simInspiralTable 518 """ 519 self.sim_table = sim_inspiral 520 # check that the number of sims matches the number of coincs: 521 if len(self) != len(sim_inspiral): 522 raise ValueError, "Number of injections doesn't match number of coincs" 523 524 for i in range(len(self)): 525 self[i].add_sim(sim_inspiral[i])
526 527
528 - def add_missed_sims(self,sim_inspiral):
529 """ 530 Add missed sim inspirals to the list of coincs, set the stat = -1 531 @param sim_inspiral: a simInspiralTable 532 """ 533 for sim in sim_inspiral: 534 row = coincInspiralTable.row(-1,stat=-1) 535 row.add_sim(sim) 536 self.append(row)
538 - def return_sim_inspirals(self,statistic = None,thresh = 0):
539 """ 540 Method to return the sim_inspiral table associated to the coincs. 541 If thresh is specified, only return sims from those coincs whose stat 542 exceeds thresh (or is under thresh if statistic == far). 543 544 @param statistic: the statistic to use 545 @param thresh: the threshold on the statistic 546 """ 547 from glue.ligolw import table 548 try: simInspirals = table.new_from_template(self.sim_table) 549 except: simInspirals = lsctables.New(lsctables.SimInspiralTable) 550 for coinc in self: 551 if statistic == 'far': 552 if (hasattr(coinc,"sim")) and \ 553 (((coinc.stat <= thresh) and (coinc.stat >= 0)) or (thresh < 0)): 554 simInspirals.append(coinc.sim) 555 else: 556 if (hasattr(coinc,"sim")) and (coinc.stat >= thresh): 557 simInspirals.append(coinc.sim) 558 559 return simInspirals
561 - def partition_by_stat(self, threshold):
562 """ 563 Return (triggers with stat < threshold, 564 triggers with stat == threshold, 565 triggers with stat > threshold). 566 567 The set of (stat == threshold) is of zero measure, but often, as when 568 doing something like the loudest event statistic, the threshold is taken 569 from a coinc in self. 570 """ 571 stats = self.getstat() 572 573 lesser_coincs = coincInspiralTable(stat=self.stat) 574 lesser_coincs.extend([self[i] for i in (stats < threshold).nonzero()[0]]) 575 576 equal_coincs = coincInspiralTable(stat=self.stat) 577 equal_coincs.extend([self[i] for i in (stats == threshold).nonzero()[0]]) 578 579 greater_coincs = coincInspiralTable(stat=self.stat) 580 greater_coincs.extend([self[i] for i in (stats > threshold).nonzero()[0]]) 581 582 return lesser_coincs, equal_coincs, greater_coincs
584 - def getTotalMass(self,mLow,mHigh):
585 """ 586 Return triggers with mLow <= mean total mass < mHigh 587 @param mLow: a float 588 @param mHigh: a float 589 """ 590 triggers_in_mass_range = coincInspiralTable() 591 for coinc in self: 592 mass_numer = 0.0 593 mass_denom = float(coinc.numifos) 594 for ifo in ifos: 595 if hasattr(coinc,ifo): 596 mass_numer += getattr(coinc,ifo).mass1 + getattr(coinc,ifo).mass2 597 mean_total_mass = mass_numer / mass_denom 598 if (mean_total_mass >= mLow) and (mean_total_mass < mHigh): 599 triggers_in_mass_range.append(coinc) 600 601 return triggers_in_mass_range
603 - def getChirpMass(self,mLow,mHigh):
604 """ 605 Return triggers with mLow <= mean chirp mass < mHigh 606 @param mLow: a float 607 @param mHigh: a float 608 """ 609 triggers_in_mass_range = coincInspiralTable() 610 for coinc in self: 611 mass_numer = 0.0 612 mass_denom = float(coinc.numifos) 613 for ifo in ifos: 614 if hasattr(coinc,ifo): 615 mass_numer += getattr(coinc,ifo).mchirp 616 mean_total_mass = mass_numer / mass_denom 617 if (mean_total_mass >= mLow) and (mean_total_mass < mHigh): 618 triggers_in_mass_range.append(coinc) 619 620 return triggers_in_mass_range
622 - def getEThincaValues(self,ifos):
623 """ 624 Return ethinca values for the coincidences 625 @param ifos: a list of the 2 ifos 626 """ 627 ethinca = numpy.zeros(len(self), dtype=float) 628 for i,coinc in enumerate(self): 629 if hasattr(coinc, ifos[0]) and hasattr(coinc, ifos[1]): 630 try: 631 ethinca[i] = XLALCalculateEThincaParameter(getattr(coinc, ifos[0]), 632 getattr(coinc, ifos[1])) 633 except ValueError: 634 ethinca[i] = 2.0 635 636 return ethinca
638 - def getSimpleEThincaValues(self, ifos):
639 """ 640 Return simple ethinca values for the coincidences of the ifo pair ifos. 641 642 For coincs that do not have both ifos specified, return 0.0. 643 """ 644 ethinca = numpy.zeros(len(self), dtype=float) 645 for i,coinc in enumerate(self): 646 if hasattr(coinc, ifos[0]) and hasattr(coinc, ifos[1]): 647 ethinca[i] = simpleEThinca(getattr(coinc, ifos[0]), 648 getattr(coinc, ifos[1])) 649 return ethinca
651 - def getTriggersInSegment(self, segment):
652 """ 653 Return a new coincInspiralTable with triggers whose end_times lie within 654 segment; always use alphabetically first ifo's end_time. 655 """ 656 triggers_within_segment = coincInspiralTable(stat=self.stat) 657 658 for trig in self: 659 end_time = getattr(trig, trig.get_ifos()[1][0]).end_time 660 if end_time in segment: 661 triggers_within_segment.append(trig) 662 663 return triggers_within_segment