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Detailed Description

A file that contains the pipeparts module code.

Definition in file

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class  python.pipeparts.src_deferred_link
 A class that manages the task of watching for and connecting to new source pads by name. More...
class  python.pipeparts.framecpp_channeldemux_set_units
class  python.pipeparts.framecpp_channeldemux_check_segments
class  python.pipeparts.AppSync


namespace  python.pipeparts
 pipeparts module


def python.pipeparts.mkgeneric
def python.pipeparts.framecpp_filesink_ldas_path_handler
def python.pipeparts.framecpp_filesink_cache_entry_from_mfs_message
def python.pipeparts.mkchannelgram
def python.pipeparts.mkspectrumplot
def python.pipeparts.mkhistogram
def python.pipeparts.mksegmentsrc
 Adds a lal_segmentsrc element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mklalcachesrc
 Adds a lal_cachesrc element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mklvshmsrc
def python.pipeparts.mkframexmitsrc
def python.pipeparts.mkigwdparse
def python.pipeparts.mkuridecodebin
 Adds a uridecodebin element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkframecppchanneldemux
def python.pipeparts.mkframecppchannelmux
def python.pipeparts.mkframecppfilesink
def python.pipeparts.mkmultifilesink
 Adds a multifilesink element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkndssrc
def python.pipeparts.mkcapsfilter
 Adds a capsfilter element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkcapssetter
 Adds a capssetter element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkstatevector
 Adds a lal_statevector element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mktaginject
 Adds a taginject element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkaudiotestsrc
 Adds a audiotestsrc element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkfakesrc
 see documentation for mktaginject() mkcapsfilter() and mkaudiotestsrc()
def python.pipeparts.mkfirfilter
 Adds a audiofirfilter element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkiirfilter
 Adds a audioiirfilter element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkshift
 Adds a lal_shift element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkfakeLIGOsrc
def python.pipeparts.mkfakeadvLIGOsrc
def python.pipeparts.mkfakeadvvirgosrc
def python.pipeparts.mkprogressreport
 Adds a progress_report element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkinjections
 Adds a lal_simulation element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkaudiochebband
 Adds a audiochebband element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkaudiocheblimit
 Adds a audiocheblimit element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkaudioamplify
 Adds a audioamplify element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkaudioundersample
 Adds a lal_audioundersample element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkresample
 Adds a audioresample element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkinterpolator
 Adds a lal_interpolator element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkwhiten
 Adds a lal_whiten element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mktee
 Adds a tee element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkadder
 Adds a lal_adder element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkqueue
 Adds a queue element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkdrop
 Adds a lal_whiten element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mknofakedisconts
 Adds a lal_nofakedisconts element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkfirbank
 Adds a lal_firbank element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkiirbank
def python.pipeparts.mkcudaiirbank
def python.pipeparts.mkcudamultiratespiir
def python.pipeparts.mktrim
def python.pipeparts.mkmean
def python.pipeparts.mkabs
def python.pipeparts.mkpow
def python.pipeparts.mkreblock
 Adds a lal_reblock element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mksumsquares
 Adds a lal_sumsquares element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkgate
 Adds a lal_gate element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkbitvectorgen
def python.pipeparts.mkmatrixmixer
 Adds a lal_matrixmixer element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mktogglecomplex
 Adds a lal_togglecomplex element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkautochisq
 Adds a lal_autochisq element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkfakesink
 Adds a fakesink element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkfilesink
 Adds a filesink element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mknxydumpsink
 Adds a lal_nxydump element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mknxydumpsinktee
def python.pipeparts.mkblcbctriggergen
def python.pipeparts.mktriggergen
def python.pipeparts.mktriggerxmlwritersink
def python.pipeparts.mkwavenc
 Adds a wavenc element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkvorbisenc
 Adds a vorbisenc element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkcolorspace
def python.pipeparts.mktheoraenc
def python.pipeparts.mkmpeg4enc
def python.pipeparts.mkoggmux
def python.pipeparts.mkavimux
def python.pipeparts.mkaudioconvert
 Adds a audioconvert element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkaudiorate
 Adds a audiorate element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkflacenc
 Adds a flacenc element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkogmvideosink
def python.pipeparts.mkvideosink
def python.pipeparts.mkautoaudiosink
 Adds a autoaudiosink element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkplaybacksink
def python.pipeparts.mkappsink
 Adds a appsink element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.connect_appsink_dump_dot
def python.pipeparts.mkchecktimestamps
def python.pipeparts.mkpeak
 Adds a lal_peak element to a pipeline with useful default properties.
def python.pipeparts.mkitac
def python.pipeparts.mklhocoherentnull
def python.pipeparts.mkcomputegamma
def python.pipeparts.mkbursttriggergen
def python.pipeparts.mkodctodqv
def python.pipeparts.mktcpserversink
def python.pipeparts.audioresample_variance_gain
def python.pipeparts.write_dump_dot


string python.pipeparts.__author__ = "Kipp Cannon <>, Chad Hanna <>, Drew Keppel <>"
string python.pipeparts.__version__ = "FIXME"
string python.pipeparts.__date__ = "FIXME"