
Misc — Collection of miscellaneous utility functions.


#include <gstlal/gstlal.h>

#define             G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS
REAL8TimeSeries *   gstlal_REAL8TimeSeries_from_buffer  (GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         const char *instrument,
                                                         const char *channel_name,
                                                         const char *units);
char *              gstlal_build_full_channel_name      (const char *instrument,
                                                         const char *channel_name);
GstDateTime *       gstlal_datetime_new_from_gps        (GstClockTime gps);
gdouble *           gstlal_doubles_from_g_value_array   (GValueArray *va,
                                                         gdouble *dest,
                                                         gint *n);
void                gstlal_fftw_lock                    (void);
void                gstlal_fftw_unlock                  (void);
GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_doubles   (const gdouble *src,
                                                         gint n);
GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_matrix
                                                        (const gsl_matrix *matrix);
GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_matrix_complex
                                                        (const gsl_matrix_complex *matrix);
GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_matrix_int
                                                        (const gsl_matrix_int *matrix);
GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_matrix_ulong
                                                        (const gsl_matrix_ulong *matrix);
GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_vector
                                                        (const gsl_vector *vector);
GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_vector_complex
                                                        (const gsl_vector_complex *vector);
GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_vector_int
                                                        (const gsl_vector_int *vector);
GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_ints      (const gint *src,
                                                         gint n);
GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_uint64s   (const guint64 *src,
                                                         gint n);
gsl_matrix_complex * gstlal_gsl_matrix_complex_from_g_value_array
                                                        (GValueArray *va);
gsl_matrix *        gstlal_gsl_matrix_from_g_value_array
                                                        (GValueArray *va);
gsl_matrix_int *    gstlal_gsl_matrix_int_from_g_value_array
                                                        (GValueArray *va);
gsl_matrix_ulong *  gstlal_gsl_matrix_ulong_from_g_value_array
                                                        (GValueArray *va);
gsl_vector_complex * gstlal_gsl_vector_complex_from_g_value_array
                                                        (GValueArray *va);
gsl_vector *        gstlal_gsl_vector_from_g_value_array
                                                        (GValueArray *va);
gsl_vector_int *    gstlal_gsl_vector_int_from_g_value_array
                                                        (GValueArray *va);
gint *              gstlal_ints_from_g_value_array      (GValueArray *va,
                                                         gint *dest,
                                                         gint *n);
LALUnit             gstlal_lalStrainPerADCCount         (void);
LALUnit             gstlal_lalUnitSquaredPerHertz       (LALUnit unit);
void                gstlal_load_fftw_wisdom             (void);
guint64 *           gstlal_uint64s_from_g_value_array   (GValueArray *va,
                                                         guint64 *dest,
                                                         gint *n);





gstlal_REAL8TimeSeries_from_buffer ()

REAL8TimeSeries *   gstlal_REAL8TimeSeries_from_buffer  (GstBuffer *buf,
                                                         const char *instrument,
                                                         const char *channel_name,
                                                         const char *units);

Wrap a GstBuffer in a REAL8TimeSeries. The time series's data->data pointer points to the GstBuffer's own data, so this pointer must not be free()ed --- it must be set to NULL before passing the time series to XLALDestroyREAL8TimeSeries(). Only GstBuffers containing single-channel time series data are supported. The instrument and channel_name are used to build the REAL8TimeSeries' name using gstlal_build_full_channel_name().

Example 1. Create a REAL8TimeSeries and free it

REAL8TimeSeries *series;

series = gstlal_REAL8TimeSeries_from_buffer(buf, "H1", "LSC-STRAIN", "strain");


series->data->data = NULL;

buf :

the GstBuffer to wrap

instrument :

name of the instrument, e.g., "H1", or NULL

channel_name :

name of the channel, e.g., "LSC-STRAIN", or NULL

units :

string describing the units, parsable by XLALParseUnitString()

Returns :

newly-allocated REAL8TimeSeries. Free with XLALDestroyREAL8TimeSeries() after setting the internal data->data pointer to NULL.

gstlal_build_full_channel_name ()

char *              gstlal_build_full_channel_name      (const char *instrument,
                                                         const char *channel_name);

Prefix a channel name with the instrument name. I.e., turn "H1" and "LSC-STRAIN" into "H1:LSC-STRAIN". If either instrument or channel_name is NULL, then the corresponding part of the result is left blank and the colon is omited. If both are NULL an empty string is returned.

instrument :

name of instrument (e.g., "H1") or NULL

channel_name :

name of channel (e.g., "LSC-STRAIN") or NULL

Returns :

newly-allocated string on succes, NULL on failure. Free with g_free().

gstlal_datetime_new_from_gps ()

GstDateTime *       gstlal_datetime_new_from_gps        (GstClockTime gps);

Converts a GstClockTime containing a GPS time (in integer nanoseconds) to a GstDateTime object representing the same time.

gps :

GPS time

Returns :

newly-allocated GstDateTime. Use gst_date_time_unref() to free.

gstlal_doubles_from_g_value_array ()

gdouble *           gstlal_doubles_from_g_value_array   (GValueArray *va,
                                                         gdouble *dest,
                                                         gint *n);

Convert a GValueArray of doubles to an array of doubles. If dest is NULL then new memory will be allocated otherwise the doubles are copied into the memory pointed to by dest, which must be large enough to hold them. If memory is allocated by this function, free with g_free(). If n is not NULL it is set to the number of elements in the array.

va :

the GValueArray from which to copy the elements

dest :

address of memory large enough to hold elements, or NULL

n :

address of integer that will be set to the number of elements, or NULL

Returns :

dest or the address of the newly-allocated memory on success, or NULL on failure.

gstlal_fftw_lock ()

void                gstlal_fftw_lock                    (void);

Aquire the lock to protect the global shared state in the FFTW wisdom. This function also aquires LAL's FFTW wisdom lock if that lock is available. In the future, GstLAL will loose its mutex and rely exclusively on LAL's lock when LAL has one unconditionally.

See also: gstlal_fftw_unlock()

gstlal_fftw_unlock ()

void                gstlal_fftw_unlock                  (void);

Release the lock to protect the global shared state in the FFTW wisdom. This function also releases LAL's FFTW wisdom lock if that lock is available. In the future, GstLAL will loose its mutex and rely exclusively on LAL's lock when LAL has one unconditionally.

See also: gstlal_fftw_lock()

gstlal_g_value_array_from_doubles ()

GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_doubles   (const gdouble *src,
                                                         gint n);

Build a GValueArray from an array of doubles.

src :

start of array

n :

number of elements in array

Returns :

newly-allocated GValueArray object or NULL on failure.

gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_matrix ()

GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_matrix
                                                        (const gsl_matrix *matrix);

Build a GValueArray of GValueArrays of doubles from a gsl_matrix.

matrix :

a gsl_matrix

Returns :

the newly-allocated GValueArray of newly-allocated GValueArrays of doubles or NULL on failure.

gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_matrix_complex ()

GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_matrix_complex
                                                        (const gsl_matrix_complex *matrix);

Build a GValueArray of GValueArrays of doubles from a gsl_matrix_complex. The complex numbers are packed into the doubles as real,imag,real,imag,...

matrix :

a gsl_matrix_complex

Returns :

the newly-allocated GValueArray of newly-allocated GValueArrays of doubles or NULL on failure.

gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_matrix_int ()

GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_matrix_int
                                                        (const gsl_matrix_int *matrix);

Build a GValueArray of GValueArrays of ints from a gsl_matrix_int.

matrix :

a gsl_matrix_int

Returns :

the newl-allocated GValueArray of newly-allocated GValueArrays of ints or NULL on failure.

gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_matrix_ulong ()

GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_matrix_ulong
                                                        (const gsl_matrix_ulong *matrix);

Build a GValueArray of GValueArrays of guin64 from a gsl_matrix_ulong.

matrix :

a gsl_matrix_ulong

Returns :

the newly-allocated GValueArray of newly-allocated GValueArrays of guint64s or NULL on failure.

gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_vector ()

GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_vector
                                                        (const gsl_vector *vector);

Build a GValueArray of doubles from a gsl_vector.

vector :


Returns :

the newly-allocated GValueArray of doubles or NULL on failure.

gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_vector_complex ()

GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_vector_complex
                                                        (const gsl_vector_complex *vector);

Build a GValueArray of doubles from a gsl_vector_complex. The complex numbers are packed into the result as real,imag,real,imag,...

vector :


Returns :

the newly-allocated GValueArray of doubles or NULL on failure.

gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_vector_int ()

GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_gsl_vector_int
                                                        (const gsl_vector_int *vector);

Build a GValueArray of ints from a gsl_vector_int.

vector :


Returns :

the newly-allocated GValueArray of ints or NULL on failure.

gstlal_g_value_array_from_ints ()

GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_ints      (const gint *src,
                                                         gint n);

Build a GValueArray from an array of ints.

src :

start of array

n :

number of elements in array

Returns :

newly-allocated GValueArray object or NULL on failure.

gstlal_g_value_array_from_uint64s ()

GValueArray *       gstlal_g_value_array_from_uint64s   (const guint64 *src,
                                                         gint n);

Build a GValueArray from an array of guint64.

src :

start of array

n :

number of elements in array

Returns :

newly-allocated GValueArray object or NULL on failure.

gstlal_gsl_matrix_complex_from_g_value_array ()

gsl_matrix_complex * gstlal_gsl_matrix_complex_from_g_value_array
                                                        (GValueArray *va);

Build a gsl_matrix_complex from a GValueArray of GValueArrays of doubles. The complex numbers are unpacked from the doubles as real,imag,real,imag,...

va :

GValueArray of GValueArrays of doubles

Returns :

the newly-allocated gsl_matrix_complex or NULL on failure.

gstlal_gsl_matrix_from_g_value_array ()

gsl_matrix *        gstlal_gsl_matrix_from_g_value_array
                                                        (GValueArray *va);

Build a gsl_matrix from a GValueArray of GValueArrays of doubles.

va :

GValueArray of GValueArrays of double

Returns :

the newly-allocated gsl_matrix or NULL on failure.

gstlal_gsl_matrix_int_from_g_value_array ()

gsl_matrix_int *    gstlal_gsl_matrix_int_from_g_value_array
                                                        (GValueArray *va);

Build a gsl_matrix_int from a GValueArray of GValueArrays of ints.

va :

GValueArray of GValueArrays of ints

Returns :

the newly-allocated gsl_matrix_int or NULL on failure.

gstlal_gsl_matrix_ulong_from_g_value_array ()

gsl_matrix_ulong *  gstlal_gsl_matrix_ulong_from_g_value_array
                                                        (GValueArray *va);

Build a gsl_matrix_ulong from a GValueArray of GValueArrays of guint64.

va :

GValueArray of GValueArrays of guint64

Returns :

the newly-allocated gsl_matrix_ulong or NULL on failure.

gstlal_gsl_vector_complex_from_g_value_array ()

gsl_vector_complex * gstlal_gsl_vector_complex_from_g_value_array
                                                        (GValueArray *va);

Build a gsl_vector_complex from a GValueArray of doubles packed as real,imag,real,imag,...

va :

GValueArray of doubles (two elements per complex number)

Returns :

the newly-allocated gsl_vector_complex or NULL on failure.

gstlal_gsl_vector_from_g_value_array ()

gsl_vector *        gstlal_gsl_vector_from_g_value_array
                                                        (GValueArray *va);

Build a gsl_vector from a GValueArray of doubles.

va :

GValueArray of doubles

Returns :

the newly-allocated gsl_vector or NULL on failure.

gstlal_gsl_vector_int_from_g_value_array ()

gsl_vector_int *    gstlal_gsl_vector_int_from_g_value_array
                                                        (GValueArray *va);

Build a gsl_vector_int from a GValueArray of ints.

va :

GValueArray of ints

Returns :

the newly-allocated gsl_vector_int or NULL on failure.

gstlal_ints_from_g_value_array ()

gint *              gstlal_ints_from_g_value_array      (GValueArray *va,
                                                         gint *dest,
                                                         gint *n);

Convert a GValueArray of ints to an array of ints. If dest is NULL then new memory will be allocated otherwise the ints are copied into the memory pointed to by dest, which must be large enough to hold them. If memory is allocated by this function, free with g_free(). If n is not NULL it is set to the number of elements in the array.

va :

the GValueArray from which to copy the elements

dest :

address of memory large enough to hold elements, or NULL

n :

address of integer that will be set to the number of elements, or NULL

Returns :

dest or the address of the newly-allocated memory on success, or NULL on failure.

gstlal_lalStrainPerADCCount ()

LALUnit             gstlal_lalStrainPerADCCount         (void);

Returns :

LALUnit equal to "strain / ADC count".

gstlal_lalUnitSquaredPerHertz ()

LALUnit             gstlal_lalUnitSquaredPerHertz       (LALUnit unit);

Returns :

LALUnit equal to "units^2 / Hz".

gstlal_load_fftw_wisdom ()

void                gstlal_load_fftw_wisdom             (void);

Attempt to load double-precision and single-precision FFTW wisdom files. The names for these files are taken from the environment variables GSTLAL_FFTW_WISDOM and GSTLAL_FFTWF_WISDOM, respectively, or if one or the other isn't set then the respective FFTW default is used. This function acquires and releases the GstLAL FFTW locks and is thread-safe.

gstlal_uint64s_from_g_value_array ()

guint64 *           gstlal_uint64s_from_g_value_array   (GValueArray *va,
                                                         guint64 *dest,
                                                         gint *n);

Convert a GValueArray of guint64 to an array of guint64. If dest is NULL then new memory will be allocated otherwise the doubles are copied into the memory pointed to by dest, which must be large enough to hold them. If memory is allocated by this function, free with g_free(). If n is not NULL it is set to the number of elements in the array.

va :

the GValueArray from which to copy the elements

dest :

address of memory large enough to hold elements, or NULL

n :

address of integer that will be set to the number of elements, or NULL

Returns :

dest or the address of the newly-allocated memory on success, or NULL on failure.